Saturday, November 18, 2023

The president's daughter part 2

My eyes remained locked on the road, but my thoughts were consumed by Mia. Her vulnerability, her sprained ankle was heart-wrenching, and at the same time, the idea of her being in pain or on crutches filled me with protectiveness and sexual attraction towards her.

"We'll know soon enough baby, sorry Sarah," I replied. My attention kept drifting to her face, her beauty and her distress.

I chanced a glance in her direction, and our eyes met. In that moment, it was as if time stood still. Mia's gaze held mine, a silent plea for understanding. I couldn't look away, captivated by the intensity she applied to her injured ankle with her long fingers.

"Sarah, are you attracted to me right now? Is my injury an extra turn on for you?"

The car continued to glide down the road, the world outside fading into the background.

Mia's pain was undeniable, but it only served to deepen my attraction to her. She needed me, maybe even wanted me.

I was saved by our arrival at the hospital, and I quickly parked the car, my attention firmly fixed on Mia. As I helped her out of the car, she winced with every movement, her injured ankle a constant source of pain. I started to doubt my original diagnosis that it was only sprained, maybe it was broken.

"Stay here for a moment, lean against my car, don;t put any weight on it" I said gently, my heart aching for her.

But before I left her she pulled me closer and her mouth was against mine in second. She was a great kisser, her tongue was inside my mouth and it was wonderful but when her warm hands found my breasts something woke up in my brain and I walked away.

"We can't Mia, at least not in public" I said smiling.

I moved with purpose towards the hospital's entrance, where I spotted a wheelchair waiting nearby for us. I wheeled the chair back to where Mia was standing and helped her ease into it. She sighed with relief as she settled into the comfortable seat, the pain in her ankle finally eased by the support.

Being the President's daughter had its perks, and it meant that Mia received immediate attention.

The hospital staff, recognizing Mia, quickly whisked us away to the radiology department for X-rays. We were ushered into a well-lit room with a large X-ray machine at its center. Mia was positioned carefully on the examination table, her injured ankle exposed and vulnerable.

The radiology technician, a friendly woman with a reassuring smile, explained the procedure to Mia. "We're going to take a few X-ray images to get a better look at your ankle," she said.

"It won't take long, and it's completely painless."

Mia nodded, though her face still bore traces of discomfort. The technician adjusted the machine, and a series of mechanical clicks filled the room. Mia's eyes, filled with apprehension, met mine briefly before the X-ray machine began its work.

The technician stepped behind a protective barrier as the machine emitted low doses of radiation, capturing images of Mia's injured ankle from various angles. The process seemed to take forever, each second ticking by as we waited for answers.

Finally, the technician announced, "We're all done here." Mia let out a sigh of relief as the machine powered down. She looked at me with uncertainty, her blue eyes searching for reassurance.

"We'll have the results shortly," I assured her, my voice laced with genuine concern. Our journey was far from over, and the X-ray results would determine the path we were about to embark on.

Mia sat in the wheelchair, her injured ankle elevated on the leg rest, a stark contrast to the vibrant athlete I had seen on the volleyball court just hours ago. Her left leg was bare, and the gentle curve of her calf gave way to an injured ankle that was now showing signs of swelling.

"Have you ever been in a leg cast Sarah"

I couldn't help but study her ankle, my eyes tracing the contours of her leg. The skin, usually smooth and tanned, bore the faintest hint of bruising where the injury had occurred. Her beautiful long and strong leg, the very same that had pushed her up to sent powerful spikes over the net, now lay vulnerable and in need of care.

"Yes when I was 16 I broke my tibia and fibula, I was in a full leg cast for 8 weeks and crutches for 12," She stared at my leg and for a brief second she licked her lips.

As I stood there, waiting for the X-ray results, my mind began to wander. I wondered what color cast Mia would choose if her ankle was indeed broken. Would it be a bright, cheerful colour to match her vibrant personality, or a more subdued shade to reflect her current state of vulnerability and being the president's daughter? The image of Mia with a cast wrapped around her leg played in my mind, and I couldn't help but daydream about how it would look on her naked in bed, with me.

My thoughts spiralled further, wondering just how high the cast would go on her leg. Possibly ending just below the knee? A short leg cast, allowing her to retain some mobility while she healed. The mental image of her wearing a cast only fueled my desire to protect, care and touch her all over.

Reality snapped me out of my daydream, and I realized that Mia was watching me with a curious expression. I quickly composed myself, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment at being caught in my reverie.

"Sorry" I mumbled, offering a sheepish smile. "Just lost in thought for a moment."

Mia's eyes twinkled with a hint of amusement, and she shrugged, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

"It's alright, Sarah. I've been daydreaming about the kiss too, about us."

Her admission sent a rush of warmth through me, and I couldn't help but feel a connection that went beyond duty and friendship. Little did we know that the days ahead would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, and the journey of healing, both physical and emotional, was about to begin.

The atmosphere in the examination room was sexually tense as we waited for the results of Mia's X-rays. A beautiful woman doctor entered the room, her confident demeanour putting us both at ease. She carried a tablet displaying the X-ray images, her eyes scanning the screen with a practised eye.

"Hello, Mia," she greeted warmly. "I'm Dr. Anderson, and I've reviewed your X-rays."

Mia nodded, her eyes locked onto the doctor, anxiety in her gaze. "What's the verdict, Doctor?" she asked, her voice tinged with nervousness.

Dr. Anderson took a moment to reassess the images before delivering her diagnosis.

"You have a third-degree sprain," she explained, her tone calm and reassuring. "Fortunately, there are no fractures, but it's a very severe sprain."

Mia let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders visibly relaxing. "Thank you, Doctor," she said, her gratitude evident.

"A third-degree sprain is a severe injury to the ligaments around the ankle. It means that the ligaments have been partially torn."

Mia listened attentively, "So, what's the treatment plan?" she inquired.

"The first step is applying an air cast to stabilize the ankle. This will allow the ligaments to heal properly. You'll also need to use crutches to avoid putting weight on the injured ankle. I want to be clear it would be very easy to break your ankle right now so no weight bearing at all"

Mia nodded, her determination evident. "I'll do whatever it takes to recover and not break my ankle."

Part 3 to come

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