Sunday, September 29, 2024

Beyond the Movie Script chapter 1

 Beyond the Movie Script

Chapter 1

As a lawyer specializing in contracting law, my days were often filled with paperwork, meetings, and a constant juggling act between important and demanding clients. This morning was no different, though the chill in the autumn air reminded me to prepare for the new season coming soon. Today I wore a sleek black pencil skirt that hugged my hips just right, paired with a white blouse tucked in neatly. I finished the look with black leather stilettos, four-inch heels that made me feel grounded, confident, and in control as I strode into my office.

It was an ordinary Tuesday when Serena Caldwell first entered my world. All over the news, there were reports of her filming a new thriller right here in our city. The media buzzed with stories about the tall and sexy young actress, daring stunts and how this movie was set to push the boundaries of suspense and danger. It piqued my interest, not just because of her fame, but because of the energy surrounding her latest project wanting to push the boundaries.

I knew all about pushing physical boundaries too far...

As I sat at my desk in the office, scrolling through my emails, I heard the familiar sound of Steve's crutches tapping against the floor. He hobbled into my office with his usual confident stride, god he was beautiful despite the obvious constraint.

His right lower leg was wrapped in a white fibre cast that went just below his knee, with bright blue signatures scribbled all over it from friends who clearly didn't know the story of how "we" broke his ankle. He kept it slightly elevated, non weight bearing for a few more weeks.

Every time I saw him like that, a mix of guilt and pure sexual arousal stirred inside me. Stop reading now if you don't like this...

After all, I was the one partly responsible for his broken ankle. It happened during one of our more heated bondage sessions. In the heat of the moment, I had pushed a little too hard, expanding the boundaries and well, here we were. But let's be honest here, it was the safety clamp's fault for not auto releasing when the pressure I applied mounted on his ankle and his tibia snapped.

Steve, ever the charmer, never let it get to him. He rested his crutches against the wall and hopped to the chair opposite my desk. His leg stretched out in front of him, part of the cast covered by the cuff of his neatly pressed pants and a small black sock covered his exposed toes...clearly a suggestion from his wife, not me.

I love to see exposed toes at the end of a leg cast.

"Serena Caldwell," he said, rubbing a hand over his jaw. "I heard she's filming that new thriller in the city. Saw a few crew trucks down by the docks yesterday."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Really? What's the plot? Do we know?"

"Supposedly, it's about some woman having an affair with an older judge who gets trapped in a dangerous game of cat and mouse when she discovers he might be a serial killer. Lots of stunts, explosions, the usual Hollywood chaos. But from what I've heard, they're trying to do things the old-school way, without too much CGI or AI. Lots of live stunts."

I couldn't help but feel a flicker of admiration for Serena's boldness. "Sounds risky for such a lovely and young actress."

Steve chuckled, glancing down at his cast. "Tell me about it. If she's doing half the stunts they're talking about, I sure hope that her stunt coordinator is better than my sexual mistress." He smiled, removing the sock to tease me.

I laughed lightly, feeling the familiar playfulness between us. "I will admit Steve that not everyone gets their ankle broken in quite the same way as you. It was..." I lick my lips, my turn to tease him.

He smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, but we had fun, didn't we?"

I rolled my eyes, though I couldn't hide my smile. Steve had a way of lightening the mood, even when the reminder of his injury made me wince, I could hear in my mind the loud cracking sound. The broken ankle might have been accidental, but it added another layer of complexity to our already complicated dynamic.

He was tall, sexy, and very much married.

Yet here he was, being my paralegal, sitting in my office, his leg propped up in that cast I'd inadvertently caused, while we navigated the blurred lines between friendship, work, and something much deeper sexually.

He reached for his crutches, standing up carefully and balancing his weight. "Anyway, I hear Serena's pretty stressed about some of the stunts they are asking her to do. Word is, she's already had a close call."

I leaned forward, mistress Steffie was intrigued. " A close call?"

"Yeah, something went wrong on set last week. A very basic stunt was too dangerous for her to do, and she almost got hurt. Rumour has it she's pushing back against the director, but the studio is pressuring her to keep going. Cutting some cost since the end of the Covid"

I pursed my lips, thinking it over. Serena was a young actress, but even the most talented had their limits. "Sounds like she might need someone in her corner."

Steve gave me a knowing smile. "That's what I was thinking. A lawyer who knows her way around dangerous deals might be exactly what she's looking for."

After Steve gave me that knowing smile, he pushed himself up from the chair, balancing carefully on his crutches. His knee bent slightly, keeping his right leg elevated to avoid putting any pressure on his broken ankle. The cast was slim, 100% non weight bearing and extended just below his knee, forcing him to bend his knee or lead the way with his broken limb as he moved.

He swung his crutches forward, smoothly transferring his weight from one to the other, his muscular arms and tall frame effortlessly compensating for the lack of mobility. His lovely cast hovered just off the floor. Even with the injury, he was confident. The sight of him, crutches tucked under his arms, his strong leg doing all the work while the other remained stiff and immobile was a sexy mix of vulnerability and strength.

As he made his way to the door, I couldn't help but notice how natural it seemed for him, as if he'd mastered the art of moving in crutches gracefully despite the cast so quickly.

"Need any help?" I asked teasingly, though I knew he had it under control.

Steve glanced over his shoulder, smirking. "I've got this, Mistress Steffie. But I'll take a rain check on that offer."

"You know not to call me Mistress at the office, you don't want me to punish you...again"

With one final, smooth stride, he reached the door, crutches positioned perfectly, his leg still bent slightly to keep that injured limb elevated. He turned back to flash me a wink.

"Let me know if you hear anything about Serena. And try not to break anything else, okay?"

I smiled as he disappeared into the hallway, his crutches tapping their way down the corridor, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

That weekend,as I stepped into my favorite little coffee shop, she immediately caught my attention and everybody else.

Beyond the Movie Script
Chapter 2 to come

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