Wednesday, June 19, 2024

AI 185


AI 184


AI 183


My very erotic journal part 11

 My very erotic journal


After a restless night dreaming of pure sex with Fiona. I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table, its digital display showing the time to be 5:30 in the morning. Miles was still fast asleep beside me. I slowly shifted my broken leg, the weight of my cast reminding me of the accident that had led to this situation. It had been almost a week since I broke my leg, and I felt a mixture of pain and frustration every time I thought about how it had happened.

The doctor had put me in a non-weight bearing cast for several weeks to ensure proper healing, and I was doing my best to follow his orders. As I lay there, contemplating my next move, I decided it was time to take a shower on my own. I hadn't done so since the accident, relying on Miles to help me bathe, and I was eager to regain some of my independence.

I carefully slid my legs out of the bed, making sure not to bang my broken leg. With my good leg supporting all of my weight, I leaned against the bed, and using my arms as a counterbalance, I made my way to my crutches and then to the bathroom.

I reached for the plastic bag and placed it over my cast to keep it dry. The process of showering had become a slow and meticulous dance, each movement calculated to avoid further injury. As I stepped into the shower on my good leg, I let the warm water cascade over my body, the soothing sensation washing away the tension and fatigue.

I began to lather soap over my arms and chest, savouring the feel of the suds as they slid down my skin and hard nipples. I let out a soft sigh, appreciating the solitude and the chance to take care of myself. Slowly, I moved my hands lower, washing my stomach and hips with gentle circular motions. Rubbing myself ever so slowly on one leg felt amazing and maybe a bit dangerous.

I'm very flexible so I bent down, this time focusing on my right leg. I took my time, carefully washing every inch of my thighs and calves, then paying extra attention to the area above my cast, as I worked my way up to my hips. As I rinsed the soap from my body, I felt a renewed sense of appreciation for this little challenge I had faced this morning. I am now prepared to face another day with my broken leg.

I made my way into the office on my crutches, feeling a bit more confident with each day. I couldn't say that I was enjoying my situation but it was getting easier to deal with. My black cast slightly bent at the knee was a constant reminder, but I was determined not to let it slow me down. Today was special; being Friday we were having a small celebration at lunch, a chance to unwind and enjoy some wine.

As I navigated the hallway, coworkers greeted me with smiles and words of encouragement. I appreciated their support, though I couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious about my crutches and cast. Still and yet I was wearing a very short skirt putting all the emphasis on my 2 long legs, sexy in their own way, I held my head high and made my way to my desk.

By lunchtime, everyone gathered in the conference room, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement. Fiona had arranged for some wine to celebrate a successful project completion, and the mood was light and cheerful. She looked stunning as always, her white cast and sling barely detracting from her elegance.

"Here's to hard work and great teamwork," Fiona announced, raising her glass and then looking at me, "And to Nina, for her incredible resilience."

I blushed as everyone raised their glasses. "Thank you, Fiona," I said, my voice warm with gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without all of you," and in my mind I added especially to you Mistress Fiona with a smile.

We clinked glasses, the soft chime of celebration filling the room. The wine was delicious, and I savoured each sip. I love Canadian wine, feeling the pleasant warmth spread through me. As the lunch hour progressed, Fiona and I found ourselves in a corner, chatting more intimately.

"You look like you're handling everything so well on your crutches," she said, her eyes locking onto mine and leaning closer, "You look so sexy and beautiful Nina, I want to see you again, I want to play"

"Thanks, Fiona," I replied, feeling a flutter in my chest. "I have a lot of support. Miles has been amazing through all this."

Fiona's expression softened, she smiled and removed her broken arm from its sling and then removed her sling. "Give me some credit dear, I know you're married," she said, her voice dropping to a more personal tone. "And I respect that. But I can't help feeling a connection between us. Don't you feel it?"

A jolt of surprise and sensual pleasure coursed through me as I felt her broken arm gently caressing my back, her touch sending shivers down my spine. Her broken thumb lingered over my tight ass, my heart racing as I tried to find the words to respond. "Fiona...I don't know what to say, I do feel it" I finally managed to whisper.

As she slid her long, white cast around my waist, my broken leg was between her legs while her cast brushed against my breasts. She smiled and squeezed her legs tightly around my long black cast.

"Just know that I'm here for you, in any way you need and only when YOU are ready."

I pulled back slightly on my crutches, the reality of my marriage grounding me. "I appreciate that, Fiona. But I need to stay true to Miles. He's been my rock."

Fiona nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Of course for now he is Nina. I just want you to be happy. That's all."

There was a connection, an undeniable spark, but I knew where my heart lay. I couldn't deny the pull I felt toward Fiona, but I also knew that my commitment to Miles was unwavering.

As I hobbled back to my desk, I felt a mix of emotions swirling within me. The day had brought unexpected revelations.

Love, Nina

AI 182


Clip 566 Broken foot, slc, cast, crutches

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

AI 181


AI 180


Karine AI 17 video Broken leg, ankle, LLC, SLC, cast, crutches, wheelchair

AI 179


My very erotic journal chapter 10

 My very erotic journal

10-July 12

It was a quiet evening when I heard a knock at the door. I hobbled over, using my crutches for support, and opened it to find Fiona standing there, a warm smile spreading across her face. Her arm was still in a white cast and sling, a visible reminder of our shared misfortune.

"Fiona, what a pleasant surprise," I said, stepping aside to let her in. She gave me a quick hug, mindful of my injury, and followed me into the living room.

"How are you holding up?" she asked, settling onto the couch.

"I'm doing okay, I guess," I replied, taking a seat in the armchair, crutches on the floor. "Just taking it one day at a time."

Fiona nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know it's tough, but you're not alone. We're all here for you."

As the evening wore on, Fiona and I talked about everything from Miles to our future. The conversation flowed naturally, and it wasn't long before we both found ourselves laughing and joking like old friends. I noticed Fiona's gaze lingered on my cast and crutches. There was a glint in her eyes, one that I hadn't seen before.

"You know, Nina, I have to admit, there's something strangely attractive about your broken leg, cast and crutches." I was taken aback by her confession but felt a warmth spread through me at the same time.

"Really? You are the third person in the last 3 days to say something like that. I never thought of it that way."

Fiona leaned in close, maybe too close but her lips brushing against my ear. "It's the vulnerability, the way it makes you seem so delicate and in need of care," she whispered.

Her words sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel aroused and scared by the thought of my boss, the manager of our group being clearly sexually attracted to me. That seems so wrong on so many levels.

"Fiona, I think you are a very beautiful woman and when I first saw you with your poor broken arm, I felt so bad for you and yet I was attracted to you. I've never been attracted sexually to another woman like I felt towards you, but..."

Fiona cut me off, not letting me finish, her lovely brown eyes widened with desire, and she nodded eagerly. "Let me start by giving you a massage. It will help with the pain and stiffness."

I nodded, unable to resist her offer I hopped and joined her on the couch. As she began to gently rub my shoulders and back with her good hand, I couldn't help but feel the tension release from my muscles.

"Mmm, that feels so good," I murmured, my eyes closed as I savoured the sensations.

Fiona's broken arm moved lower, her hand in the cast rubbed my right leg and foot, I was paying extra attention to her thumb in the cast. The touch of her hard cast on my skin sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, and I found myself growing more and more aroused by the minute and attracted to my boss.

"Your legs are so sexy, but that long black cast is perfect," Fiona whispered, her voice thick with desire.

"I can't help but imagine what that black cast would feel between my own legs." I opened my eyes and met her gaze, my heart racing in anticipation of where this could lead. It was impossible to imagine her full weight against my broken leg, the pain would be unbearable.

"I want to touch you too, but this is all new to me" I said, my voice barely audible.

Fiona smiled, her eyes sparkling with lust. "Of course take your time, you can touch me anywhere you'd like."

I reached out and ran my fingers over her broken arm, loving the feel of the cast that still protected her arm. She shivered under my touch, and I could feel the heat radiating from her body.

"You're so beautiful," I murmured, my fingers trailing up to her breasts and then I slightly teased her nipples. She let out a soft moan, her eyes fluttering closed. "That feels amazing," she breathed, leaning into my touch.

As our hands explored each other's bodies, we both grew increasingly aroused, our breaths coming in short, ragged gasps.

"Fiona, I..," I whispered, my voice thick with sexual desire. I wanted to stop her, to stop myself, I'm a loyal married woman.

Her eyes were full of lust. "I need you, Nina. Let's take this to your bedroom." She grabbed my crutches and helped me stand on my right foot, I positioned them under my arms and we made our way to my bedroom. Once inside, Fiona surprised me and she gently pushed me. I lost my balance on my crutches and fell onto the bed, her eyes never leaving mine.

"You are mine at work," she said, her voice in control. "Let me show you how much I care to make you mine in bed sweet Nina. I wish I was the one that broke your leg, not Miles."

I nodded, my heart racing with questions about that last comment, was she a dominatrix? As Fiona began to kiss her way down my body while making sure her white cast was rubbing my breasts, I couldn't help but moan, my fingers tangled in her hair. I wanted to pull her hair but I think I knew what my role was.

"Yes, that's it mistress," I breathed, my eyes squeezed shut as I savoured the sensations.

Fiona's lips moved lower, her tongue darting out to tease my hard nipples, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through me. She continued her descent, her hard cast sliding down my legs, her broken thumb slightly rubbing between my legs, sending waves of ecstasy through my body.

I moaned, my body aching for more in response to her touch. As Fiona's tongue reached the sensitive area around the top of my cast, I couldn't help but cry out, my fingers digging into the sheets.

"That feels so good,"

She continued to pleasure me, her tongue moving in and out slowly, deliberate circles, her fingers massaging my thighs and calves. The combination of her touch, the weight of the cast on my leg and her own cast rubbing my vagina sent me spiralling into a world of ecstasy, my body trembling with pleasure.

"Oh, Fiona, I'm so close," I gasped, as I urged her stop...nooo...not to stop.

She responded by increasing the intensity of her movements, her tongue flicking against my clitoris with a renewed sense of urgency. As the tension built within me, she pushed the thumb portion of her cast inside me, I couldn't help but cry out, my body bucking against her cast, as I reached my orgasm.

"Yesssssss," I groaned, my voice thick with pleasure as I rode out the waves of ecstasy that washed over me.

Fiona went back to lick and suck, drawing out my orgasm until I was left breathless and trembling, my body spent like never before.

"That was amazing," My eyes met hers as I tried to catch my breath. Fiona smiled, her eyes full of satisfaction.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Next time it will be your turn to take care of me."

"Yes mistress." Could I say no to her?

Love, Nina

AI 178


Clip 565 Helicopter crash, broken leg, cast, crutches, SLC

Monday, June 17, 2024

AI 177


AI 176


My very erotic journal part 9

 My very erotic journal

July 12
Later on that day.

"Let's get you dressed," Miles said, walking over to my closet. I was really starting to enjoy all that attention, it was like having a personal butler with some sexual benefits. I'm kidding.

He pulled out a knee-length black skirt, perfect for slipping over the cast, and a white blouse that was both comfortable and professional. He gently slid the skirt over my cast, carefully manoeuvring it up my broken leg. His touch was tender, and I couldn't help but smile at his focus and care. Once the skirt was in place, he helped me into the blouse, even buttoning it up for me. I felt a bit like I had broken my arm also, but his attentiveness made it a tender, loving moment.

Next, I leaned against him and hopped my vanity. I kept it simple with a bit of foundation, mascara, and a red lip gloss. Then not to daring for the first day back at work I placed a Nike sneaker on my right foot. For my left foot, in the cast, I found a soft little red sock to protect my exposed toes but mostly keep them clean and comfortable.

"Miles, can you get my crutches please," I asked, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

He leaned in and kissed me. "You'd manage just fine Nina." I knew that I was a very independent woman but to be honest I was enjoying his attention.

With his help, I stood up, positioned my crutches under my arms, testing my balance on the crutches. It was always awkward at first, but I slowly got the hang of it with Miles starting at me and my broken leg.

I made our way downstairs slowly, and I carefully settled into a chair at the kitchen table. Miles had already prepared breakfast, scrambled eggs, toast, and a fresh fruit salad. We ate together, and I loved feeling some sort of routine coming back to our life.

When it was time to leave for work, Miles drove me, making sure I was comfortable in the back seat of the car. At the office, he helped me out, and I slowly made my way inside on my crutches. Fiona was there, her arm in its white cast and sling, greeting me with a warm smile.

"Poor Nina, how are you holding up? Is your broken leg very painful?"

"I'm okay, just taking it one step at a time on my crutches." I said smiling and admiring how sexy she looked today.

She nodded, her eyes full of understanding. "If you need anything, just let me know."

I made my way to my office, leaning the crutches against the wall and jumped on my right foot to my chair, careful not to bang my cast. I noticed a small stool for my broken leg with a pillow. That's so like Fiona; she's always so thoughtful and kind. I carefully lifted my cast and placed it on the pillow. The support felt wonderful, and I sighed in relief.

Slowly, I removed my sock, revealing my poor little toes exposed at the end of my cast. I gently caressed them, feeling the contrast between the hard, unyielding fiber cast and the soft skin of my toes. As I did, I noticed Fiona standing, her eyes fixed on my broken leg and toes.

Her gaze was intense, a mix of empathy and something else I couldn't quite place. "You're so strong and beautiful, Nina, " she said softly and quietly, stepping into the room.

"I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you to be unable to bend your leg. Needing crutches full time."

"Thanks, Fiona," I replied, feeling a warm blush rise to my cheeks. "I'm sure it was difficult at first for you to break your arm like you did."

She came closer, her presence a comforting aura. "Yes but nothing like a broken leg. Remember, I'm here for you. Whatever you need, just ask. Have you ever broken a leg, ankle or foot in the past?"

"No it's my first break ever" then her broken arm, her casted thumb grazed my exposed toes before she left my office.

I nodded, appreciating her kindness and the unspoken bond that seemed to be growing between us. Despite the challenges of the day ahead, I felt a sense of peace knowing that I wasn't alone in this. With Miles and Fiona by my side, I knew I could face anything that came my way.

Almost anything...

Overall it was a great first day at work, but Miles was away that evening on business and I was in for a surprise...

Love, Nina

AI 175


Clip 564 First a SLC in plaster then a fiber cast

AI 174


Clip 563 Is it broken or sprained