Monday, May 27, 2024

Mom & Daughter Chapter 6

 Mom & Daughter

Chapter 6
From Dave POV

I find myself unable to shake the image of Sarah from my mind. Her presence lingers, like an enchanting melody playing on repeat in my thoughts. It's not just her looking so lovely sitting in her wheelchair that captivates me, though it's a part of her unique charm. It's the way she carries herself with grace and confidence, the way her smile lights up the room, and the way she effortlessly combines elegance with strength.

Those legs, her sexy long leg and her high heels, seem to defy any limitations, each pushed in her chair with her strong and well defined arms is a testament to pure determination. I can't help but admire her for embracing her mobility aid as a symbol of empowerment rather than a hindrance. It's a refreshing perspective that fits perfectly in my attraction to fetishes.

When I get quiet moments, I find myself replaying our interactions in my mind, each memory etched with vivid detail. From our first meeting to the moments shared at the restaurant, Sarah's presence leaves a lasting impression. Her passion for life, her openness to new experiences, and her ability to find joy in every situation are qualities that draw me to her more with each passing day.

As clients step into my restaurant, I greet them with a warm smile and a welcoming gesture.

"Good evening, welcome to La Fine Bouche," I say, gesturing towards an available table.

"Please, have a seat."

One of the clients, Ms. Thompson responds with a smile, "Thank you, Dave. It's lovely to be here."

"It's my pleasure," I reply. Despite focusing on their needs, thoughts of Sarah linger in the back of my mind, distracting from my usual hospitality. As I glance at the reservation list, my attention is drawn to the entrance where two lovely young women step out of an Uber van. One of them reaches into the trunk and retrieves a pair of crutches.

Curiosity piques as I observe them, wondering about their story and the reason for the crutches. It's not something you see every day, and I make a mental note to ensure their dining experience is comfortable and accommodating. I wonder if the reason for the crutches is a sprain or a break?

I notice a lovely young woman in her twenties struggling to slide her cast out of the back seat of the minivan. She's dressed in tight-fitting jeans and a stylish top, her long brown hair flowing freely around her shoulders. Her outfit exudes a casual yet chic vibe, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the evening. I make a mental note to ensure her dining experience is as delightful as her appearance suggests.

The young woman, with her long brown hair cascading down her shoulders, is in a full red leg cast that looks brand new. She leans lightly on a pair of crutches, her position indicating that she's in a non-weight-bearing cast. The cut off of her jeans reveal the full length and thickness of the cast, which rises up her whole leg. The cast is smooth and looks so good on her and it's so long that it completely hides her left leg leaving only her little toes exposed. Then our eyes cross for a few seconds...

Despite the cast and crutches, she moves gracefully, even if the cast is new, being on crutches is not for her. She carries herself with an air of resilience, her gaze steady and determined. The vibrant red of the cast stands out against her outfit, I feel a unique sexual attraction towards her.

As she navigates the restaurant, it's clear she loves the challenges. She carries herself with confidence, her crutches steady and her gait smooth. She also seems to be enjoying all the looks she's getting, her red leg cast drawing attention everywhere she goes. People's curiosity is clearly peaked, seeing her in this unusual situation. She makes an effort to respond graciously, smiling at the occasional glance from strangers. It's clear that she's enjoying the novelty of it all and feels comfortable with being in this position.

As I observe the young woman moving gracefully on her crutches, there's an undeniable sense of familiarity in her movements. It's as if she's in her element, effortlessly navigating the space with a combination of skill and ease. The way she adjusts her balance and moves around obstacles speaks volumes about her experience with crutches. There's a fluidity to her movements that can only come from someone who has spent considerable time using them. It's not just about practicality; there's a certain elegance in the way she handles the crutches similar to the way Sarah is using her wheelchair and not the other way around.

As I listen in on their conversation, I hear the three women refer to the tall one on crutches as Hannah. They speak with warmth and familiarity, exchanging anecdotes and laughter as they settle into their seats.

Their conversation flows effortlessly, touching on various topics with Hannah occasionally sharing stories about her experiences on crutches...and a difficult married life. There's a sense of camaraderie and support among the women, adding to the lively atmosphere of the restaurant.

I observe Hannah as she gracefully navigates the restaurant on her crutches, her cast floating slightly above the ground, weaving through tables and guests with ease. It's clear that she's not letting her injury hold her back, embracing the mobility aids as tools that allow her to continue enjoying life to the fullest, even with a badly broken leg.

As she passes by me, I notice the waft of her perfume and swear it's the same one Sarah wears. I take a moment to catch her eye, recognizing something familiar about her. Something about her makes me want to get to know her a little better. I then imagine sweet Sarah in a similar long red leg cast, walking on crutches. I approached the three ladies with a friendly smile,

"Good evening, I'm Dave, the owner of this restaurant. I hope you're all enjoying your time here."

One of the ladies nods with a smile, "Yes, we are. Thank you, Dave."

I glance at Hannah and ask politely, "Would it be alright if I use the fourth chair for your cast, elevating your broken leg will be better for you to miss? I can lift it for you if that's okay."

Hannah smiles appreciatively and nods, "Of course, thank you sir I didn't want to be in the way with this long cast."

With gentle hands, I carefully lift her casted leg onto the fourth chair, ensuring that she's comfortable and has enough space. "There you go, miss, let me know if you need anything else," I say, offering a reassuring smile.

Hannah thanks me with a warm smile, "Thank you, Dave. That's very thoughtful of you."

In my mind, I couldn't help but appreciate how attractive the young woman was with her cast and crutches. It wasn't just her physical appearance that caught my attention; it was the way she carried herself despite her injury. There was an undeniable charm in her resilience, a quality that added to her beauty.

Later on I watched as Hannah went back to her table, with the help of her friend, she eased herself into the chair, her casted leg positioned comfortably on the spare chair. As she settled in, I couldn't stop looking at her red cast and pretty exposed toes. I had to shake off the feeling and pure sexual excitement when in my mind I was caressing her broken leg, licking her toes before moving up to her lovely breasts and lips.

As the evening drew to a close, I made my way to Hannah's table with her crutches in hand. She leaned on me as she stood and positioned them, ensuring she was comfortable before bidding her and her companions goodnight.

As I watched Hannah move out of the restaurant, heading towards the waiting Uber car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of attraction. Just as she was about to step into the car, she turned around, her eyes meeting mine with a smile that seemed to hold a hint of mystery.

I felt a lingering sense of sexual excitement about the upcoming date with Sarah. The evening had been filled with unexpected connections, and I couldn't help but wonder if I should share with Sarah my sexual attraction to this younger woman.

Chapter 7
To come

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