Thursday, July 18, 2024

AI 307




AI 305


A Unique Proposal chapter 2

 A Unique Proposal

Chapter 2

After the ceremony, the grand hall transitioned into a lavish reception area. Guests mingled, laughter and chatter filled the air, and a live band played softly in the background. The scent of gourmet food wafted through the room, and waitstaff in crisp uniforms moved gracefully between the guests, offering trays of delicate hors d'oeuvres and flutes of champagne.

I took my time, observing the crowd and savouring the atmosphere. Mark and Ava were at the centre of it all, surrounded by well-wishers and friends. They were glowing with newlywed happiness, their smiles never wavering as they thanked everyone for coming.

Later that evening, with a glass of champagne in hand, I made my move, the only way I knew how. I approached the couple with a confident stride. As I drew near, Ava noticed me first. Her eyes met mine, and she smiled warmly as she remembered me. You see my dead husband, yes the one I killed, was her uncle.

"Congratulations on your beautiful wedding," I said, my voice sincere. "I'm Lily."

"Thank you, I know who you are, Lily," Ava replied, her smile radiant with something I couldn't quite understand at the moment. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

Mark extended his hand, and I shook it firmly. "Thank you for being here, we're so glad you could join us." He said but was he really...and would he be when I'm done...

I took a sip of my champagne, my eyes never leaving theirs. "I couldn't miss such a beautiful wedding," I said, my tone casual but deliberate. "And speaking of beauty, Ava, you look absolutely stunning. Your gown is exquisite."

Ava blushed slightly, glancing down at her dress. "Thank you so much. It means a lot to hear that." I never believed in wasting time so I leaned in slightly, lowering my voice just enough to create an air of intimacy while balancing on my stilettos.

"Mark, Ava, I have a proposition for you. It's quite unique and could be incredibly exciting and beneficial to all of us."

Their expressions shifted from polite interest to curiosity. "What do you mean?" Mark asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

"How would you like to make ten million dollars?" I asked, letting the weight of my words hang in the air. "All I ask in return is for Ava to spend the NEXT ten days with me and participate in a series of sexual fetishes that I want to experiment with."

There was a moment of shock and obvious stunned silence as they processed my offer. Ava's eyes widened, and Mark looked taken aback. I could see the wheels turning in their minds, trying to make sense of what I had just proposed... their wedding reception...ten million dollars...10 days...series of sexual fetishes...with little me.

"Ten million dollars?" Ava repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief. "For ten days?"

She shifted slightly on her high heels, the movement drawing my attention to her long, toned legs showcased by the daring slit in her wedding gown. The sight was captivating, each step she took revealing more of her slender, graceful limbs.

Mark, standing beside her, looked equally taken aback. "That's an enormous sum of money," he said, glancing at Ava. Her initial shock was evident, her eyes wide and her hand clutching Mark's arm. She took a moment to steady herself, her heels clicking faintly as she shifted her weight.

"Why would you offer something like that?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and suspicion, her eyes darted between Mark and me, her long legs shifting slightly as she balanced on her heels. The curiosity in her eyes grew stronger, mingling with a hint of possible sexual excitement.

Mark looked at me, then at Ava, his expression unreadable. "What kind of fetishes are we talking about here?"

I smiled, my eyes never leaving Ava's, kinda ignoring Mark in a kind way. "I have a particular fondness for long legs, Ava. And I would love for your left leg to be in a cast for the duration of our time together. I want to worship your legs, to lavish attention on them, to make you feel like the most desirable woman in the world being on crutches."

Ava's eyes widened even further, and I could see the flush spreading across her cheeks. "A leg cast again? For ten days?"

I nodded. "Yes, that's just the beginning. I want to explore other fetishes with you as well, things that I think you'll enjoy just as much as I will. But I want you to be comfortable, to feel safe and secure, and to know that you can say no at any time."

Mark looked sceptical. "And you're willing to pay ten million dollars for this?"

I nodded. "Yes, Mark. I'm willing to pay ten million dollars for the privilege of spending ten days with your beautiful wife, exploring some of my deepest desires and helping her to discover some of hers as well." Ava looked at me, her eyes filled with curiosity, lust and sexual desire.

I smiled, my eyes never leaving hers. "I want to explore sensory deprivation with you, Ava. I want to tie you up, to tease you until you're begging for release. I want to explore every inch of your sexy body, to heighten your senses and make you feel even more alive."

Ava smiled at me and bent her left leg in the same angle that her long leg cast was back then when I first saw her. "Ten million dollars," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "For ten days of sexual experiences?" She asked leaning against her husband for balance.

"yes. Imagine exploring voyeurism and exhibitionism with me, to watch you pleasure yourself, to let you watch me pleasure myself, and to do it all in one or multiple casts if that's what you want."

She nodded, closing her eyes. "Ava, I want to make you scream with pleasure and beg for more. And I want to do it all with your full consent and participation."

Mark looked at me again, his expression thoughtful. "And you're serious about this? You're willing to pay ten million dollars for this?"

I nodded. "Yes, Mark. I've wanted Ava for a long time, ever since she broke her leg and I saw her on her crutches looking so damn desirable and I'm willing to pay whatever it takes to make her mine, even if it's just for ten days." I smiled, unable to stop looking at her left leg.

"Think about it Ava," I said, keeping my voice calm and persuasive like any good saleswoman. "It's a life-changing amount of money. And I promise, Ava, you will be safe and well-cared for. This is an opportunity for an extraordinary experience where I will please you on any and every level...including but not only sexually."

Ava took a deep breath, her beautiful chest rising and falling as she considered my proposition. Mark looked at her, his expression of some concern. The decision was clearly weighing on them both, but I could see the spark of intrigue in Ava's eyes.

"Take your time to discuss it," I added, stepping back slightly to give them space but at the same time I put pressure on the sexy bride.

"I'll be here when you're ready to give me your answer but keep in mind that the offer disappears when you leave for your honeymoon. If you decide to go on your honeymoon, I will move on to the next couple, the next beautiful bride."

With that, I excused myself, leaving them to ponder the possibilities. Ava was still standing tall, her long legs a striking contrast against the elegant gown and the potential was incredible. As I walked away, I felt a thrill of anticipation to caress those lovely legs, feel her round breasts under my fingers while I licked her hard nipples. God she was beautiful.

The game had begun, and the pieces were falling into place. The next ten days promised to be an adventure, not just for Ava, but for me as well if... they accept.

Later, Mark and Ava retreated to their suite, the echoes of the wedding celebration still lingering in the air. The room, filled with soft candlelight and the scent of roses, seemed like a sanctuary, but the atmosphere was tense. Mark paced back and forth, his hands running through his hair in frustration.

"Ten million dollars, Ava. It's an insane amount of money. But can we really trust her? Who does she think she is?"

Ava sat on the edge of the bed, her wedding dress now replaced with a simple silk robe. She looked down at her hands, twisting her wedding ring nervously. "I know it sounds crazy, but think about what we could do with that money. We could pay off all our college debts, buy a house, and start our life without any financial worries, anywhere in the world we want."

Mark stopped pacing and looked at her, his expression torn. "But at what cost? What does she really want from you for those ten days? What are the moral and ethical implications of this?"

Ava met Mark's gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear, curiosity, and a sexual attraction towards this woman. "I don't know, Mark," she said, biting her lower lip. "But there's something about her... something intriguing. And it's not just about the money. It's about the experience, the adventure she promised."

Mark sat down beside her, taking her hands in his and then lifted her left leg, tracing the long scars that ran down the length of her leg. Ava winced at the memory of the car accident that caused it, trapped in the car, almost losing her leg, the multiple surgeries, the long months in a cast and on crutches. But Mark's touch was gentle and soothing, and she allowed herself to be comforted by it, to be turned on sexually by it.

"I trust you, Ava," Mark said, meeting her gaze. "But...

A Unique Proposal
Chapter 3 to come

AI 304


Clip 595 Broken leg, motocycle accident, crutches

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

AI 303


Ai 302


A Unique proposal chapter 1

 A Unique Proposal

Chapter 1

My name is Lily. I'm in my thirties, a widow, and, yes, I... disposed of my older husband. It wasn't a crime of passion, nor was it out of hatred. I know you will be judging me but It was a calculated move that secured my future. The wealth he left me has made life comfortable, allowing me to indulge in the finer things without a second thought. My home is a lavish mansion on the outskirts of a large city in the US, complete with a sprawling garden, a personal chef, and a wardrobe that would make a fashion editor green with envy.

You will understand if I don't specify the town I'm in.

I hated this request from Karine... She told me that I would need to describe myself in a very unnatural, sensual way. No woman would intentionally do that but if I steal a line from a friend "for one's imagination to work in harmony with the story-line" I need to do it like she does in all her stories.

I'm Standing at 5'9" without heels, my height alone gets me lots of attention. Add to that my piercing green eyes, high cheekbones, and long, flowing auburn hair and it's no wonder heads turn wherever I go. My figure, kept in impeccable shape through a strict regimen of Pilates and personal training that I can clearly afford, is often the subject of admiration and envy alike. When I walk into a room, people notice.

I've always been described as cute, lovely and sexy, with an air of mystery that sets me apart. There's something about being different that I relish, mystery is more than a word, its in the actions you take. It's not just my looks, but my demeanour. I carry myself with a confidence that borders on arrogance, a calm assurance born from knowing exactly who I am and what I'm capable of (ie: killing my old husband).

People often sense there's more to me than meets the eye, but few dare to find out what lies beneath the surface. You will if you read this story. I trust Karine to write a good story even if I'm not her regular femme fatale in various leg casts and crutches during routine daily occurrences. I prefer ... Well you'll see later if you read past chapter 1... You will hate or love me but I won't leave you indifferent.

My wardrobe is a reflection of my personality, elegant, bold and in a way in your face. Today, I wear a fitted dark blue dress that hugs my curves in all the right places, paired with stilettos that add an extra few inches to my height. The dress is simple, yet sophisticated, with a plunging neckline that teases just enough to intrigue, what would she look like nude.

My accessories are minimal: diamond studs, a delicate gold bracelet, and a sleek modern smartwatch. Everything about my appearance is calculated, a carefully curated image that exudes both power, allure and pure sexual power.

Despite the comfort and luxury that my wealth affords me, there's an underlying restlessness. My husband's death left a void, not of love lost, but of purpose. I didn't miss him, but I missed the thrill of the game. Life had become too easy, too predictable. That is until the invitation arrived, promising a new and intriguing opportunity.

The invitation to Mark and Ava's wedding arrived on a silver platter, literally. One sunny afternoon, as I lounged in my sun-room, sipping a perfectly chilled glass of Chardonnay, my butler, James, approached with an air of quiet elegance, carrying a polished silver tray. On it lay an envelope made of the finest ivory paper, sealed with an intricate wax emblem. You rarely see that anymore. James, with his usual understated grace, presented the tray to me. "This just arrived for you, Madam Lily," he said, his voice smooth and refined.

I took the envelope, feeling the luxurious texture beneath my fingers, and smiled. It was the kind of display that caught my eye immediately. I carefully broke the seal and opened the envelope, pulling out a beautifully crafted wedding invitation. The paper was thick and embossed with gold lettering, announcing the union of Mark and Ava.

As I read through the details of the ceremony, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside me. The couple was young, vibrant, and, most importantly, perfect for my plans. I had known Mark from a few social events, tall, handsome, and easily swayed by charm, beauty and money. Ava, on the other hand, was a vision of youth and elegance, her reputation for kindness and grace preceding her with near to perfect legs. I do have a weakness for nice, long and well toned ladies legs.

The wedding promised to be a grand affair, held at an opulent estate just outside the city. The guest list would undoubtedly be filled with influential and affluent individuals, offering a perfect stage for my intentions. I decided to attend, intrigued by the possibilities this event could unfold.

I placed the invitation back on the tray and looked up at James. "It seems we have a wedding to attend," I said, a hint of a smile playing on my lips. As James left, I leaned back in my chair, contemplating the upcoming event. This wedding could be the answer to my restlessness, a new game to play and conquer. The thought of it sent a thrill through me, awakening a sense of purpose I hadn't felt in a long time.

The idea of A Unique Proposal was growing inside my head.

The day of the wedding was beautiful, with a clear blue sky and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of blooming flowers. I arrived at the grand estate, where the ceremony was to be held, dressed to impress. My hair was styled in waves, cascading down my back with a few loose strands framing my face. I wore a sleek, black off-the-shoulder dress from Valentino, which hugged my curves and flowed gracefully to the floor. The dress had a thigh-high slit, adding a touch of sophistication to my look. Some scars were on display along my long leg.

Around my neck, I had a delicate diamond necklace that caught the light and my ears had matching diamond studs, subtle yet sparkling. I carried a small, black Chanel purse, its leather adding a touch of classic luxury even if it was the same purse I had used in some dominatrix experiences in the past with lovely Emily, Yes, young Zoe's friends.

On my feet, I wore a pair of Christian Louboutin stiletto heels, their signature red soles peeking out with each step I took. My makeup highlighted my striking green eyes, a hint of blush to accentuate my cheekbones, and a bold red lipstick that completed my ensemble. I love red lipstick.

As I made my way to the back of the grand hall, choosing a seat that allowed me to observe without being the centre of attention, I felt the eyes of several guests lingering on me. My presence, as always, turned heads and sparked whispers, but I remained composed, ready for the evening to unfold.

The hall was adorned with lavish decorations, crystal chandeliers, elegant drapery, and intricate floral arrangements that filled the air with the sweet fragrance of roses and lilies. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, chatted animatedly, their excitement palpable and so was my excitement but for a very different reason I guess.

As the ceremony began, a hush fell over the crowd. The music swelled, and all heads turned as Ava, the lovely bride, made her entrance. She was a vision in white. Her gown was an exquisite lace creation that hugged her slender frame and flared out into a voluminous skirt, the fabric catching the light with every step. The dress had a daring slit that showcased her long, toned leg, adding a touch of boldness to her otherwise lovely appearance. One could say she had the perfect leg for A Unique Proposal.

Ava's cascading brown hair framed her face in loose waves, softening her features and giving her a timeless beauty. Her makeup was flawless, accentuating her bright eyes and radiant smile, which shone with pure joy, it was after all the best day of her life. She held a bouquet of blush pink roses, their delicate colour perfectly complementing the floral arrangements that adorned the aisle and the altar.

As she walked down the aisle, accompanied by the melodic strains of a string quartet, I couldn't help but admire her poise and grace. Every step she took exuded confidence and happiness, drawing the eyes of everyone present. She was a professional hockey player in the new female league and you could tell she was in perfect shape.

Mark, waiting at the altar, looked dashing in his tailored suit, his expression one of adoration as he watched his bride approach. The love between them was evident, a palpable connection that added a layer of warmth to the ceremony. This was going to be a real challenge for me.

I sat back, a serene smile on my face, as I watched the couple exchange their vows. The words they spoke were heartfelt and sincere, a testament to their love and commitment to each other. Despite my own past and the plans I had for the future, I could appreciate the beauty of the moment like any other woman.

As they were pronounced husband and wife, the hall erupted in applause, and I joined in, my hands clapping softly. Ava and Mark shared a tender kiss, sealing their union, and then turned to face their guests, their smiles radiant and full of promise. Her eyes locked with mine for just a few seconds.

I observed them closely, noting the way they interacted, the subtle glances and gentle touches that spoke volumes about their relationship. This wedding, with all its grandeur and emotion, was the perfect setting for what I had in mind. The stage was set, and the players were in place.

Now, it was time for the real game to begin and see if I could convince them both to accept  my offer of A Unique Proposal.

A Unique Proposal
Chapter 2 to come

AI 301


Clip 594 Broken ankle, crutches, boot, skirt

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

AI 300


AI 299


AI 298


A Natural Relationship teaser

 Natural Relationship


My name is Sabrina Hart, and at 42, I think I'm cute with a restless soul, navigating a successful career in the art world. I love artists and try to stay focused during the day. But at night, I find solace riding my 2018 Candy burnt orange Kawasaki Ninja 400, feeling its power, pushing thoughts of my ex-husband and his new wife, along with fears of never finding love again, to the back of my mind.

Then I meet Officer Alex Roberts, a young policeman who catches me completely off guard. He's nothing like the man I had in mind, especially since he's only 21...I know...young enough to be my son. Despite my efforts to fight these feelings, I can't deny the strong connection between us. Yet, a part of me wonders if this newfound happiness is too good to be true. This could be everything except a natural relationship.


A Unique Proposal teaser

 A Unique Proposal


The invitation to Mark and Ava's wedding arrived in an envelope, exuding an air of opulence that immediately captured my attention. As I watched the ceremony unfold, Ava, with her captivating beauty, became the focal point of my thoughts and plans.

Little did she know, the moment she said "I do" would be the beginning of an adventure neither of us could have imagined.

It was an offer that left both of them in stunned silence. The proposition was met with a mixture of shock, intrigue, and curiosity. Just to be clear, they sought me out to accept my offer, marking the start of a journey that would change our lives forever.

What lies ahead is a blend of sexual excitement, desire, and the unexpected adventures, unaware of the twists that await around every corner.

Trust me...

AI 297


Clip 593 She felt in wet stairs, sprained ankle, crutches, wrapped ankle