Friday, August 9, 2024

My dream job chapter 2

 My dream job

Chapter 2

My phone blares, jolting me awake. With a groan, I reach over to silence it. Today is the day I start my new job on the cruise ship. My test period is for 10 days since nobody is convinced that our VIP's will be impressed with my leg cast and crutches except one person..

As I throw off the covers and sit up, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. I had been so excited to dance on the cruise ship, but now, all I can think about is how much it hurts to have my dreams crushed by a broken tibia and fibula.

I take a deep breath and remind myself that this new opportunity might not have been what I'd planned, but it could still be a lot of fun. I slid my long cast off the bed and grabbed my crutches, made my way to the bathroom and started getting ready for the day.

I scrutinize my reflection in the mirror, immediately noticing how my crutches compress my breasts. Interesting. Determined to look my best today, even with my leg in a cast, I carefully applied my makeup. I chose a vibrant pink lipstick to match my cast, wanting to add a pop of colour and confidence to my look.

For my first day at sea, I decided to wear an outfit that combines style and comfort. I selected a comfortable skirt and blouse that highlighted my legs...well my leg and long pink cast to be exact. To complete the look, I opt for a stylish but low-heeled shoe, ensuring I can move around with ease on my crutches. I'm ready for my first day.

After gathering my things, I head out to catch my ride to the cruise ship. As I stand outside my apartment building, waiting for the taxi to arrive, I can't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement leaning on my crutches. This is the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life.

The taxi pulls up, the driver grabs my suitcase, and I climb in, wincing slightly as I adjust my broken leg on the seat. The driver glances back at me, offering a sympathetic smile.

"Heading out on your first day since breaking it, eh?" he asks, gesturing towards my broken leg.

"Yes, something like that," I reply, trying to sound more confident than I feel while rubbing my cast.

We start making our way towards the port, and I find myself lost in thought. I think back to the night I met Mistress Barbara, a night filled with passion and excitement. I wonder if I'll ever see her again, or if our intense connection was just a fleeting moment, one of many for her.

My thoughts are interrupted as we arrive at the cruise ship. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for whatever this new adventure might have in store for me. As I make my way onto the ship, I'm struck by the sheer opulence of it all. The gleaming white hull, the polished wooden decks, and the sparkling crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, it's like stepping into another world entirely.

A member of the crew approaches me unable not to stare at my long pink cast, introducing himself as the VIP group leader. He leads me through the ship, showing me where I'll be spending most of my time, the VIP lounge.

"This is where you'll be meeting your guests for the duration of their stay," he explains, gesturing towards a lavishly decorated room. I nod, taking it all in. The room is filled with plush sofas, crystal glasses sparkling on a mirrored bar, and walls adorned with original artwork. It's the epitome of luxury, sophistication and money.

"Now, for your first assignment," the group leader continues, consulting his clipboard. "You'll be spending time with Mr. Johnson. He's a single man with a particularly unique interest."

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "And what might that be?"

The group leader clears his throat, looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, it's a foot and shoe... fetish, to be exact."

I can't help but burst out laughing. Leave it to me to get paired up with someone who has a thing for feet and shoes. At least it'll be something different to keep things interesting and I seriously hope he will be happy with seeing just one foot.

"Alright, I guess I'll just have to hope my one shoe looks good enough for him and that he doesn't mind my broken leg" I say, trying to sound lighthearted about the whole thing.

"You'll find that our guests...secretly... have a wide range of preferences and fetishes," the group leader explains. "It's all part of the unique experience we offer here on our adult-only cruises and let's be honest that's why you kept your job since you clearly can't dance on crutches." As he speaks, I realize that this new role of mine could actually be a lot more intriguing than I'd initially thought. Curiosity piques as I ponder what the rest of my first assignments will entail.

Later that afternoon, I find myself sitting across from Mr. Johnson in the ship's beautifully top deck reserved for VIP's. My full leg cast on my left leg stretches out in front of me, propped up on a cushioned stool with my toes exposed. My crutches rest against the side of the bench. Mr. Johnson, a charming man in his late 40s with piercing blue eyes and a perfectly trimmed brown beard, can't help but let his gaze linger on my broken leg.

His eyes flicker between my cast, my face and my healthy foot, sympathy is evident in his expression. "I must say, Alyssa," he begins, "you're handling this quite gracefully, I was told that you were suppose to be a dancer on the ship and broke your poor leg"

"Yes that's right and thank you, Mr. Johnson," I reply, shifting my broken leg slightly to get more comfortable. "I'm trying to make the best of it." I said sliding my nails along my pink cast.

He smiles warmly, his eyes finally meeting mine. "I think you are a perfect fit for this and you'll find this new role to be quite rewarding. And who knows, it might lead to some unexpected opportunities." I nod, feeling a curious sense of excitement about what type of opportunities?.

"So, Alyssa," he says, placing his hands on the foot portion of my cast, caressing my exposed toes slightly. "Tell me, do you have a particular interest in fashion and footwear?"

I raise an eyebrow, both surprised by his bold action of rubbing my exposed toes and amused by his question. "Well, I do love clothes and sexy shoes," I admit, glancing down at my crutches with a smirk. "To be honest sir I never would have thought that high heeled shoes could be the focus of someone's sexual desires while the woman in question is on crutches like I will be for a long time."

Mr. Johnson smiles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Believe it or not, the look and feel of a single shoe and foot can be incredibly erotic for some people. The curve and line, the texture and colour, the height of the heel... they all play a part in stimulating our sexual senses in a very unique way...Even more when the young lady has a lovely broken leg and is using crutches."

I find myself intrigued by his words, I had heard of sexual fetishes but not of combining one injury and a fetish. "So, how exactly does this fetish of yours work? What do you typically enjoy doing with someone's foot and broken leg?"

"Well, Alyssa," Mr. Johnson says, his voice low and husky as he looks at me with a hunger in his eyes. "How about I show you instead of telling you?" He reaches out and gently lifts my cast in his hands, his fingers tracing over the pink surface before settling on my exposed toes.

I gasp as I feel his warm breath on my skin, my heart racing in my chest. "Mr. Johnson," I stammer, unsure of what to say or do.

"Shh, it's okay," he murmurs, his lips brushing against my toes. "Just relax and let me show you how erotic this can be."

With his other hand, he begins to caress the leather of my low heel pump on my healthy foot, tracing the curves and lines of the shoe with his fingers slowly. "Mmm, you have excellent taste in footwear, Alyssa," he says, his eyes never leaving my foot. "The shape of this heel, the way it accentuates your arch... it's quite arousing." He says before going back to my broken leg.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, surrendering myself to the sensation of his tongue swirling around my exposed toes, his lips kissing and sucking on each one. I can't help but moan as he licks and nibbles on the sensitive skin, my body responding to his touch in ways I never thought possible while at the time feeling some pain in my broken leg.

"Do you like that, Alyssa?" he asks.

"Yes," I whisper, my voice trembling with pleasure. "It feels so good."

"I'm glad, I've wanted to do this since the first time I saw you on those crutches in that long and sexy medical cast my dear earlier."

I open my eyes and look at him, my breath hitching in my throat as I see the sexual desire burning in his gaze and the words from the cruise line representative come back to my mind...

"Your broken leg, cast, and crutches will actually be an attraction with some of our guests,"

Now I knew exactly what she met... A sexual attraction...

My dream job
Chapter 3 to come

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