Saturday, September 21, 2024

Cheer, crutches and love chapter 10

 Cheer, crutches and love

Chapter 10

As I sat down on the bench, my leg and ankle throbbing, I felt torn. I was so close, but there was still so much work to do. Nick knelt in front of me, his hands gently massaging my ankle.

"We'll get there," he said softly, his eyes locking with mine. "But you have to be patient."

The big day had finally arrived. My heart raced as I stood in front of the mirror, pulling my uniform snug against my body. The crisp white fabric, with its sharp lines and tailored fit, felt almost like a second skin. The embroidered emblem of my team was stitched proudly over my chest, and the lightweight sneakers on my feet were laced up tightly, ready to carry me through the toughest challenge of my career.

I smoothed my hands over my uniform, taking a deep breath. My ankle, still wrapped, felt steady, stronger than it had in months. I had pushed hard, maybe too hard, to get here, but now it was all or nothing.

"Hailey, you look amazing," one of my teammates, Emma, said, smiling as she walked over and gave me a light punch on the shoulder. "We're going to crush it today, I can feel it."

I smiled back, though my stomach was twisting with nerves. "Thanks, Em. Let's hope all this work pays off."

Behind her, the rest of my teammates were buzzing with energy, doing their own stretches and chatting excitedly, all while offering words of encouragement. We had trained side by side for so long, through sweat-soaked practices and late-night sessions. This day wasn't just about me, it was about all of us.

But beneath the surface, I couldn't shake the gnawing feeling. As I glanced at the stands, packed with cheering spectators, an uneasy sensation crept over me. I knew most of them were here to support us, but a darker thought lingered at the back of my mind.

Some of them... some were here for something else entirely.

It was like the way people flock to car races, not just for the thrill of the speed, but for the crashes. For the chance to witness something go wrong. I could almost feel their eyes on me, my leg and my ankle waiting for that one misstep, that one fall. They weren't here to see perfection; they were here to see a sprained ankle, a broken leg.

It was crazy, I knew that. But still, it was as if some were watching, almost anticipating that I would be the one to crash and burn, break something, fall hard, and leave the event possibly on a stretcher, leg in a splint.

The weight of their silent expectations pressed down on me.

I took a deep breath, pushing the thought aside, but it lingered, hovering over me like a cloud. Today wasn't about falling or breaking bone, it was about proving them wrong.

Our coach had pushed us harder than anyone else, but she had always believed in me, even when I wasn't sure I believed in myself.

"Alright, team," she called out, her voice cutting through the hum of activity. "Huddle up. It's time."

As we gathered around, she looked us each in the eye. "You've worked your butts off for this moment. Everything you've done leads to today. Trust your training, trust your bodies, and most of all, trust each other."

When her gaze landed on me, she gave a subtle nod, a look of pride in her eyes. "And Hailey, you've come back stronger than I ever could've imagined. You're ready for this, enjoy the moment and be safe."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded back. "I won't let any of you down."

As we broke the huddle, I caught sight of Nick standing off to the side, his eyes locked on me. He wasn't in the spotlight today, but he had been my rock every step of the way, always there with a smile or a word of caution when I needed it. His support had been unwavering, and seeing him here now gave me the final push I needed.

I walked over to him, the rest of the world momentarily fading away. "Hey," I whispered, my nerves bubbling up again.

Nick's smile was soft, his eyes full of warmth. "Hey," he said, reaching out to squeeze my hand. "You've got this, Hailey. I know you do."

"Thanks for always being here, I couldn't have done this without you."

He pulled me in for a quick hug, his hand brushing over the ace bandages on my ankle.

"Just promise me you'll be careful out there, okay?"

"I will. I promise."

Cheer, crutches and love
Conclusion to come

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