Saturday, August 3, 2024

Ai 370


AI 369


Karine AI 30 video Broken leg, ankle, LLC, SLC, cast, crutches,

AI 368


A Unique Proposal conclusion

 A Unique Proposal


After Ava left, I found myself alone in the mansion, the silence almost deafening. I move on my crutches to the large window overlooking the garden and let my thoughts drift back over the past ten days.

Ava's presence had brought a whirlwind of emotions and experiences into my life. From the moment she arrived, uncertain and nervous, to the confident woman who walked out the door today, she had been a catalyst for change.

Ava returned to her life with Mark, but the transition was anything but smooth. The experiences of the past ten days lingered in her mind, causing her to question the life she once knew. She found herself reminiscing about the moments of freedom and exploration she had shared with me, her heart torn between the comfort of familiarity in her marriage and the thrill of the new with me.

One evening, Ava prepared for a formal event with Mark, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She chose a stunning black dress that looked amazing on her, the rich fabric shimmering under the soft light. Her long, toned legs were accentuated by a pair of elegant Italian high heels, the kind that added inches to her height and a confident sway to her stride. Her hair was tied up, and she wore just a touch of makeup.

As she descended the grand staircase, her thoughts were consumed by memories of our time together. She missed the freedom, the exploration, and the deep connection we had shared. Distracted, she misjudged a step. Her right ankle twisted sharply, the stiletto heel failing to support her weight. A sharp, searing pain shot through her leg, and she let out a cry as she tumbled to the ground. For a split second, she thought she heard a cracking sound, and panic set in.

Mark rushed to her side, his face etched with concern. "Ava, are you okay?" Clutching her ankle, Ava winced, trying to hold back tears. "I think I broke it, Mark. OMG I can't believe I broke my ankle"

Mark helped her to the couch, his hands trembled as he gently examined her ankle. "It's probably just a sprain," he said, trying to sound reassuring, though his voice betrayed his worry.

"I'll take you to the ER to see a doctor."

Ava winced as she tried to move foot and ankle. "I can't put any weight on it, It hurts too much."

Mark nodded, his face pale with concern. He carefully lifted her, one arm around her back and the other under her knees, carrying her to the car. Ava clung to him, her face contorted with pain each time her ankle shifted even slightly. He gently placed her in the passenger seat, ensuring she was comfortable before quickly getting behind the wheel.

At the hospital, Mark parked as close as he could to the entrance. He hurried inside and soon returned with a wheelchair. Ava tried to smile through her pain as he helped her into it, her injured ankle carefully propped up. The ride to the ER felt like an eternity, every bump in the corridor making her wince.

The ER was bustling with activity, but they were quickly taken to an examination room. Mark stayed by her side, holding her hand as they waited for the doctor. When the doctor finally arrived, he examined Ava's swollen ankle with a practised hand, his expression serious.

"We'll need to take some X-rays to be sure," the doctor said, and Ava was wheeled to the radiology department. Mark watched as they positioned her leg and ankle for the X-rays, the room filled with the hum of the machinery.

Back in the examination room, they waited anxiously for the results. Mark squeezed her hand, offering silent comfort. When the doctor returned, he held the X-rays up to the light.

"It's broken but a clean break," he confirmed, pointing to the breaks on the film. "Since it is broken, you'll need a cast to ensure it heals properly."

Ava felt relief wash over her. "A medical cast?" she repeated, her voice shaky and she wondered how Lily would react if she was there.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, a medical cast, do you know of any other type? The good news is that you get to choose the colour you would like"

Ava glanced at Mark, who smiled encouragingly. "Pink," she said, trying to infuse some cheerfulness into her voice. "I want a pink cast."

The doctor nodded and soon returned with a nurse carrying the materials for the cast. Ava watched as they prepared everything, the nurse explaining each step. She carefully wrapped Ava's ankle in padding before starting to apply the layers of pink plaster.

Mark held Ava's hand throughout the process, watching as the cast took shape around her lower leg. The nurse worked quickly and efficiently, shaping the cast to fit snugly but comfortably. As the pink material dried, Ava felt a strange sense of calm. The cast was a tangible sign of her injury, but it also marked the beginning of her healing and maybe something else....

Once the cast was set, the nurse handed Ava a pair of crutches. "You'll need to use the crutches for 7 weeks minimum," she instructed, helping Ava stand and showing her how to use the crutches even if she already knew.

Mark and Ava thanked the medical staff before heading home. Ava sat in a wheelchair, holding onto her crutches, her pink cast a bright contrast against the sterile white of the hospital. Mark pushed the wheelchair, his hand reassuringly on her shoulder. As they navigated through the corridors, Ava couldn't help but feel grateful for his support, even as her thoughts drifted back to the memories of her time with Lily.

Over the next few weeks, Ava adjusted to her new reality. The pink cast provided support but also served as a constant reminder of how fast an accident can happen. She moved gracefully on her crutches, the one-simple act of walking up the stairs was now a challenge. But she knew that despite the pain and inconvenience, there was a certain cuteness to her new look. The cast gave her an air of fragility, and her determination to move despite it all only made her more endearing.

As the days passed, Ava's thoughts often drifted back to our time together. Despite the physical distance, our bond remained strong, an unspoken link. One evening, as she sat with Mark, her broken ankle propped up on pillows, she spoke softly. "Mark, there's something I need to tell you."

He looked at her, his eyes filled with concern. "What is it, Ava?"

"Our time apart, it changed me. I discovered things about myself that I never knew. And despite everything, I can't ignore the bond I formed with Lily."

Mark's expression softened. "I knew something was different."

Ava took a deep breath, her heart pounding. "I don't love you anymore, Mark. I need to be with Lily."

Mark's face fell, clear resignation. "I see. If that's what you truly want, I won't stand in your way even if I know I couldn't."

With tears in her eyes, Ava realized that her journey of self-discovery was far from over. She had found a part of herself with me, a part that she couldn't simply forget. And while her life with Mark would end, the memories of their time together would always remain.

Ava arrived at my place, leaning heavily on her crutches, her heart racing with anticipation. I opened the door, also on crutches, my broken ankle still in a cast. Our eyes met, and without a word, we knew that we were meant to be together.

We moved closer, supporting each other on our crutches, and embraced. The kiss was tender and filled with promise, a new beginning for both of us.

"Ava," I whispered, my voice choking with emotion. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Lily," she replied, her eyes shining with tears. "I knew I had to come back to you. This is where I belong."

As we stood there, holding each other, I knew that our bond was unbreakable. Despite the challenges and the pain, we had found each other again, ready to face whatever the future held, together.

The end

AI 367


Clip 611 Perfect SLWC, cast, limping, beautiful actress part 1

Thursday, August 1, 2024

AI 362


AI 361


AI 360


A Unique Proposal chapter 9

 A Unique Proposal

Chapter 9

She looked up, her eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination, her fingers rubbing my cast. "I think I have feelings for you, Lily. Real, deep feelings. This whole experience, the casts, the intimacy... it awakened something in me."

My heart skipped a beat. "I feel the same way. There's something special between us, something I've never felt before."

She smiled, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I was so scared to admit it, but now that I have, I feel a sense of relief. I don't know what the future holds, but I want to explore this with you."

I squeezed her hand, feeling a surge of emotion. "I want that too, Ava. Whatever happens, we'll face it together. But you are a married woman"

She leaned forward, her lips meeting mine in a tender kiss. I could feel the warmth of her breath, the softness of her lips, and the intensity of her emotions. My heart raced as I wrapped my broken arm around her, pulling her closer to me. Her fingers tracing the outline of my cast. We sat there for a moment, lost in our own thoughts.

The tranquility of our morning was abruptly shattered by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Ava and I exchanged a look of surprise and concern. She shifted nervously on her crutches, her full leg walking cast thumping softly against the floor as she moved towards the window. I wheeled myself to her side, my heart pounding in my chest.

"It's Mark," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Before I could respond, the front door opened, and Mark stepped inside. His eyes immediately fell on Ava, his expression a mix of relief and surprise looking at his wife long leg cast. He crossed the room in quick strides, his gaze flickering to me before returning to his wife.

"What happened to your leg?" His eyes then shifted to me, noticing my broken ankle and arm.

"And what's going on with you? Didn't you say that your games were safe?"

Ava's grip tightened on her crutches, her knuckles turning white. "Mark, I... I needed some time to think. About us. About everything."

Mark's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "And you thought coming here was the best way to do that? With her? It's not worth the money" He glanced at me, his tone dripping with disdain.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Mark, Ava needed space, it was never just for the money and you know that."

He ignored me, focusing solely on Ava. "You're coming home with me. Now."

Ava's eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head. "I can't, Mark. Not yet. Go home and I will see you tomorrow."

His face contorted with anger. "I'm your husband!" He paused, eyeing her crutches and cast. "How did you break your leg?"

The tension in the room was palpable. Ava looked between Mark and me, torn between her loyalty to her husband and the growing attachment she felt towards me. Her shoulders slumped, and she let out a shaky breath.

"Mark, please try to understand, this isn't about you. It's about me. My leg is fine." Mark's expression softened slightly, but his confusion was still evident. I reached out, placing a comforting hand on Ava's arm.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with anger and pure hate. "I don't trust you."

Ava stepped forward, limping on her cast making a soft thud as she moved. "Mark, go home and I will see you tomorrow."

Mark's shoulders sagged, and he let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. But don't expect me to wait forever, Ava." He turned and left without another word, the sound of the door closing echoing through the house. Ava collapsed into a nearby chair, burying her face in her hands. I moved closer, my heart aching for her.

"Ava," I said gently, "I'm here for you. Whatever you need."

She looked up at me, her eyes red and swollen. "I don't know what to do, Lily. I'm so confused."

I took her hand in mine, squeezing it reassuringly. "Take your time, Ava. We'll figure this out together.

The next morning I woke up to find her leaning 100% on her cast no more crutches, her walking cast was a part of her now. Ava's spirit seemed stronger.

"Lily, I've been thinking a lot about my life, my marriage, and my feelings for you. This experience has changed me in ways I never thought possible."

I wheeled myself closer to her, my broken ankle and arm a constant reminder of the journey we were on. "Ava, you don't have to make any decisions right now. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

Looking into her eyes I realized that our time together was coming to an end. We both knew that Ava would soon return to her life with Mark, and I would be left to plan my next proposal if there was going to be a next one.

That afternoon, Nurse Anastasia Steele, whom we affectionately called Nurse Ana, entered the room. "Lily, Ava, it's time," she said gently.

Ava and I exchanged a glance, knowing what was coming. "Lily, there's something I need to tell you," she said, her voice trembling. "Your arm isn't really broken."

My eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I wanted you to be vulnerable too," She admitted. "But now, it's time to remove the cast."

Nurse Ana nodded and began the delicate process of removing the cast from my arm. As the cast came off, I flexed my fingers, bent my elbow feeling the freedom of movement return.

I stood up, feeling unsteady at first, and reached for the crutches that Nurse Ana handed me.

"I'll be on crutches for a while," I said, trying to smile.

Ava stood up as well, her leg now free from the cast. She slipped into a pair of sexy heels, her movements confident and assured. "Lily, thank you for everything, including the money" she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

We shared a final embrace, holding each other tightly. The bond we had formed would remain, even as we went our separate ways.

As they prepared to leave, I looked at Ava, her beauty shining through. "No matter what happens, you'll always have a special place in my heart," I said softly.

"And you in mine," she replied, her eyes filled with love. She was ready to face whatever came next.

Ava stood by the doorway, her legs now free from the cast in sexy high heels. She looked stunning, her confidence radiating as she balanced perfectly on those stylish shoes. I couldn't help but admire her transformation, both physical and emotional, over the past ten days.

I hobbled towards her on my crutches, my broken ankle still in a cast. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at me. I reached out, taking her hand in mine. "Ava, no matter what happens, know that you'll always have a place here with me"

She pulled me into a tight embrace, her tears mingling with mine. "I don't want to say goodbye," she whispered.

"Then don't," I replied softly. "This isn't goodbye. It's just the beginning of a new chapter for both of us."

With a final, lingering kiss, Ava turned and gracefully walked out the door, her high heels clicking softly on the floor. I watched her go, my heart heavy yet filled with a strange sense of hope.

A Unique Proposal
Conclusion to come

AI 359


Clip 609 Bad fall, broken hip and sprained ankle on crutches non weight ...