Thursday, June 13, 2024

AI 165


My very erotic journal part 6

 My very erotic journal

July 9

The moment I woke up the next morning, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe that I was now faced with the reality of living with a full leg cast, crutches and pain, a life change that would be challenging, to say the least.

My husband, Miles, was going to be my rock. The first morning he helped me get out of bed, careful not to bang my cast, and assisted me in elevating my leg as the lovely nurse had instructed me. He knew that I needed to keep my leg elevated as much as possible to aid in the healing process.

As I settled back into the bed, I felt a mix of emotions while Miles sat next to me. He started by gently massaging my uncasted leg, his touch soft and soothing. As he slowly made his way up my thigh, he began to tease me, his fingers tracing circles around the sensitive skin. I moaned in pleasure, my body responding to his touch. He took his time, exploring every inch of my body, making sure I was fully aroused. He leaned in and kissed me passionately, his tongue darting in and out of my mouth, mimicking the movements he would soon make with his long penis if I let him.

But...Instead he helped me get dressed for church of all things. I nodded, sitting up in bed with my leg still elevated on pillows. "Yes, let's do this."

Miles had already picked out a lovely dress for me. He chose a flowing, knee-length dress with a flattering empire waist that would be easy to slip over my cast. The colour was vibrant and made me feel good with my situation. First, he helped me out of bed and onto a chair. I sat with my leg extended, trying to keep it as still as possible.

He gently guided the dress over my head, carefully manoeuvring it around my cast. The fabric was soft and comfortable, cascading gracefully over my body and stopping just above my cast. I felt a bit more like myself.

I felt self-conscious as I hobbled into the church on my crutches and as we sat in the pew, I noticed Fiona, my boss, with her broken arm in a sling. We exchanged knowing glances, both of us feeling a sense of camaraderie in our shared experience of injury.

Miles leaned closer to me, kissed my earlobe and said "I love you Nina and I'm so sorry for your broken leg" he whispered, his eyes full of warmth and affection. I smiled, feeling a deep sense of love and gratitude for this man and at the same time I noticed Fiona looking at us.

"I love you too, and it wasn't your fault" I murmured, my voice choked with emotion while I moved my broken leg to come in contact with his leg, simply enjoying the closeness and intimacy in church.

As I sat in the pew, I tried to focus on the sermon but found myself distracted so I leaned over and placed Miles' hand on my thigh, the casted one. I couldn't feel the heat of his touch through the thin fabric of my dress and my cast, but I knew he was thinking about the same thing I was. I glanced over at him, and he gave me a sly smile that sent shivers down my spine. After the sermon, we walked out of the church together, my crutches clunking against the stone floor. As we made our way to the car, Miles leaned in close and whispered in my ear,

"I know it's wrong baby but I can't wait to get you home and fuck you hard in that black cast. You look so sexy on crutches"

I blushed, hoping that nobody around us could hear, but the thrill of being caught was intoxicating.

"Be careful you two" Fiona said smiling at me then she looked at my broken leg while I smiled and wondered for just one second or two, how her hard cast would feel between my legs...against my vagina.

Love, Nina

AI 164


Clip 560 Car accident LLC wheelchair full leg cast, long leg cast

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

AI 163


AI 162


Karine AI 16 vide Broken leg, ankle, LLC, SLC, cast, crutches, wheelchair

AI 161


My very erotic journal part 5

 My very erotic journal

July 8
Late Afternoon

The nurse, a gentle woman with a reassuring smile, prepared the materials for the cast. She laid out rolls of gauze, padding, and the casting tape. The doctor explained the process to me.

"We're going to apply a full leg cast to immobilize your leg. It might feel a bit tight at first, but it's important to keep your leg stable."

The nurse smiled kindly and asked, "What color cast would you like?"

The craziest thing comes to your mind when you break a leg. I replied with a grin, "Black, please. A long black cast will go well with my sexy red dress." I said smiling at the nurse.

"Black it is, and I agree miss Carter." The beautiful nurse said, looking at my legs with a mix of professional interest and something else. Her eyes roamed over my shapely thighs and calves as they prepared to apply my long leg cast. I smiled back at her, she knew I was a married woman right?

The nurse began, the pain was still there, but their careful handling made it more bearable.

She wrapped my leg in a soft cotton padding, starting from my toes and working her way up to my thigh. The padding felt soft and comforting against my skin, cushioning my leg in preparation for the cast.

"You're doing great Nina," she said encouragingly, her long fingers along my leg. "This padding will help keep you comfortable." She was keeping me comfortable but maybe not the way she was expecting. I kept looking at those long fingers...

Once the padding was in place, the doctor began applying the casting tape. The tape was soaked in water to activate it, and it felt nice and slightly wet as he started wrapping it around my foot. He worked his way up slowly, ensuring each layer was smooth and even. The tape hardened quickly, forming a solid, protective layer around my broken leg.

He continued to wrap the tape around my ankle, then my calf, making sure to keep my leg bent at the knee just enough that I won't be able to stand on the cast at all. He paused occasionally to check that the cast was forming correctly and that I wasn't in too much discomfort.

The lovely nurse was smoothing the surface behind him, almost caressing it. Rubbing it over and over and as she reached my knee, the nurse held my stare. My cast was very, very hard and steady, allowing the doctor to wrap the last roll of tape securely around my knee. They both worked with such coordination, but it was clear that she was into me somehow. When the doctor was finished with my cast, she slid her hands along my casted thigh, almost to my vagina, she made sure my entire long and sexy leg was immobilized.

I think my sexual imagination was running wild. He brought me back to reality.

"Almost done". The material quickly hardened, encasing my leg in a rigid shell. The nurse gently pressed along the cast, smoothing out any rough edges and ensuring it was comfortable.

"How does that feel? Before I go get your crutches" she asked, her eyes kind and attentive.

"It feels tight, but not too bad," I replied, relieved that the process was over.

The lovely nurse placed a support under my broken leg and adjusted the bed to keep my leg elevated. I wiggled my toes, feeling the strange sensation of being confined. I couldn't help but notice the way Miles looked at me. There was a certain intensity in his gaze, a mix of fascination, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. He stared at my broken leg, the long black cast that immobilized it, and then his eyes moved to my other leg. He seemed mesmerized by the contrast, the way my uninjured leg looked next to the rigid cast.

"How are you feeling?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine care.

I smiled at him, appreciating his attentiveness. "A bit sore, but I'm managing. Thank you for everything, Miles." He gently caressed my uninjured leg, his fingers tracing the smooth skin.

"You're incredible, Nina. So strong."

The nurse came in and adjusted my crutches, making sure they were the right height and fit for me. She gave me a brief tutorial on how to use them properly, and she helped me to stand, my arms trembling slightly as I put weight on the crutches for the first time. It was awkward and exhausting, but I managed a few steps. The reality of my situation was sinking in fast. I would have to adapt to this new way of moving, relying on my upper body strength and balance to get around.

"Miss Carter you are ready to go home but remember to keep your leg elevated as much as possible," she advised.

Yes the cast was heavy and restrictive, but it also provided a sense of security. I knew my broken leg was now properly supported and it gave me a look of "Je ne sais quoi". I couldn't pinpoint how I felt.

She and another nurse carefully helped me slide from the bed into the wheelchair, making sure my broken leg was properly supported and elevated on a padded rest. I winced slightly as my leg shifted, but her gentle touch and encouraging words made the process smoother.

Once I was settled, she began to wheel me out of the room and down the corridor. The hospital hallways seemed endless, each turn bringing us closer to the exit. She chatted lightly, trying to keep my spirits up. As we reached the entrance, I spotted Miles waiting by the car, he opened the door wide, ready to assist me.

"Alright, Nina, let's take it slow when transferring the first few times" She instructed.

Miles supported me as I carefully stood up, balancing awkwardly on my right foot. Now... the cast felt heavy and cumbersome. With their combined help, I managed to lower myself into the back seat, though not without a struggle.

"Thanks," I smiled at her, holding on to her hand a few seconds longer than necessary.

"You're doing great, and look so damn sexy in that black cast" She said quietly into my ear, giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before closing the car door.

The drive home was quiet. Miles kept glancing over at me, concern etched on his face. I tried to smile at him, to show that I was alright, but the reality of my situation was starting to sink in. The idea of navigating life with a full leg cast was daunting, to say the least.

When we arrived home, Miles parked as close to the entrance as possible. He hurried around to my side, opening the door and getting my crutches ready.

"Let's take it one step at a time," he said softly.

I nodded, gripping the crutches tightly as I eased myself out of the car. Every movement was a challenge, but Miles was patient and supportive, guiding me through each step. We finally made it inside, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. The familiar surroundings of our home were comforting. Miles helped me to our bedroom, where he had already set up some extra pillows to elevate my leg.

As I settled into bed, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and gratitude. Frustration at my current state, but immense gratitude for Miles and his unwavering support.

"I'll get you anything you need, I'm so so sorry" he said, brushing a stray lock of hair from my face.

"Just having you here is enough and it wasn't your fault" I whispered, feeling the weight of the day catch up with me.

Miles kissed my forehead, then went to grab a glass of water and some pain medication the doctor had prescribed. I took them gratefully, hoping they'd help ease the throbbing in my leg.

As I lay there, trying to find a comfortable position, I thought about the journey ahead. It was going to be a long recovery, but with Miles by my side and the support of friends like Fiona and Brandon, I felt ready to face whatever came next.

In my dream the lovely and sexy nurse was by my side in bed rubbing my cast with one hand and sliding in 2 fingers inside me with her other hand...

Love, Nina

Clip 559 Broken crutches, cast, SLC, crutches walking her dog

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

AI 160


AI 159


AI 158


My very erotic journal part 4

 My very erotic journal

July 8

Miles and I are playing in a couple's soccer game. It's a fun tradition we've kept up with our friends, and I always look forward to it. I started with a quick shower after having sex with Miles. The warm water was refreshing and helped ease any lingering sexual tension after multiple orgasms. After drying off, I moisturize my skin with a light, citrus-scented lotion that Miles loves.

I wanted to look sporty yet cute for the game. I dug through my dresser and pulled out my favourite pair of athletic shorts. They're black with white trim, hugging my hips snugly. I paired them with a bright blue sports bra and a tight fitting, white tank top that has our team's logo on it.

Next, I pulled on a pair of knee socks and my trusty soccer shoes. They're well-worn but comfortable, perfect for a day of running around the field. I tied my hair into a high ponytail, securing it with a blue scrunchies that matched my sports bra.

I kept my makeup light and natural, opting for a bit of tinted moisturize, waterproof mascara, and a touch of lip balm. I wanted to look fresh and put-together without going overboard.

Miles was already in his soccer gear when I came downstairs. He looked so handsome and ready to play, his competitive spirit shining through. He gave me a playful wink and said,

"Are you ready to kick some butt?"

"You bet!" I replied, feeling a rush of excitement, must have been my competitive side..

We arrived at the park, and our friends were already warming up. Fiona was there, too, cheering us on from the sidelines with her arm in its white cast and sling. She looked chic as always in her casual weekend attire, jeans, a simple top, and stylish sunglasses. Despite her injury, she was full of energy and enthusiasm, waving and calling out encouragement.

The game started off wonderfully. Miles and I worked well together, passing the ball and setting up plays. I felt alive and energetic, every move precise and powerful. But then, it happened. I was running for the ball, intent on reaching it before anyone else. I planted my left foot firmly to turn quickly, my soccer shoe gripping the grass solidly. But as I twisted, my foot stayed planted.

In that split second, Miles, yes my husband, teammate, the man of my life collided with me from behind. The impact was sudden and forceful. I felt my leg twist awkwardly, the pressure building until there was a sickening snap. I fell to the ground, Miles landing on top of already injured leg and ankle.

Pain shot through my leg, radiating from my ankle to my knee. It was a sharp, intense pain that took my breath away. I screamed, clutching my leg, tears streaming down my face. The agony was overwhelming, and I could barely think through it.

Miles quickly scrambled off me, his face pale with shock and concern. "Nina! Oh my God, are you okay?"

I wanted to say "do I look OK to you?" but instead I said "I think... I think I broke my leg," I managed to gasp out between sobs.

Miles looked stricken, and I saw the realization dawn on his face. "It's like what happened with Fiona," he said softly, glancing at her on the sidelines, why was she even here at the game today. She never came in the past. "You ran into her, and she broke her arm. Now I've done the same to you."

Fiona was by my side now, her face full of concern but something else. "Hang in there, Nina. We're going to get you help."

The pain in my leg was unbearable like nothing I've ever felt before, and I could barely move. The EMTs arrived swiftly, their presence both calming and reassuring. One of them, a tall woman with kind eyes, knelt beside me and assessed my leg with gentle, practised hands.

"It's going to be alright Miss Carter," she said soothingly. "We're going to take good care of you."

She and her partner, a burly man with a reassuring demeanour, worked together efficiently. The woman carefully cut away the fabric around my leg, exposing the injury. I winced as she touched the swollen area, I looked down at my leg, It was a long, beautiful leg, but now it lay there twisted in two places, a painful reminder of my fragility.

"We need to splint the leg to keep it stable for transport," she explained, her voice steady. "Try to stay as still as you can. I know this is not fun"

Her partner handed her a splint, and she gently placed it along the length of my leg. The cool metal felt oddly comforting against my skin. She wrapped it securely with bandages, making sure it was tight enough to immobilize my leg without causing more pain.

"You're doing great," she encouraged me, her eyes meeting mine. Once the splint was in place, they carefully lifted me onto a stretcher, their movements coordinated, every motion was designed to minimize my discomfort. I felt a slight jolt as they secured the straps, ensuring I wouldn't shift during transport.

"You're all set," the male EMT said with a reassuring smile. "We're going to get you to the hospital now."

They lifted the stretcher into the ambulance, the sound of the siren wailing in the background. Inside, they continued to monitor me, their presence a constant source of comfort. The woman sat beside me, her hand resting lightly on my arm.

"Just hang in there, we're almost there."

As the ambulance pulled up to the hospital, the EMT s wheeled me into the emergency room, where a doctor and a nurse awaited our arrival. The EMT s briefed them on my condition, and soon, I was moved to the X Ray room.

Dr. Patel, a kind and experienced orthopaedic surgeon, entered the room with a serious expression. "Miss Carter, we've reviewed your X-rays, and it looks like the bones in your lower leg are not aligned as well as we'd hoped. To ensure proper healing, we need to realign the bones before applying a cast."

My heart sank. The thought of more pain was daunting, but I knew it was necessary. "What does that involve?" I asked.

Dr. Patel explained, "We'll need to do a closed reduction. This means I will manipulate the bones back into their proper position without making an incision. We'll give you a local anaesthetic to numb the area."

I nodded, feeling pure fear while Miles squeezed my hand. The nurse prepared me for the procedure, she administered the local anaesthetic, and I felt a cold, numbing sensation spread through my broken leg.

"I'm going to apply traction now, which means I'll gently pull on your leg to separate the bones slightly. This will help them move back into alignment."

I could feel the pressure as he pulled on my leg, but the anaesthetic dulled the sharp pain. It was more of a deep, uncomfortable ache. I focused on my breathing, trying to stay as relaxed as possible and then I focused on Fiona and her broken arm.

"You're doing great, Nina," Dr. Patel said reassuringly. "Now, I'm going to rotate your leg slightly to align the bones."

The rotation sent a wave of discomfort through my leg, but I gritted my teeth and held on to the sides of the bed. Miles was right there, his presence a comforting anchor. After what felt like an eternity, Dr. Patel finally said, "The bones are back in alignment. We're going to take another X-ray to confirm."

They wheeled me to the X-ray room, and a few moments later, we were back in the original room, waiting for the results. Dr. Patel returned with a smile. "The alignment looks perfect now. We'll put your leg in a full leg cast to keep everything in place."

At that moment, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was going to be in a full leg cast for the foreseeable future. My mind raced with thoughts of the challenges ahead. Would I get a walking cast? How would I manage daily tasks? How would I get around? And then there were the crutches possibly, I would have to rely on them for everything.

"Oh my God," I whispered, the reality settling in. The idea of having my leg immobilized in a cast, unable to bend my knee or move freely, was overwhelming. I felt a mix of fear, frustration, and disbelief after the conversations we had yesterday and even this morning.

Miles squeezed my hand again, his eyes full of empathy. "We'll get through this, Nina. One step at a time."

I need a break, god I hate this expression and then bang...he hit me...

"You will be in non weight bearing for 8 weeks minimum, your cast will cover your whole leg and you will be able to move around on crutches Miss Carter."

There he was back with Miss Carter for the bad news. I will post the casting process later on, enough for now.

Love, Nina

AI 157


Clip 558 Beautiful woman, broken ankle, cast, crutches