Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mom & Daughter chapter 3

 Mom & Daughter

Chapter 3
From Mom POV

"Sarah! How about a little adventure tomorrow?" She asked me 2 days ago.

Diana's enthusiasm is contagious, "I've heard about this fabulous new restaurant called La Fine Bouche. It's supposed to be a culinary delight. Shall we give it a try?" I smile, knowing that any outing with Diana promises to be an unforgettable experience.

"Count me in!"

Later on that day, after a quick wardrobe deliberation, I opt for a classic ensemble, black high heel stiletto pumps for a touch of elegance, a crisp white blouse for sophistication, and a sleek pencil skirt that accentuates my figure for pure sexiness. It's a combination that never fails to make me feel good and confident.

As I finish getting ready for our outing to La Fine Bouche, there's a knock on my bedroom door. I turn to see Hannah, my beautiful daughter, standing there with her crutches, her sprained ankle wrapped securely.

"Hey, Mom," Hannah says with a warm smile, her eyes flickering with admiration. "You look really good."

"Thank you, sweetheart,"

Hannah hobbles closer on her crutches, the bandage on her ankle a reminder of her recent opening. "Are you excited about dinner tonight?" resting her bandaged ankle on top of her other foot while I'm adjusting my high heel pumps on my feet.

"I am. It'll be nice to try out a new restaurant. How's your ankle?" Hannah leans in closer, her eyes twinkling with sensual excitement and kisses not my cheek but my lips. "I"m good... for now mom,"

Diana arrives at my doorstep, her vibrant energy filling the air. With a quick kiss on the cheek and exchange of pleasantries, we make our way to La Fine Bouche. As I prepare to transfer from the car to my wheelchair, I follow a familiar routine that has become second nature to me over the years. Diana stands by, offering a helping hand if needed. I open the car door and swing my long legs out, letting them dangle slightly before firmly planting my feet on the ground. Using the car door for support, I lift myself up, shifting my weight onto my arms as I pivot to face my wheelchair.

"My dear Sarah, you make that look so effortless," Diana remarks with admiration.

"Years of practice and determination."

With a smooth transition, I settle into my wheelchair, feeling the familiar embrace of its contours. Diana assists by adjusting the footrests and ensuring that everything is in place for our next destination. As we make our way to the fancy restaurant, I sit with confidence in my wheelchair. I navigate through the crowd with ease, my surroundings a familiar backdrop to my daily life.

Upon arriving inside the restaurant, I noticed the owner, Dave, a part-time restaurateur and professional EMT specialist, observing me with a curious gaze. Diana introduces us with warmth and charm.

"Sarah, meet Dave. He's not just the owner of this fabulous restaurant; he's also a professional EMT specialist in our town," Diana says, gesturing towards Dave with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sarah, welcome to my restaurant" Dave says, extending a hand in greeting. "I couldn't help but admire your grace as you wheel in. It's not every day we have such a sexy woman wheeling around the restaurant."

"Thank you for full accessibility to your restaurant, with these limited legs" I say sliding my fingers along my pantyhose covered legs, "Whether I'm in my wheelchair or full leg braces and crutches I need ramps"

"Miss I would say from all the people staring at you...there is nothing wrong with your lovely legs" He said looking at my high heels and legs.

I thank Dave for his kind words, appreciating his genuine interest and respectful approach. Little do I know at this moment that our encounter will mark the beginning of a unique relationship, one filled with unexpected twists and turns that will bring us to the edges of fetishes, like we never imagined before.

As I settle into my seat at the restaurant, I can't help but notice Dave's lingering gaze. His eyes seem drawn to my legs and the design of my wheelchair. Midway through our conversation, a moment of pure luck (or perhaps fate) intervenes. While moving my crippled left leg with my hands, the left heel slips off my foot, tumbling to the floor with a soft thud. Before I can react, Dave's reflexes kick in, and he almost runs to pick up the fallen heel.

"Oh, let me get that for you," Dave says looking at my foot and lower leg, his tone filled with clear excitement. He retrieved the heel from the floor, the beauty of my Louboutin high heel shoe in his hands was a sight with my foot dangling off the footrest.

"You know that the colour red under my shoe symbolizes love, passion, and sexual empowerment to me, the stiletto heels don't resonates against the floor in my case but it still allows them to defy societal norms for a mature woman, that is partly paralyze in a wheelchair." I said, smiling at him.

"I love caressing the leather of ladies high heel shoes with these dangerous stiletto heels. Your legs look perfect with these forbidden shoes."

With gentle hands, Dave delicately lifts my leg, cradling my foot with care as he places the shoe back on my foot. His touch is very intimate, each movement calculated and precise. As he adjusts the shoe, his fingers brush against my ankle and calf, sending a tingling sensation through my skin. The red sole of the heel gleams under the light. I feel a subtle connection between us, a connection I haven't felt with men for a very long time..

"Thank you, Dave," I say, touched by his chivalrous gesture.

Diana, ever the observant friend, offers a knowing smile, sensing the unspoken sexual chemistry between us. She continues the conversation seamlessly, allowing Dave and me to exchange glances filled with unspoken understanding. In that moment, as Dave's eyes meet mine again, I sense a sexual attraction to me, my broken legs over the years, my wheelchair. It's a moment that lingers in the air, hinting at possibilities yet to unfold like when I met ladies over the years of all ages using crutches and in a leg cast. Potential for so much more then and now. I wanton to know everything about the reasons for the casts.

As the evening progresses, I find myself drawn to Dave's genuine warmth and attentive nature to all his clients. The conversations flow effortlessly but with me I feel that it's touching on shared interests and life experiences. I'm a romantic. Can this chance encounter, marked by a fallen heel and a romantic gesture, set the stage for friendship, and perhaps even love?

As we prepare to leave La Fine Bouche, Dave approaches our table with a warm smile. "I hope you both had a delightful evening. It was a pleasure having you here," he says, his tone genuine.

"We did indeed, Dave. Thank you for the wonderful experience," Diana responds, her smile mirroring his warmth. I nod in agreement.

As we roll out of the restaurant, I can't help but notice Dave's gaze once again. There's something about the way he looks at me, admiration for sure but perhaps something more that I can't quite pinpoint or maybe I don't want to admit.

In that moment, I realize how much I enjoy being seen as a sexy, lovely, crippled woman in my wheelchair, basking in Dave's gaze. It's not merely about sensual attraction; it's about feeling truly seen and understood, beyond the external appearance.

Yet, a lingering question remains in my mind: would Dave still see me the same way if he knew the circumstances that led to me using this wheelchair? Would he accept me, if he knew how often I needed to feel a breaking bone, a stress fracture or a sprain? leaving me curious about what the future may bring.

Little did I know that my daughter's acceptance of her sexual fetish, an attraction to being on crutches injured or not in her case, would intertwine with Dave's presence in a dance of fate. She's a charming young woman, her lovely physique magnified when gracefully moving on her crutches non weight bearing. How much she's changes from her days running on the field.

Chapter 4
To come

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