Wednesday, September 4, 2024

DYR 84 Broken foot, SLC, Cast

Wheelchair clip 9

DYR 79 Blue SLC, crutches and cast

Cheer, crutches and love chapter 2

 Cheer, crutches and love

Chapter 2

Nick gently placed his hand on my injured ankle, his touch warm and reassuring. He reached into his kit and pulled out an ace bandage, unrolling it carefully. His fingers were steady and sure as he began wrapping the bandage around my ankle, starting just above the arch of my foot. He worked with a practised ease, pulling the bandage snugly but not too tight, making sure each layer overlapped the previous one just enough to provide support.

He continued wrapping, moving upward with precision. The bandage felt so nice on my ankle like a protective cocoon, the pressure soothing against the swelling. His hands and his focus entirely on making sure my ankle was properly supported. When he reached the top, just below my calf, he secured the bandage with metal clips, ensuring it would stay in place.

"There," he said softly, finally looking up from my ankle and leg, at me again. "That should help with the swelling and keep your ankle stable. But you need to stay off it as much as possible for the next few days, okay?"

"It feels good," The pressure was soothing against the swelling, and I couldn't help but feel a little thrill with his hands on my long leg.

He gave me crutches and I made my way slowly back to my dorm room, my mind already racing ahead to our next session. I couldn't wait to feel his hands on me again, maybe next time exploring the rest of my body with the same care and attention he'd given to my ankle.

As I lay in bed that night, I started rubbing my sprained ankle and the ace bandages feeling nice and warm against my skin. My mind wandered to Nick, and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like...

"Mmm, Nick," I whispered to myself, my fingers tracing lazy circles on my skin. "I can't wait to feel you inside me." OMG I sounded like a teenage girl...stop that.

But in my mind his fingers explored every inch of my body. I moaned, my body trembling with pleasure as he started touching me in other ways, his fingers caressing my breasts, pinching my nipples. I moaned, my body trembling with pleasure.

He undressed me slowly, his body pressed against mine, my sprained ankle pushing against him. I moaned, my body trembling with pleasure and pain. I pushed 2 fingers inside me...

Moving in and out faster. I moaned again, my body trembling with pleasure. I felt the heat building inside me, my body aching for release. With one hand on my sprained ankle and the other fingers inside me I had the most incredible release. I cried out, my body trembling with pleasure.

Despite the nagging pain in my ankle, I found myself feeling more alive than I had in quite some time. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt a strange sense of comfort and security wash over me. It was as if simply knowing that Nick was out there somewhere, ready and waiting to help me through whatever challenges lay ahead, was enough to make me feel as if I could conquer the world even with a bad ankle.

And it was that thought that ultimately took me into a deep and restful slumber.

The next few weeks passed by in a blur of classes, cheerleading practice, and physical therapy sessions. Despite the constant demands on my time and energy, I found myself better than I had been in quite some time even if my ankle was taking a long time to heal. As I limped into the physical therapy room, I caught sight of Nick waiting for me.

"How's that ankle feeling today?"

"Much better thanks."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. But remember, we still have a long way to go before you're back to 100 percent."

"I know," I agreed, licking my lip slightly in anticipation. There was something about the way he took charge of the situation that just seemed to have a profound effect on me. It was as if he could sense my vulnerability and knew exactly how to handle it.

"Thanks, Nick," I said, offering him a small smile. "I appreciate your support."

"You're welcome, Hailey," he replied, his eyes never leaving mine.

The next morning when I woke I knew It was the day of our first official cheerleading practice and excitement was coursing through my veins. Despite my injury and the fact that secretly I was still using crutches when away from school because of the constant pain in my ankle, I was determined to prove to myself and to everyone else that I was not going to let this setback define me.

That was the competitive athlete in me and not the future doctor talking.

As I got ready that morning, I felt a pang of insecurity, my ankle was still swollen and throbbing beneath the confines of my air cast that I spent the night in. But as I looked at myself in the mirror, I reminded myself of all the reasons why I had fallen in love with cheerleading in the first place. It was a sport that demanded strength, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, qualities that I knew I possessed in spades.

With this thought in mind, I removed my air cast, left my crutches against the wall and limped my way to the gym where our practice was scheduled to take place. As I entered the room, I could feel the eyes of my teammates on me, but rather than feeling self-conscious, I was determined not to show them and forced myself not to show any sign of pain.

Nick was already there waiting for me when I arrived, and as always, his mere presence seemed to have a calming effect on me. He had his usual stoic expression on his face, but I could sense the concern in his eyes as he looked at my lower leg and ankle.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay," I replied, trying my best to hide the pain that was currently coursing through my ankle and kept walking past him. "I'm just ready to get back out there on the mat."

Nick nodded, but I could tell from the look in his eyes that he wasn't entirely convinced by my response.

"Alright," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and determination. "Just remember to take things slow at first, okay? You don't want to risk doing any further damage to your ankle. Don't make me regret this...letting you practise...I could stop you...You know"

I nodded in agreement, but I felt excitement course through my body. There was something about the challenge of returning to competition that just seemed to ignite a fiery passion within me, a passion that I knew was only going to grow stronger with each passing day but also a passion that sometimes was misplaced.

As the other girls warmed up you could feel the unspoken rivalry among the girls on our squad, a rivalry that was only going to intensify as we continued to push ourselves harder and harder in pursuit of our shared goal.

I felt the pressure and tension mounting, I was focused on the task at hand. I knew that if I was going to be successful in returning to competition, I was going to need to give it everything I had both physically and mentally and that despite an injured ankle.

"Okay, everyone," Coach Johnson called out as she entered the room, "Let's get started with today's practice."

I was really focused on the task at hand but with every step that I took, I could feel the pain in my ankle growing more intense, but I refused to let it get the better of me.

"Okay, Hailey," Coach Johnson called out as she approached me, her voice filled with concern. "Why don't we take a little break and give your ankle a chance to rest?"

I nodded in agreement, though disappointment coursed through me. I knew that giving my ankle time to heal was necessary if I wanted any chance of returning to official competition, but it still stung.

With Nick's help, I carefully limped into his office, leaning on him for support. Every step sent a dull ache through my ankle, but having him by my side made it bearable. His expression was serious yet warm, a mix of concern and determination that somehow put me at ease.

Once inside, Nick guided me to a table, helping me sit down as I gingerly elevated my injured ankle. I winced slightly as I settled on the table.

I let out a soft unexpected moan as his fingers traced a path up my calf, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I had never felt so turned on sexually by something so simple before. Maybe it was the way he looked at me with those intense blue eyes, or the way his hands moved with such confidence and care. Whatever it was, I couldn't deny the heat building between my legs.

"Let's take a look at that ankle," he said, kneeling in front of me, almost... A perfect position...Between my long legs...

Cheer, crutches and love
Chapter 3 to come

Clip 643 Broken leg, cast, crutches, SLC part 1

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Clip 641 Broken leg, LLC, crutches, full leg cast part 1

DYR 72 broken foot cast and crutches, slc

Wheelchair clip 3

Wheelchair clip 4

DYR 71 Sprained ankle, wrapped, crutches

Cheer, crutches and love chapter 1

 Cheer, crutches and love

Chapter 1

My name is Hailey, and I'm a 23-year-old woman in my third year of medical school, specializing in orthopaedic surgery. But that's only half the story. The other half? I'm a very competitive cheerleader, and it's not just a hobby, it's a large part of my life. I need my cheerleading scholarship to pay for my studies, so quitting isn't an option. Balancing the two has never been easy, but I thrive on the challenge.

I have an athletic body type, with long, toned legs, something I've always been proud of. My blonde hair cascades down my back in loose curls, and my bright blue eyes often reflect the determination I have for my studies and cheerleading.

Two weeks before cheer camp, I was pushing myself harder than ever. The energy of the upcoming season was electric, and I could feel the excitement coursing through me. I was determined to perfect every move before the camp even started. As a third year student I will still be doing my clinical rotations in various sub-specialties it will be within orthopaedic surgery needed from trauma, sports medicine, etc..

"Hailey, you're making us all look bad," my teammate Meghan joked as we practised our new routine. I laughed, taking it as a compliment.

"Just trying to keep up with you, MK," I retorted, using her initials as a nickname. I often used shortened versions of my friends' names, as if we were all part of a secret sexual club. I was almost daydreaming about that imaginary club but also performing orthopaedic surgical procedures under supervision on a friend's broken leg, gaining proficiency in techniques when it happened...

A small misstep during practice sent me slightly off balance, and I felt my ankle roll awkwardly beneath me. For a split second, it was like time slowed down as I tried to catch myself, but then the pain hit, a sharp, intense jolt that shot through my ankle like a lightning bolt. I instinctively winced, the sting radiating up my leg as I tried to shift my weight off it, bending my knee.

My heart raced as I attempted to shake off the sensation, hoping it was just a twinge that would fade. But the pain clung stubbornly, a relentless throb that wouldn't ease up.

"I'm fine," I insisted, forcing the words out as I waved off my concerned teammates. I didn't want them to see how much it really hurt. I pushed myself to limp away, each step sending a fresh wave of pain through my ankle, but I kept going, determined to shake it off.

"You sure?" Coach Karen asked, her brow furrowed with concern. "It doesn't look good."

"No, really, I'm okay, " I said, forcing a smile. "Just a little stumble, that's all. At worst a very light sprain" But since I was a medical student, I knew better.

I didn't want to look weak in front of my teammates. After all, I was the one they looked up to as a leader. I would never let them down, not even with a small injury. I limped away from practice, determined to prove I was fine. But deep down, I knew something wasn't right.

"Hailey, wait up," Coach Karen called after me. I turned to face her, doing my best to hide the pain that was shooting through my ankle and up my leg.

"Don't worry about me, Coach," I said, offering her a reassuring smile. "I'll be back and ready for cheer camp."

She nodded, but her eyes still held concern. "Alright, but if it gets worse, promise you'll see a doctor, okay?"

I nodded, not wanting to worry her any more than I already had. "I promise, Coach."

As I walked away, limping, I made a silent vow to myself. I would not let this injury get in the way of my season and dreams. I was future doctor Hailey Robinson, and I was a force to be reckoned with. My mind was already racing ahead to cheer camp, to the exhilarating thrill of competition, and to proving to everyone, especially myself, that I was still the best.

But little did I know, this small injury was just the beginning of a much larger challenge that lay ahead. The start of the school year brought more than just classes and cheerleading. I couldn't deny it anymore, I was attracted to our squad's physical therapist. Every time he worked on my ankle, my heart would race a little faster. His touch, his voice soothing, and I found myself looking forward to our sessions more than I should, almost happy to have a small injury.

As I sat on the table, waiting for Nick to come in, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. There was something about him that just made my heart flutter. He was tall, with broad shoulders and a chiselled jawline that seemed to have been carved out of stone. His dark hair was always perfectly styled, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to see right through me.

"Hey, Hailey," he greeted me warmly as he entered the room. "How's that ankle feeling today?"

I tried to play it cool, shrugging as if the pain wasn't still nagging at me. "Oh, you know," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "It's getting better, I guess."

He didn't seem entirely convinced, but he nodded and stepped closer, his eyes focused on my injured ankle. I watched as his strong hands moved to untie my running shoe. There was something about the way he touched me, gentle but sure, like he knew exactly what he was doing on multiple levels trust me and...yes how to do it without causing more pain.

I couldn't help but wince as he started to pull off the shoe, the pain sharp and sudden. Nick noticed immediately and paused, his blue eyes flicking up to meet mine with concern.

"Sorry if it hurts," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine care. "I'll be more careful."

I forced a small smile, trying to mask the discomfort. "It's okay," I said, though I could hear the strain in my own voice. "Been there done that, just a bit sensitive."

He nodded, and I could tell he was being extra cautious as he continued. He slipped off my shock next. When he finally set my shoe and shock aside, he looked back at me with professionalism.

"Let's take a look at how it's doing," he said, ready to examine my ankle more closely.

I nodded, bracing myself for what was to come. As much as I tried to stay strong, having Nick here, so close and attentive, made it harder to keep up the tough act. Deep down, I knew this injury wasn't something I could just shake off. But with Nick by my side, I felt a little less afraid of what might lie ahead.

"You also have to remember to take it easy and give your body the time it needs to heal."

"I know," I agreed, biting my lip slightly in anticipation. "But it's just...hard for me to slow down just before cheer camp, you know?"

"I understand," he nodded, his fingers still working on my ankle. "But trust me, pushing yourself too hard can sometimes do more harm than good."

As he spoke, I felt something stirring deep in me, there was something about the way he took charge of the situation that made me feel safe, secure and attracted to him. It was as if he could sense my vulnerability and knew exactly how to handle it.

His gaze lingered on my injured ankle, his expression focused and intent. His eyes traced the outline of the swelling, taking in the slight discoloration and the way my foot angled uncomfortably. Then, slowly, his gaze travelled up my leg, lingering on the curve of my calf and the way my muscles tensed beneath the skin. It was as if he was silently assessing my long legs, reading every sign my body was giving off. When his eyes finally met mine, I felt a flush of warmth spread through me, a mix of vulnerability and the undeniable sexual connection we shared.

"I know you're right. It's just... hard for me to accept that there are some things in life that I can't control."

"That's true for all of us,"

Nick gently placed his hand on my injured ankle, his touch warm and reassuring....He leaned in...

Cheer, crutches and love
Chapter 2 to come