Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Clip 28 broken leg cast crutches slc

Clip 27 broken leg full leg cast crutches LLC

AI 383


Clip 26 broken leg crutches cast clc

AI 382

Male Clip 3 Broken leg, full leg cast, LLC crutches part 1

AI 380


Clip 20 broken leg full leg cast

My dream job chapter 1

 My dream job

Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Alyssa. My friends say that I'm very open-minded and have a nice personality on top of an unwavering love for dance and fashion. With long blonde hair, delicate features, and blue eyes that right now sparkle with excitement as I start my dream job in 3 days.

I'm a slim and athletic woman, I've always been passionate about dance, spending hours perfecting each routine and maintaining my long, toned legs. When I'm not dancing or at the gym, I love shopping, adding skirts, dresses and shoes to my extensive wardrobe thanks to mom, daddy and my part time job.

Tonight is my 18th birthday, and my friends and I are going to a not so underground rave in a fantastic venue called E11EVEN Miami. The pulsating beats of the music, the vibrant colours of the lights, and the raw energy of the crowd have always fuelled my passion for dance. I can't wait to lose myself in the rhythm of the night.

I've chosen a stunning outfit for the occasion: I'm wearing a crisp, light blue button-up blouse that fits perfectly, accentuating my figure while keeping an elegant look since I'm no longer a child. The blouse is tucked into a sleek, high-waisted pencil skirt with a subtle plaid pattern, showcasing my curves and slim waist. The skirt ends just above my knees.

To complete the look, I'm wearing a pair of striking blue high heels that not only elongate my legs but also add a vibrant pop of colour. My long blonde hair is styled in loose waves, framing my face and highlighting my blue eyes and radiant smile. This outfit makes me feel confident and ready to take on whatever the day brings at work and ready to dance the night away.

As we weave through the throngs of people, I catch sight of the signer Mistress Barbara, a striking presence with her dark, wavy hair that frames her face beautifully. Her intense, expressive eyes reflect a deep passion for music, captivating anyone who meets her gaze. She is wearing a modern outfit that highlights her confident and dynamic personality. Her lips part as she begins singing the lyrics to my favourite dance song, "Dance Me to the End of Love."

Mistress Barbara's voice wraps around me, pulling me into a trance-like state. I can't help but sway my hips to the intoxicating rhythm, my body moving in perfect synchronisation with the constant beat. As she sings, her magnetic gaze locks onto mine, and I can't resist the magnetic pull towards her.

In a moment of reckless abandon, I break free from my friends and make my way to the stage. It feels like the crowd parts, allowing me to join Mistress Barbara in an impromptu dance duet. Her hands snake around my waist, leaving a trail of electric desire in their wake. Our bodies move in perfect sync, every movement charged with an undeniable chemistry. I will never forget this birthday.

As the music reaches its crescendo, I attempt a complex dance move, spinning in a graceful pirouette. However, my foot catches on a stray cord, and I lose my balance. I try to regain my footing, but it's too late, my 4 inch stiletto heel rolls, a sharp pain shoots through my left ankle, leg, and I crumple to the ground with a pained gasp.

Panic courses through my veins as I clutch my injured ankle. Maybe it's just a sprain, but deep down, I know better. My friends rush to my side, concern etched on their faces. I try to get up once, but the pain is too intense. It's clear that something is seriously wrong with my leg and ankle.

Emily, who had been dancing beside me, quickly kneels down. I notice again that both her poor wrists are wrapped in white casts, a result of a recent fall during her gymnastic practice. Despite her own pain and limited mobility, she's right there with me, holding my hand as best as she can and trying to keep me calm.

"Alyssa, don't move. We'll get you to the hospital," Emily says, her voice steady despite the worry in her eyes and her own broken wrists.

I convince everybody that it's a bad sprain and with their help, I manage to hobble to an Uber. Emily stays by my side, holding my hand and reassuring me. The ride to the hospital feels like an eternity, the pain in my leg and ankle sharp and relentless.

"This is not a sprained ankle "Emily says.

At the hospital, we sit in the waiting area, the sterile smell and bright lights doing little to comfort me. Emily squeezes my hand inside her cast, trying to distract me with small talk, but the pain makes it hard to focus.

"Remember that time we danced all night at that rooftop party and I broke my ankle?" Emily says, smiling softly.

"I was back dancing in just a few months doing what we love."

"A few ...months?" I asked when finally my name was called, and Emily struggled to push my wheelchair into the examination room. A female doctor examines my swollen ankle and orders X-rays. We wait anxiously for the results, the minutes dragging by painfully slow.

When the doctor returns, the look on her face tells me everything.

"Alyssa, I'm afraid you have broken your leg, both your tibia and fibula are broken. We're going to need to put you in a full leg cast at first."

My heart sinks. "But that can't be... my dance job on the cruise ship," I whisper, tears welling up.

"I know it's hard," the doctor says gently. "The timing seems really bad, but you'll need to give your leg time to heal properly. First, we need to realign your tibia before we can put the cast on."

That can't be good. I nod, bracing myself for the process. The doctor explains each step, trying to prepare me for what's about to happen. She carefully numbs the area around the break, ensuring I won't feel the worst of the pain. Despite the anaesthesia, I feel a pressure as she manipulates my leg, aligning the bones properly with the help of a male nurse. The pain is still too much, and I can't help but cry out,

"Can you stop, please?"

"One more twist," the doctor says gently, but firmly. With a final adjustment, we hear a faint pop as the bone realigns. I wince, but the worst is over.

Emily holds my hand tightly, whispering words of encouragement. As the casting process begins, I watch my long, strong leg slowly disappear. The nurse starts by wrapping it with a soft padding to protect my skin. Layer by layer, she adds the wet pink fibreglass, which will harden into a solid cast. My first ever cast.

With each wrap, my leg becomes more obscured, even if the doctor is careful to keep the familiar shape and tone in the cast. The nurse carefully moulds with his long fingers the fibreglass around my leg, ensuring it's snug but not too tight. I feel a strange mix of sadness and relief as my once-powerful limb is immobilized for 7 long weeks, a reminder of what lays ahead for me.

"This is just a temporary setback, Alyssa," Emily says, trying to lift my spirits. "You will be dancing again very soon."

I nod, trying to be brave. The cast feels heavy and restrictive, it shattered my dream summer job on a luxury cruise ship. But with Emily's support, I start to believe that maybe, just maybe, I can overcome this but I was in for a huge surprise.

The cruise line representatives called me the next morning. I was on the couch, my long cast on pillows and my crutches on the floor. She started by offering their deepest sympathies... I also found the wording very strange...But...

But she also offered me a new role this summer. Instead of dancing, because guess what, they didn't want a sexy dancer in a full leg cast and crutches, they offered me to join the VIP group as a hostess, providing memorable experiences for the adult-only cruise's esteemed guests.

"Your broken leg, cast, and crutches will actually be an attraction with some of our guests," she said with a knowing smile. I wasn't sure what she met but they assured me that the position came with significantly better pay, as well as a generous clothing budget to help me maintain the high fashion standards expected from a hostess.

"Where do I sign?" I said smiling while looking at my long pink cast.

Despite the crushing disappointment that surges through me at the loss of my dream job, I find myself intrigued by the prospect of this new opportunity. With my left leg in a heavy long cast and my mobility reduced to a pair of crutches, I can't help but wonder what kind of adventures await me in this unexpected role.

As I lay in bed, my thoughts drift to Mistress Barbara and our passionate dance together. I wonder if I'll ever have the chance to see her again, and if she'll remember our intense connection.

With a heavy sigh, I close my eyes and try to envision the possibilities that lie ahead. As the sun rises, casting a warm glow over my room, I know that my life is about to take a drastically different turn but the reality was something totally unbelievable.

My dream job
Chapter 2 to come

AI 379


Clip 615 Broken leg, lovely woman non weight bearing, crutches