Sunday, October 13, 2024

Clip 683 Horse riding injury, broken ankle, cast, crutches, part 2

Lovely woman, lovely legs clip 32

Beyond the Movie Script. Chapter 5

 Beyond the Movie Script

Chapter 5

I arrived at the secluded apartment, tucked away in the neighbouring city where we could both disappear for a while. Pushing the door open, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement about what was about to happen. Steve was already inside balancing on his crutches. His lower leg still in its hard, white cast that peeked out beneath his jeans, it stabilized his broken ankle.

"Nice to see you," he greeted me with that easy smile, though there was a hint of something else in his eyes tonight, anticipation and pure sexual lust. His crutches clicked softly as he took a step toward me, and I felt my heart skip a beat, remembering the conversation we'd had the night before about his lovely dream. This wasn't going to be just about him this time, it was my turn.

"How's your broken ankle? Do you really need crutches?..." I asked, smiling, licking my lips while taking away his crutches, glancing down at his cast, cast shoe and exposed toes. It had been only a few weeks since I'd broken his ankle, and yet he was handling it with such confidence, accepting to walk on it already as per my request...Listening to his mistress Steffie.

"It's still healing, I'm not sure I should" he shrugged, taking a step putting weight on his broken ankle while leaning down and kissing my red lips.

"But Mistress, tonight isn't about me." His gaze was intense, he stared at my leg, knowing exactly why we were here. I smiled softly, standing in front of him on 4 inch heels, feeling the sexual tension of the moment between us building even more between my long legs, I was already wet.

"No, it's not about you." The memories of our late-night talk played over in my mind, his dream, the idea we'd been toying with for weeks, finally turning into reality tonight. We had agreed to apply a recreational cast on my left leg, and now, here we were, standing on the edge of something thrilling and a little wild, a term rec cast, starting on one leg with a major court case on the horizon.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Steve asked, limping closer, the tip of his cast brushing against my high heel shoe as he leaned in slightly against me to relieve some of the pain in his broken ankle. I nodded, feeling a rush of excitement pulse through me.

"Absolutely my dear."

He gave me a grin and motioned toward the bedroom, where he had everything laid out. I loved the thump of his cast-shoe against the floor as he limped badly while he led the way, his own casted foot was calling my attention. When we reached the room, I noticed the materials set neatly on the bed, the water, soft bandages, cast rolls, everything we'd need.

"I've got everything," he said, making his way to the edge of the bed. He carefully moved into a seated position, as he gestured for me to lie down. I stretched out on the bed, my heart racing in anticipation as I extended my long left leg. Steve shuffled closer, careful with his own broken ankle, and after removing my Italian pump and slid the stiletto heel gently up my calf, knee and thigh, teasing me before starting the casting process.

"This is going to feel amazing," he said softly, his voice reacting as my fingers gently rubbed the front of his pants, feeling his penis throbbing against the fabric, it was throbbing like his broken ankle but for a very different reason. He kissed me, his lips soft and insistent. I parted my lips, inviting his tongue to explore my mouth. We kissed passionately, our tongues playing.

He picked up the roll of soft padding first, his fingers brushing my skin gently as he started with my foot. "We have to make sure everything is protected" he said quietly, focusing on the task in front of him. The padding was soft and light, as it wrapped smoothly around my foot and ankle, cushioning every inch of skin.

I watched as Steve worked his way up my calf, layering the padding evenly, making sure there were no gaps. The material was soft against my skin, a stark contrast to the firmness that would soon follow. As he reached my knee, he bent my leg slightly at a comfortable angle and then ensured my foot was at a 90-degree position.

"Is this okay?" he asked, pausing to make sure I was comfortable.

"Yeah, it's perfect," I replied, feeling a rush of anticipation as he continued wrapping the padding higher, past my knee and up to my thigh.

He then cupped my breast, his thumb brushing against my nipple through the thin fabric of my blouse. I moaned softly, arching my back to press myself against his touch, he smiled and pulled away...teasing me...

Steve reached for the black fibreglass cast material. The dark colour stood out in stark contrast to the white padding, and I felt a flutter of excitement at what was coming next. He dipped the roll of fibreglass into water, activating it, and then began carefully applying the first layer around my foot. The material was wet, but I could already feel it beginning to harden slightly as Steve smoothed it down with his hands around all the shapes of my leg.

He worked slowly, wrapping the fibreglass around my foot and up my ankle, making sure it was snug but not too tight. His fingers pressed and smoothed the material as he went. The fibreglass locked my foot into place as the cast started to take form.

"You're doing great," Steve said softly, his voice calm as he continued wrapping, moving up to my calf. His hands moved with precision, ensuring each layer of fibreglass was smooth and even. He smoothed it down after every turn, feeling the material slowly harden under his touch, trapping my leg in place with every pass.

The sensation of my leg becoming stiff and immobilized was strange but exhilarating. The cast material was hardening quickly now, forming a solid shell around my leg, making it impossible to move it. I could feel the weight of it starting to set in, the fibreglass encasing me from my toes to my thigh.

"One last layer," he said, as he smoothed the top of the cast, making sure everything was perfectly sealed. His hands lingered for a moment, pressing gently against the hardened surface, feeling the solidness of it as it fully set around my leg.

I flexed my toes, the only part of my leg I could still move, feeling the weight of the cast hold me in place. "It feels incredible," I breathed, running my fingers along the smooth, hardened surface of the black cast.

He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear. "I want to taste you mistress" he murmured, his breath sending goosebumps across my skin. "Everywhere." I let out a soft moan, my body responding to his words.

"Well...Show me," I whispered.

He began at my exposed toes, his tongue tracing the line where my red-painted nails met the cast. I could feel the heat of his breath, the softness of his lips, and I squirmed slightly, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through me. He caressed my cast while his lips moved to my good leg, his tongue leaving a trail of wetness on the cast, his lips following behind, kissing and nibbling gently.

"You taste amazing,but..." he murmured, his voice muffled slightly by the cast.

I looked down at him, watching as he worked his way up my leg, his hands gently caressing my skin wherever it was exposed. When he reached my knee, he paused, looking up at me with a smouldering gaze.

"I want more," he said, his voice a low growl. I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Yes," I breathed.

Steve shifted his position, he lifted the hem of my skirt, exposing my thighs, and began to kiss his way up, his tongue on my inner thigh. I could feel my body responding, my hips lifting slightly to meet his touch.

Beyond the Movie Script
Chapter 6 to come

DYR 177 Broken heel, cast, crutches, modelling clothes part 1


Wheelchair clip 48

Extra 15 Broken leg, cast, crutches, SLC

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Clip 680 Broken ankle in a blue cast and crutches, SLC

Lovely woman, lovely legs clip 29

DYR 167, broken leg, cast, crutches, LLC 1

Wheelchair clip 45

Extra 12 Red SLC and crutches, cast

Beyond the Movie Script chapter 4

 Beyond the Movie Script

Chapter 4

Serena was lying in bed, her right leg now in a white fibre cast that ran from her thigh all the way down to mid foot, suspended slightly in a sling to keep it elevated. Her face showed frustration, the painkillers dulling the physical agony but not the emotional toll.

I moved closer, the soft rustle of my clothes barely audible as I sat gently on the edge of her bed. The atmosphere in the room was calm, almost serene, with the light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow. My voice was barely above a whisper, soft and soothing.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, my eyes naturally drifting to her leg in that long, perfect cast.

There was something beautiful about it, the way her elegant, toned leg now rested, protected and immobile, like a delicate work of art in the white fibre. It was surreal, yet there was a quiet strength to it.

Serena smiled, a small but genuine curve of her lips. "Well... I've been better," she said with a gentle laugh, her voice soft. Her fingers moved slowly, almost tenderly, as they grazed the surface of the cast, tracing the smooth, cool texture. The gentle, rhythmic sound of her nails brushing against the cast was almost hypnotic, calming. Like an ASMR session, she smiled.

"It feels so... heavy," she murmured, her gaze following her fingers as they moved along the cast.

"I don't know how I'm going to act on crutches and in a leg cast." But her tone wasn't one of despair; it was more contemplative, as if she was already beginning to accept this new reality, making peace with it. She was going to include this long cast into her sex appeal.

I reached out, lightly touching the edge of the cast, firm but comforting beneath my fingertips. She stared at my fingers while licking her lips.

"You'll manage," I said softly, meeting her beautiful eyes. "And I'll be right here to help you every step of the way."

There was a quiet sense of beauty in the moment, a strange harmony between her vulnerability and the strength we both knew she had. Even with the cast and crutches, she was still going to be Serena, graceful, poised, and resilient. The thought of her navigating this new chapter, cast and all, felt like the beginning of something beautiful.

I reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "We'll figure it out. One step at a time."

Serena pulled me closer, her soft lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss. Our lips moved in sync, a slow, passionate dance that made my heart race. I could feel the warmth of her breath, mingling with mine, as our tongues explored each other's mouths. My hands moved to her broken leg, cast, waist, feeling the soft curves of her body.

She let out a soft moan as our kiss deepened, her hands running through my hair, pulling me even closer. I could feel her body responding to my touch, her heart pounding against my chest. Breaking our kiss, I trailed my lips down her neck, nibbling and licking the soft, sensitive skin. She let out a soft gasp, her body shivering beneath my touch. I could feel her hands undoing the buttons of my shirt, her fingers trembling with anticipation.

I stopped her, "Not here, not now"

Two days after her release from the hospital, I made my way to Serena's place, the weight of our impending legal battle gnawing at me. I felt personally responsible for being tricked by the movie director, and I wasn't about to let them walk away unscathed. I was determined to hit them where it hurt, their pocketbooks, their reputations, and, if I had my way, maybe even physically...Just kidding...I'm I?

When I rang the doorbell and the door swung open, the sight before me stopped me in my tracks.

Serena stood there, leaning confidently on a pair of sleek, pink polished crutches. Despite the fact that she'd only been out of the hospital for a few days, she looked effortlessly put together. Her long cast ran from just below her hip to the middle of her foot, but her style was casual, yet striking.

She wore a pair of sleek black Lululemon yoga pants that clung to her slender, athletic frame, perfectly highlighting every curve of her toned left leg. The material hugged tightly, tapering neatly at her ankle, where she wore a stylish white sneaker with a thick sole. But it was her right leg that drew my attention.

The yoga pants stretched over the cast, outlining its rigid shape, with the fibre bending slightly at the knee. The cast extended from her thigh all the way down to the middle of her foot, leaving her lovely little toes exposed at the end. The bright red polish on her nails contrasted vividly against the whiteness of the white cast, a bold splash of color against the clinical severity of her injury.

The yoga pants didn't fully cover the cast, they were stretched to the max around her leg cast, making the shape of her immobilized leg even more prominent. Every angle, from the bend at her knee to the 90-degree angle of her ankle and foot, was clearly visible, the cast giving her an oddly elegant appearance.

She wore a fitted sweater that accentuated her figure, accentuating her youthful curves in a way that felt effortlessly stylish. The soft fabric moulded gently around her round breasts, creating a noticeable shape that added a touch of femininity to her look. It wasn't overdone, just enough to highlight her natural grace and make her feel confident without trying too hard.

The sleeves rolled up just enough to expose her wrists, giving the ensemble a casual touch. Her prominent chest and narrow waist were highlighted, making her look both powerful and seductive. She was already a woman who knew exactly the effect she had on everyone around her. She managed to balance allure with grace, drawing attention without seeming to try, embodying the very essence of a modern femme fatale.

The cast peeked from beneath the hem of her yoga pants, while her crutches looked natural under her arms. She looked at ease despite the injury, and her lips curved into a playful smile. She was still Serena, determined and radiant, even with her leg badly broken.

"You're a vision, I wasn't expecting you to be... so put together already."

She smiled, her lips curving into that signature Serena smile, the kind that could make anyone forget she had just been through a traumatic accident. Her eyes sparkled with a hint of playfulness, despite the obvious challenges she now faced.

"What can I say? I refuse to let this stop me," she said, her voice filled with quiet determination.

Serena glanced over my shoulder, catching sight of the paparazzi hovering just beyond the gate. A mischievous grin spread across her lips as she shifted forward on her crutches, her long cast brushing against the inside of my leg.

"Let's give them something to really talk about," she whispered, her voice low and teasing.

Before I could react, she took a deliberate step forward on her crutches, her cast sliding smoothly along and between my legs as she leaned in. With no hesitation, her lips met mine in a bold, passionate kiss. Her tongue slipped between my lips, and I felt the intensity of it, a kiss meant not just for the cameras flashing behind us but mainly for me. The heat of her mouth, the pressure of her broken leg between my legs, left me breathless as I leaned into her, feeling the world fade away for just a moment.

When she finally pulled back, that mischievous glint was still in her eyes, and her lips curved into a victorious smile. She stood tall on her crutches, her cast dangling as she balanced with effortless grace. Serena gave the cameras one last defiant look, as if daring them to take in every inch of her, cast, crutches, and all before turning back to me, her smile still lingering.

We sat down, the morning sun filtering through the large windows, bathing the room in a soft, golden light. I took out the files and papers from my bag, ready to dive into the serious task ahead.

"We need to go after them, the director, the studio, they need to be held accountable. And we're going to hit them where it hurts."

Serena nodded, her expression hardening. "I want to make sure no one else goes through what I did. I want them to pay for their negligence."

My heart swelled with a mix of pride and determination. Together, we combed through every detail of the incident, building a case that was as airtight as it was ruthless. I could already see how we would frame it. As we plotted our strategy, the beautiful young woman in front of me didn't realize the effect her injury had on me. Her long fingers grabbed and moved her crutches against the arm of the couch, then gently adjusting her cast so her broken leg lay more comfortably.

The sight of her in that cast fuelled my sexual drive to a new height...Maybe I wanted one...

Beyond the Movie Script
Chapter 5 to come

Monday, October 7, 2024

Clip 677 Broken arm, full arm cast, LAC

Lovely woman, lovely legs clip 26

DYR 164 Beautiful woman on crutches

Wheelchair clip 42

Beyond the Movie Script chapter 3

 Beyond the Movie Script

Chapter 3

As I strode into the director's office, my heels clicked sharply against the floor, each step deliberate and controlled. I wore a fitted black pencil skirt that hugged my hips, with a white blouse that hugged my breasts perfectly with the top button left open just enough to keep things professional but suggest a touch of power.

My long brown hair was neatly styled in a sleek low bun, perfectly polished to match the sharp lines of my tailored outfit. and a pair of sleek black stilettos added a few extra inches to my already confident stature. I had dressed the part of the powerful attorney, and I wasn't in the mood for delays.

The assistant at the front desk barely looked up, offering a vague apology as she informed me that the director was "just wrapping up" and that I'd have to wait. Thirty minutes, they said, as if my time wasn't valuable. I sat in one of the leather chairs, crossing my legs, the pointed toe of my stiletto tapping lightly against the floor. Frustration simmered under the surface, but I kept my expression neutral, reminding myself that this was Hollywood, glamour, chaos and bullshit.

As I waited, I could hear the faint murmur of voices from the set, the crew getting ready for the next scene. It was to be a simple scene but that damn director...

Serena arrived on set with a quiet tension in her posture. Her usually confident stride seems slower, more deliberate. She had mentioned her unease about this particular scene before, the dangerous stunts making her feel vulnerable in ways that acting rarely did. The director reassured her with his polished charm, insisting that everything was under control. But they could see it in her eyes, she wasn't convinced.

I had sent Steve to check in on her earlier that day. He told me she was professional as always, but there was a flicker of hesitation when they discussed the directors plans. Still, Serena knew the show had to go on. She threw herself into character, and began filming. Her character was strong and fearless, much like her, but sometimes even the strongest falter.

While I was still waiting in his office the director I would painfully learn had changed the order of the scenes before I could in person object to the dangerous scene on behalf of my friend and client.

The scene called for a dramatic leap from a height, landing on her feet as the camera zoomed in for a close-up. Serena had practised it repeatedly with her safety harness, but something about this moment felt off. I wasn't there, but later I'd hear how the stunt coordinator had told her everything was fine, the wires secure, the landing pad perfectly positioned. Yet, as the director yelled "Action!" and Serena made her leap, something went terribly wrong.

The snap of the harness echoed like a gunshot, loud and sharp, cutting through the noise of the bustling set. For a split second, everything seemed to slow down. Serena's body twisted awkwardly in mid-air, her arms flailing as she desperately tried to grab onto something, anything, to stop her descent. Her face shifted from concentration and beauty to sheer panic, her mouth forming a silent scream as gravity took over.

She hit the ground hard, her body folding unnaturally, and all the force concentrated on her right leg. It was a sickening sight, the full impact of the fall driving her leg into the hard surface with a violent, bone-shattering force. The sound came next, an unmistakable crack, hollow and gut-wrenching, the kind that made stomachs turn and hearts race. It reverberated through the set, stopping everyone in their tracks as they watched, horrified, unable to look away.

Her right leg buckled beneath her, the unnatural angle making it clear something had gone terribly wrong. She crumpled to the ground, her face twisted in agony, clutching at her leg as if trying to hold it together. Her scream pierced the air, raw and filled with pain, cutting through the shocked silence.

"Help! Please, help! My legggg!" Serena's voice was desperate, trembling as she gasped for air between sobs. "I think I broke my leg!"

The crew rushed toward her, but it was as if the world moved in slow motion, each second stretching into an eternity. Her hand clutched at her thigh, just above her knee, her fingers trembling as they pressed into the fabric of her sexy pantyhose. Her foot hung limply, twisted unnaturally, her high heel kicked off in the fall, leaving her right foot bare and swelling quickly. The glossy sheen of sweat on her forehead glistened under the set lights, and her wide, tear-filled eyes darted around, searching for help, for answers, for anything that could make the nightmare stop.

Every breath she took was ragged, her chest rising and falling in shallow, frantic gasps as her fingers dug into her injured leg, trying to soothe the pain that radiates up through her body. The crew gathered around, but for a moment, no one moved, frozen by the sheer horror of what they had just witnessed.

The on-set medic rushed over, but it was clear from the start, Serena's leg was broken. not just any break, but a severe one, the kind that would require immediate attention and months, maybe longer, to heal. The once-effortless movements of her elegant, long legs were now a source of unbearable pain, twisted unnaturally.

I heard the commotion before I got the call, I could barely breathe. Serena had been hurt, and badly. I rushed to the set, my heart pounding as I imagined the worst. By the time I arrived, the chaos had begun to settle, but the tension in the air was thick.

The first thing I saw was the ambulance parked near the trailers, the flashing lights casting an eerie glow over the quieted set. Crew members stood in hushed clusters, whispering among themselves, their eyes wide with disbelief. I pushed through them, my heels clicking furiously against the pavement, my pulse quickening with every step.

Then I saw her. Serena lay on the stretcher, her face pale and tight with pain, her usual radiant glow replaced by a sheen of sweat. Her sexy long right leg, sleek in sheer black pantyhose, had been awkwardly twisted during the fall, now immobilized in a temporary splint. Her left foot still wore the five-inch heel from the scene, but her right heel had been removed by the fall, leaving her swollen foot exposed beneath the fabric of her pantyhose.

The medics worked carefully, adjusting the splint that ran from her foot up to her thigh, holding the leg still as they braced for the ride to the hospital. As I walked closer, I caught sight of her swollen leg, knee, ankle, foot and the obvious signs of severe trauma in her lower leg. Her foot hung limply, the lower part of her shin broken beneath the thin material of her hose. The EMS team murmured to each other, their faces grim. I overheard words like "tibia" and "fibula", both likely fractured.

"Serena?" I knelt beside her, pushing away my own worry to offer her comfort.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she tried to smile, though the pain was evident. "I really messed up this time, didn't I?" she whispered, her voice shaky.

"Hey, don't talk like that, you did nothing wrong" I replied, trying to sound calm. "You're going to be okay. We'll get you to the hospital, and they'll take care of everything. Just focus on staying still."

She winced as the medics adjusted the splint. "It hurts so bad... I've never felt anything like this."

"I know, you've got this."

Her gaze flickered down to her injured leg, and tears welled up in her eyes. "My leg... what if it's broken? What if I can't walk again without crutches for months? The movie?"

"This is just a setback, Serena. You're strong, and we're going to get through this" I promised, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rage rising inside me. I will kill that fucking director

She nodded slightly, though her fear was palpable. "I may get that long leg cast after all..."

I looked at the EMS team, who gave me a brief nod, signalling they were ready to transport her. "Yes you might, you will look amazing"

Serena's hand gripped mine tighter. "Thank you for being here,"

Steve was there too, hobbling on his crutches, his cast tapping lightly against the ground as he stayed by her side. His expression mirrored my own, a mixture of guilt, worry, sheer madness. I swallowed hard, pushing back the rush of conflicting emotions that threatened to overwhelm me.

Later on that same day, the sterile smell of the hospital hit me as I walked down the long corridor, the bright overhead lights harsh against my tired eyes. Steve hobbled beside me, knee bent to keep his cast off the floor, his crutches making rhythmic thumps on the linoleum floor. We didn't say much on the way, both of us were too lost in our thoughts. The vision of Serena in that ambulance, pale and vulnerable, still haunted me.

When we finally reached her room, I paused outside the door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open. She was so beautiful.

Beyond the Movie Script
Chapter 4 to come

Extra 10 Full leg cast, LLC, crutches part 1