Tuesday, July 2, 2024

AI 242


AI 241


AI 240


AI 239


It all started when ...chapter 3

 It All Started When...

Chapter 3

"I'd be happy to help her... recover," Brooke murmured, pure sexual desire darkening her eyes. "In fact, I've got some ideas about... how we could make her feel even better."

My penis hardened at the thought, and I leaned in, my lips brushing against Brooke's ear.

"Like what?" I whispered, my fingers tracing patterns on her inner thigh.

"Forget about Zoe for now, do you remember when I broke my ankle at your birthday party in college...before my car accident trying to walk in those crazy stilettos heels?"

My fingers absentmindedly rubbed her crippled leg, I was back at that bar "Yes I remember Brooke, you tried to dance on your broken ankle and it buckled under you"

Brooke's eyes lit up at the memory of the pain she felt. "Yes I felt so sexy and desirable, with a broken ankle unable to walk without crutches."

I moaned, unable to stop the precum from dropping. "I couldn't keep my hands off you when you were in that cast for 6 weeks"

"I remember the first night in my bedroom. It was so hot, having you touch me and make love to me, even though I was injured, in pain and in a leg cast." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"I bet Zoe would get wet like I did being in a cast." Brooke moaned softly, her hips shifting in her wheelchair. " Imagine Nathan when I will kiss her leg right above her cast. I will worship her broken ankle, just like you couldn't get enough of me."

I kissed her neck, I positioned myself between her legs, ripping her pantyhose. Brooke moaned as I entered her, still slightly sensitive, I began to move, my hips thrusting as I filled her completely.

"I love you, Brooke."

In the days that follow, my conversations with Zoe deepen. We move beyond surface topics and delve into our passions, dreams, and personal fetishes. It's during these shared moments that I realize there's something special brewing between us, something that goes beyond my initial fascination.

One afternoon, as Zoe and I sat at our usual table in the coffee shop, I leaned over, lifted her injured ankle and placed it on a spare chair.

"I've always loved hiking. There's something about being in nature that's so rejuvenating and yet very dangerous when alone."

From the corner of my eyes, I admire Zoe's lovely long legs and even more her sprained ankle wrapped in ace bandages. The vulnerability of her injury makes her all the more attractive. To my surprise and hers I leaned over and gently lifted her injured ankle, placing it on my lap.

"Tell me, how did you break your ankle hiking?" Zoe looks down at her sprained ankle and smiles.

"I was on this trail up in the mountains all alone. It was one of those perfect days, clear skies, a slight breeze. I'd been hiking for hours when I decided to take a detour on a less-travelled path."

She shifts slightly, adjusting the crutches resting against the table, she would never admit to that but she loved the feel of the smooth aluminium crutches. "I guess I wasn't as careful as I should have been Nathan. My foot slipped, and I landed awkwardly on my bent ankle. I heard a snap and instantly knew something was very wrong."

I wince in sympathy, my hand instinctively brushing over the ace bandage and slightly squeezed it. "That sounds painful. How did you manage to get help?"

"The pain was intense, and I could barely move my foot and ankle. I found some sturdy branches nearby and used my scarf to create a makeshift splint. It wasn't perfect, but it stabilized my broken ankle enough for me to hobble back on my good foot to the main trail to get help."

I wanted to lift Zoe on her good foot, and pin her against the wall, my lips crashing onto hers. Our tongues danced together, exploring each other's mouths with a fierce hunger. I trailed kisses down her long neck, nibbling on her earlobe and making her moan. She arched her back, pressing her lovely chest against me while cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples through her shirt. I...

"Nathan, Nathan are you OK?"

"I'm so sorry, yes I'm OK. I guess I was on that mountain with you. Would you like to join Brooke and I for dinner sometime?"

Zoe looks up, surprise and curiosity flickering in her eyes. "Really? I'd love to, Nathan. Thank you for the invitation."

"It's my pleasure," I reply, relief flooding through me. "Brooke will be thrilled to meet you. She's been curious about the person who's been keeping me so engaged in conversation lately."

Zoe laughs, a musical sound that warms my heart. "I'm looking forward to it. When were you thinking?"

"How about this Saturday?" I suggest, eager to bring these two important women in my life together.

"That works for me," Zoe agrees with a smile.


The prospect of Zoe meeting Brooke fills me with joy, and I couldn't wait to see how their interactions unfold. Little did I know that... You'll see.

The next morning I couldn't ignore the way she gingerly navigated her crutches, her ankle still clearly causing her serious pain now. After I ordered my usual coffee, I noticed she was alone at the counter, rearranging some pastries. The café was relatively empty, and it felt like the perfect opportunity to address my growing concern.

"Hey, Zoe," I began, leaning casually. "It's been a while since you hurt it, it must be starting to get better?"

Zoe sighed and gave me a smile. "Yeah, but still pretty painful. I think I might have overdone it a few times trying to get back to normal too quickly."

I nodded sympathetically. "That's understandable. High ankle sprain can take a long time to heal properly, especially if you're on your feet a lot. A doctor once explained to me that this type of sprain can be worse than a break"

Zoe's expression grew more serious as she looked down at her foot. "I know. I've been trying to be careful, but it's hard with work and school. I just don't have the time to rest as much as I should."

"Have you considered getting a cast?"

She looked up at me, surprised. "A cast? You mean like for a medical leg cast?"

I nodded. "Exactly. Sometimes, for a bad sprain, a cast can help stabilize the injury and allow it to heal more effectively. Plus, it might make it easier for you to get around without worrying about aggravating the injury." And I added without saying it you would look amazing in a leg cast, walking towards me naked on your crutches...but I didn't say that..

There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "You really think it would help?"

"I do, and I'd be more than happy to help you arrange it. I know a few good orthopaedics who could take care of it for you. Plus, if it means you'll heal properly and be in less pain, I think it's worth considering."

Zoe smiled,"Thank you, Nathan. I really appreciate the offer. It's been so frustrating trying to get through this on my own."

The next morning, as I walked into the coffee shop, she looked up and gave me a bright smile, which was always the highlight of my morning.

"How's the ankle today?" She sighed, leaning slightly on the counter. "Honestly, it's not great. I've been thinking a lot about what you said yesterday, so I've decided to go for it. I'll get a cast."

I couldn't hide my relief and excitement. "That's great to hear, Zoe. I'm sure it'll help a lot."

She laughed lightly, smiling like the devil's daughter. She grabbed her crutches, positioned them under her arms brushing against her breasts. She walked around the counter to me with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"You know, if I'm going to do this, I might as well have a little fun with it. How about a pretty pink cast? Something that stands out." She said and she kissed me on the lips. Her bandaged lower leg rubbed against my own leg creating an instant reaction... I wanted her so bad.

It All Started When...
Chapter 4 to come

AI 238


Clip 579 Broken ankle, cast, crutches SLC