Sunday, June 30, 2024

AI 233


AI 232


AI 231


It all started when...chapter 2

 It All Started When...

Chapter 2

"That sounds painful, did you go for Xrays?" I say, "Are you managing okay? It must be tough to work on crutches all day?"

"No Xray's, I'm sure it's just a sprain,  It's been a challenge, but it's not my first time on crutches" she admits, her smile faltering for a moment.

"But everyone's been really supportive, and using the crutches is like riding a bike, it comes back naturally. They're not as bad as people think."

"I'm glad to hear that," I say, but I'm thinking you look so sexy and beautiful on them, you have no idea. I want to touch and kiss that sprained ankle so bad even if I would have preferred to see her in a leg cast.

"Again, If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask. I'd be more than happy to lend a hand or drive you around Miss Zoe."

"Thanks, Nathan, that's very sweet of you," She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

We continue to chat, our conversation flowing effortlessly. Zoe talks about her PhD studies, the challenges she's facing, and her hopes for the future. I share a bit about my work, but I find myself more interested in hearing about her. There's a depth to her that's incredibly intriguing, a blend of intelligence, resilience, and warmth that draws me in.

As she talks, I can't help but notice how her eyes light up when she discusses her research. Despite the pain and inconvenience of her injury, she remains passionate and driven. Eventually, Zoe glances at her watch and sighs.

"I should get back to work. Thank you for letting me join you, Nathan. It was nice to take a break, chat and rest my ankle."

"The pleasure was all mine," I got up first to get her 2nd crutches against the wall. Standing up as she reaches for her crutches, position them in one swift movement, like a pro and I added. "Take good care of your ankle."

"Will do," she says, flashing me one last smile before making her way back to the counter knee bent. As I finish my coffee, I can't help but look forward to seeing her again tomorrow, eager to continue our conversations and learn more about the young woman who has captured my interest so completely. The woman that could be the one we have been looking for.

My mornings quickly become the highlight of my days. Every interaction with Zoe leaves me wanting more, and I find myself inventing reasons to visit the coffee shop more frequently. Whether it's for an afternoon pick-me-up or a quick escape from the office, I always end up back at that familiar counter, eager for another chance to talk to her, to see her and her injured ankle and she doesn't disappoint me.

"Back again, Nathan?" Zoe asks with a playful smile as I approach the counter for the second time that day.

"What can I say? I can't resist your coffee," I reply, returning her smile. "Or your company to be honest."

She laughs softly, a sound that never fails to brighten my day. "Well, in that case, what'll it be this time?"

"Just a regular coffee, thanks. How's your ankle doing?"

Zoe shifts her weight slightly, her crutches propped against the counter. "It's getting very sore, it's been a long day, but I'm managing."

"That's not good, be careful," I say, genuinely concerned. "By the way, you said you had been on crutches before, was it also for a sprained ankle?"

Her eyes lit up, "Not exactly, in high school I was a cheerleader and broke my leg. I broke my tibia and fibula and was in a full leg cast and crutches for more than 2 months. Now working on my PhD in environmental science, I'm focusing on sustainable agriculture and how we can use new technologies to reduce our environmental footprint. Being in a full leg cast would really slow me down in the fields."

I nod, intrigued about her studies but unable to resist seeing sweet Zoe at 16 in a full leg cast and crutches. "That sounds incredibly important. What kind of technologies are you looking into?"

"Things like precision farming, which uses GPS and data analytics to optimize crop yields while minimizing waste. It's amazing how much technology can improve efficiency and sustainability."

As she talks, I can see the passion in her eyes. She's not just knowledgeable; she's genuinely invested in making a difference. It's inspiring, and I find myself more and more captivated by her.

"That's impressive, It must be rewarding to work on something that has such a positive impact."

We continue talking, our conversation flowing easily from one topic to the next. Zoe tells me about her favourite authors, her love of hiking where she broke her left ankle, and her dream of travelling to remote places to study their ecosystems. I share my own interests but again how could I ignore how she broke her ankle hiking, I want to know all the details but I don't want to scare her away. I keep finding common ground in our mutual love of nature, the outdoors and that sexy woman on crutches wearing a leg cast was a dream.

I realized that I need to get back to the office. Reluctantly, I stand up and finish my coffee.

"This was great, Zoe. Thanks for taking the time to chat with me."

"Anytime, Nathan," she replies warmly, standing on her crutches. "I really enjoy our conversations."

Feeling a genuine connection growing between us. "Take care of that ankle" waving as I head for the door. As I walk back to my office, I can't help but think that there's something special about her. I can visualize her broken leg and her broken ankle so clearly in my mind.

That evening, as I settled in at home with Brooke, my lovely and independent wife, I found myself thinking about Zoe. The conversations we've had, her passion for her work, and her broken limbs. Brooke is rolling around our condo in her modern and stylish wheelchair. She always looks amazing and those high-heeled shoes add to her seductive look.

"I met someone interesting at the coffee shop today. She could be the one for us"

She looks up from her plate, a curious expression on her face. "Oh? Tell me more."

I smile, I knew that would peak her interest. "Her name's Zoe. She's a PhD student working part-time at the coffee shop. We've been talking about her studies and some other things. She's really passionate about environmental science and sustainable agriculture."

Brooke nods, "That sounds fascinating. It's always great to meet someone with a real passion at her young age. Why do you think she could be the one?"

"She has a really badly sprained ankle and had some broken bone experiences in the past,"

I admit, catching a glimpse of sexual interest in Brooke's eyes. Her smile widened at the mention of other broken bones, and she wheeled closer to me, her high-heeled shoes. I reached down lifting my wife crippled left leg, my fingers brushing the smooth leather of her shoe before I gently removed it, exposing her foot in her black pantyhose. It's smooth under my touch as I began to massage her delicate toes and ankle like it was Zoe's injured ankle.

"Zoe's been on crutches for how long?" She continued, staring at my fingers since she had no sensation in her legs and feet at all.

"Imagine the things we could do to help her heal, to ease her pain, to please her Nathan."

Brooke moaned as I slid my hand up her calf, caressing her sexy legs. My tongue kissed her foot and leg, I was wetting my lips as I imagined Zoe's body leaning on her crutches, her curves, her breasts, her legs...and the way she would respond to our touch.

"I'd be happy to help her... recover," Brooke murmured, pure sexual desire darkening her eyes. "In fact, I've got some ideas about... how we could make her feel even better."

It All Started When...
Chapter 3 to come

AI 230


Clip 577 broken leg, full leg cast, LLC, crutches, wheelchair

Friday, June 28, 2024

AI 225


AI 224


AI 223


It all started when... chapter 1

 It All Started When...

Chapter 1

My morning starts the same way every day. The alarm goes off at 6:30 AM sharp, and I drag myself out of bed, lace up my running shoes, and hit the pavement, yes even at my age. The early morning air is crisp and invigorating, a perfect way to clear my mind and prepare for the day ahead. After a quick five-kilometre run, I return home, shower, and put on one of my many tailored suits. Today, it's a navy blue one with a light grey tie. I check my reflection, ensuring I look as put-together as I feel.

Despite the routine nature of my mornings, there's always a moment of excitement that I eagerly anticipate. It's the moment I step into my favourite coffee shop down the street from my office by Lake Ontario. The rich, inviting scent of freshly brewed coffee greets me as I walk in, but it's not just the coffee that draws me here every day, there is also my favourite barrister, the lovely Zoe.

How could I describe her to you? She's a tall, blonde, young woman with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts. She's always behind the counter, ready to take my order with a cheerful greeting. Her hair, a cascade of blond waves, frames her face perfectly, and her blue eyes sparkle with a warmth that makes me feel welcome every time I see her. There's something about her, yes there is her effortless charm and intelligence that goes beyond her stunning looks but there is also something else, maybe she is the one for us...

Each morning, I find myself looking forward to our brief interactions. The way she remembers my usual order, the small talk we share about the weather or her studies, and the genuine kindness she exudes all make my visits to the coffee shop the highlight of my morning. The thrill I feel when I see her walking on her long and shapely legs can't be overstated. It's like a shot of adrenaline, a little boost that makes the mundane seem magical.

Yes I'm a legman but with a twist or two. You will understand more later and also when you meet my lovely wife.

Today, as I approach the coffee shop, I feel that familiar sense of anticipation building. I push open the door, the bell above it jingling like an old style store to announce my arrival. I scan the room, my eyes immediately seeking out Zoe. What I see next, however, catches me completely off guard and sets the tone for a period of my life I won't soon forget. A day that will affect me, Zoe and Brooke, my wife, for a very long time.

As I walked closer, the familiar rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee greets me. I take a deep breath, savouring the comforting scent, but today something is different. My eyes are immediately drawn to a pair of beautiful aluminium crutches leaning against the wall near the counter.

My heart quickens, a mix of curiosity and excitement surging through me like it does every time I see crutches and that since I was a young boy in Montreal. I can't help but wonder who they belong to. Is it a sprain? A break? Are there ace bandages, a cast or a boot involved? The questions swirl in my mind, fuelling an incredible sexual thrill.

To be honest and open right away in chapter 1, I've always had a fascination with women's legs, feet and high heels, but especially when one of them is injured and she needs crutches for mobility. It's an odd weakness, one I've told just a few people, but now, seeing those crutches, I feel an undeniable pull.

I scan the room, trying to see if I can spot the owner of the crutches. The regular patrons are scattered about, some engrossed in their laptops, others chatting quietly over their morning coffee totally ignoring the crutches against the wall. Then, my eyes land on Zoe behind the counter, and my heart skips a beat.

Could it really be hers? I can't breathe with pure excitement.

She's there, as usual, her blonde hair, wearing a t-shirt with her lovely smile but something's different. She's moving a bit slower, badly limping, almost hopping. As she shifts her weight, I notice her left ankle is wrapped in multiple ace bandages. My pulse quickens. The crutches belong to her. OMG, Zoe what did you do? I wondered.

I watch as Zoe balances gracefully on one foot, her movements more deliberate than usual. She doesn't let the injury slow her down, though. She's still as efficient and cheerful as ever, serving customers with that same warm smile. There's a strength in her that I've always admired, and now, seeing her handle this new challenge, my admiration deepens and yes I will admit I'm very sexually attracted to her.

The crutches, the sprained ankle, the bandage and the limp, all of it stirs something inside me. I feel a strange mix of concern for the poor young woman and pure excitement. I want to know more, I want to know everything, to find out how she got injured and offer my help in any way I can. As I approach the counter, I'm determined to strike up a conversation and learn more about what happened to her.

As I approach the counter, my eyes remain fixed on Zoe trying hard to ignore her crutches leaning against the wall and how her knee is bent keeping her injured ankle off the floor when she can. Those crutches belong to her for a medical reason. The realisation sends a rush of emotions through me. Concern for her well-being mingles with an inexplicable thrill of a medical reason vs a recreational reason.

I slow my steps, I want to spend my day here, taking an extra moment to observe her more closely when she places her crutches under her arms. Zoe moves with a grace that defies the awkwardness of her situation, it's new to be on crutches today but clearly not her first time on them. Each step is deliberate, her weight carefully balanced on her hand rest to avoid putting pressure on her injured ankle and shoulders. The ace bandage wrapped around her ankle is snug, providing support and protection.

I watch as she interacts with the customers, her smile never faltering despite the obvious pain she must be feeling. She hands a coffee to a young woman, her fingers brushing the cup lightly, and then turns to greet the next customer with that same warm expression. There's a resilience in her that's captivating.

Finally, it's my turn. Zoe looks up and her blue eyes meet mine, the familiar twinkle still present despite the faint lines of pain etched around them.

"Good morning, Nathan," she says, her voice as cheerful as ever, though I detect a slight strain.

"Good morning, Zoe," I reply, trying to keep my concern from showing too much. "What happened to your ankle?"

She glances down at her bandaged foot and lower leg, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Oh, this? Just a little mishap at the softball game last night. I sprained it running, well tripping on third base. It's been a bit of a challenge, but I'm managing."

I nod, admiring her composure. "I'm sorry to hear that. It looks painful ?"

Zoe shifts her weight slightly, leaning on the counter for support. " It is, at least I don't think it's broken. Guess I wasn't paying enough attention to the bag wanting to make it to home plate so bad."

"That sounds rough," I say, genuinely concerned. " Did you score at least? If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

"Thanks, Nathan. That means a lot to me and no I didn't," she replies, her smile growing a bit more genuine.

As I take my coffee and find a seat, I can't help but feel an even stronger connection to Zoe. Seeing her handle this setback with such grace and determination only deepens my admiration for her. The crutches, the bandage, and her resilience all add new layers to the woman I've come to look forward to seeing each morning.

I find a seat near the window, still thinking about her injured ankle. I can't shake the image of her moving so gracefully on her crutches despite the obvious pain. As I settle in, I notice Zoe hobbling over on her one good foot with one crtuch, a coffee cup in her other hand.

"Mind if I join you for a few minutes?" she asks, a hint of mischief in her eyes like she knew the answer.

"Not at all," I reply, gesturing to the empty chair across from me. "Let me help you sit."

She lowers herself carefully into the chair, stretching her long injured leg out in front of her. The crutch leans against the table, a stark reminder of her current struggle.

"Thanks," she says, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's nice to take a break and sit down for a bit."

"I can imagine," I reply, my eyes drawn to her bandaged ankle. "So, you said you sprained it and that it's not broken? Looks like lots of swelling"

Zoe nods, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Yeah, It twisted pretty badly. It's amazing how far your foot can rotate but a friend of mine, a male nurse said it'll take a few weeks to heal. It's a very serious sprained ankle"

"That sounds painful, did you go for Xrays?" I say, "Are you managing okay? It must be tough to work on crutches all day?"

It All Started When...
Chapter 2 to come

AI 222


Clip 575 Medical, broken foot, cast, crutches lovely actress

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

AI 215


AI 214


AI 213


AI 212


It all started when...prologue

 It All Started When...


Nathan Watson, a successful businessman, finds his world turned upside down when he meets Zoe, a tall, blonde PhD student with a captivating smile, sexy long legs and so much more to offer, at his favourite coffee shop.

Zoe's intelligence and charm immediately catch Nathan's attention, but it's the sight of crutches leaning against the wall that truly intrigues him to the next level. As Nathan finds excuses to visit the coffee shop more frequently, engaging Zoe in conversations about her studies and interests, he feels a connection forming that goes beyond mere fascination. He is sexually attracted to her.At home, Nathan shares his growing interest and attraction in Zoe with his wife, Brooke, an empathetic psychiatrist who navigates life from her stylish wheelchair after a car accident left her paralyzed at 21. They have a very open marriage.

Unaware of Zoe's identity, Brooke offers Nathan advice on connecting with a much younger woman, her insights deepening the bond between husband and wife. When Nathan invites Zoe to join them for dinner, the evening is filled with delightful conversation and mutual admiration, leaving Nathan and Brooke equally impressed by Zoe's wit and beauty.

As Nathan's feelings for Zoe deepen with more and more shared moments, growing affections, and secret realizations, the story reveals that there is much more to this intriguing connection than meets the eye. Dive into a tale of love, threesomes, desire, sexual fetishes and the complexities of relationships, where the obvious is only the beginning...

A pair of crutches against the wall...


AI 211


Clip 573 Broken arm in a cast on a lovely actress, SAC

AI 210


Sunday, June 23, 2024

AI 202


AI 201


AI 200


My very erotic journal conclusion

 My very erotic journal


Today was filled with unexpected surprises. Miles and I were lounging in the living room when the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I was curious to see who it could be. Miles got up to answer the door, and moments later, he walked back into the room, followed by Fiona.

"Fiona, what a pleasant surprise!" I said, a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling up inside me. Fiona looked elegant as always, her tailored outfit perfectly complementing her petite frame. She wore a lovely blouse that accentuated her figure, paired with a skirt that showed off her shapely legs. The cast on her arm had been replaced with a brace since her thumb was taking a long time to heal.

"Hello, Nina, Miles," she greeted us warmly. She walked over to me, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor, and gave me a gentle hug, staring at my new shorter white cast.

"I thought I'd come by to see how you're doing with your new cast. It must be such a relief to be able to bend your knee."

"You have no idea"

Miles offered her a seat, and she gracefully settled into the armchair across from me. " It is a lot easier to dress also. It's so good to see you, Fiona," I said, genuinely touched by her visit.

"I didn't expect you to come all the way out here."

The three of us chatted for a while, the conversation flowing easily. We talked about work, the latest office gossip, and the upcoming projects we were excited about. I could feel the tension in my shoulders easing, the familiar camaraderie a comforting balm.

After a while, Miles excused himself to go prepare some coffee and snacks. Fiona moved closer, her gaze settling on my cast. "It looks good on your this white cast Nina," she said softly.

"I've been thinking of you," She admitted. Her words and the sincerity in her eyes made my heart swell with gratitude. "Thank you, Fiona. That means a lot."

Miles returned with a tray of coffee and snacks, and we spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other's company.

"So, Fiona," He began, "what really brings you here today?"

Fiona hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I have something to tell you Miles," she said hesitating.

Miles and I exchanged a glance, unsure of what to expect. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"I've recently come to the realization that I'm very attracted to your wife," she blurted out, her cheeks flushed with colour.

Miles was surprised with the openness, but he quickly recovered. Fiona looked relieved, a weight lifted off her shoulders. The conversation became more relaxed, and we found ourselves opening up to each other in ways we never had before. Miles and I shared stories of our own struggles with our identities, and Fiona listened intently, offering her perspective and insight.

The chemistry between us was palpable, the tension building with each passing moment. Fiona's eyes kept darting towards me and my new leg cast, her gaze lingering on my exposed toes. I could feel my heart racing, my breath hitching in my throat, I was so happy she saved me from a very difficult conversation with Miles by opening up like she did.

Without warning, Fiona leaned in, her lips brushing against mine in a soft, tentative kiss. I responded eagerly, my hands reaching for her. Miles watched us, his eyes filled with sexual desire as he moved closer.

It was a first for all three of us but we undressed each other slowly, our hands exploring every inch of each other's bodies. Fiona's fingers traced the curve of my big round breast, her broken thumb brushing against my nipple, sending shivers down my spine and her broken thumb. Miles sucked and licked my other nipple, making me moan in pleasure from all the attention.

Fiona's mouth moved down to my pussy, her tongue darting out to taste me. I gasped, my hips bucking as she licked and sucked my clitoris. Later Miles's cock slid into my vagina, filling me up completely.

We moved together, our bodies synced in a rhythm that felt primal and raw. Fina's hands gripped my broken leg, lifting my cast as she continued to work her magic on my exposed toes at the end of the cast.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm,, my muscles tensing as the pleasure built. "Don't stop," I begged, my voice hoarse with desire.

Fiona's broken hand and thumb rubbed my breasts while I came hard, my orgasm ripping through me like a wave. Miles followed soon after, his cock pulsing as he filled me up with his cum.

We collapsed onto the couch, our bodies slick with sweat and cum. Fiona's head rested on my shoulder, her breath warm against my skin. Miles removed Fiona's arm brace, pulling her close to me.

"That was amazing," Fiona whispered, her eyes shining with happiness and curiosity with her broken thumb unprotected.

I smiled, my heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Yes, it was," I agreed looking at her broken thumb...when Miles grabbed it and twisted it, breaking it...again.

"Stay away from my wife" he said and he obviously meant what he said.

The end

AI 199


Clip 570 Fractured ankle, cast, wheelchair, SLC

Saturday, June 22, 2024

AI 198


AI 197


AI 196


My very erotic journal part 14

 My very erotic journal

14-July 15

"I want to change into something more comfortable," I said. Miles nodded, his eyes never leaving mine.

I made my way to my old room, my crutches clattering on the wooden floor. Once inside, I quickly struggled to shed my clothes and slipped into a sexy bikini, feeling the thrill of excitement as I looked at myself in the mirror standing on my right leg, long cast, long leg and decent breast clearly on display.

As I stepped back out onto the porch on my crutches, Miles' eyes widened with appreciation. "You look stunning," he said. I smiled, feeling bold and confident.

He followed me to the edge of the property, where we had private access to Lake Champlain. Miles spread a blanket on the soft grass and he helped me down so that I wouldn't put any weight on my broken leg. He then joined me and our bodies were very close together.

"You are such a sexual tease Nina," Miles whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. I shivered, feeling my desire for him grow. We began to kiss, our lips exploring each other passionately. Miles' hands roamed over my broken leg slowly before caressing my curves and sending shivers of pleasure through me. I moaned softly, my body responding to his magical touch.

Miles gently pulled my bikini top down, exposing my round breasts. His lips found my nipples, sucking and nibbling gently. I arched my back, my hands tangled in his hair as I loved every second of it.

As our passion grew, Miles' fingers slipped beneath the fabric of my bikini bottom, finding me already wet and ready. He began to stroke me gently, his fingers teasing my clitoris and sending waves of pleasure through me. I spread my leg and cast wider, eager for more. Miles' fingers plunged deeper, his rhythm increasing as he brought me closer and closer to a first orgasm. I writhed beneath him, my moans growing louder and more desperate.

Suddenly, I pushed him aside and quickly undressed him, his long penis standing at attention, eager for my touch and lips. I eagerly reached out, wrapping my fingers around his throbbing shaft. Miles groaned, his eyes fluttering closed as I began to stroke him. I worked my hand up and down, my grip tightening as I felt him grow harder in my hand.

"Let me please you," I murmured, my lips brushing against his penis, his breath coming in ragged gasps. I took him into my mouth, my tongue swirling around his tip. He moaned, his hands rubbing my black cast over and over as I sucked him deeper and deeper. I worked my tongue over his shaft, loving the feel of him sliding in and out of my mouth.

As I continued to suck him, Miles' hands found my breasts, teasing my nipples and making me even more aroused. I could feel the tension building inside me, my body yearning for release. Suddenly, Miles pulled away, his eyes filled with desire.

"I need to be inside you," he growled, his voice thick with lust. I nodded eagerly, spreading my leg and heavy cast wider with his help and inviting him in.

Miles positioned himself between my legs, his penis ready and plunged inside me. I cried out, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through me.

Miles began to thrust, his rhythm slow and steady at first, then growing faster and more urgent as our passion took over. I wrapped my one good leg around him, pulling him deeper and deeper inside me.

Our bodies moved in perfect harmony, our moans and gasps filling the air around us. I could feel the tension building inside me, my orgasm growing closer with each passing moment. Suddenly, I felt Miles' penis swell inside me, the sensation pushing me over the edge. I cried out, my body trembling with pleasure as I climaxed hard around him.

Miles groaned, his body shuddering as he too found his release. We held each other tightly, our bodies slick with sweat and pleasure. As our passion subsided, we lay together in the cool night air, my long cast over his leg, our hearts pounding and our bodies spent. We held each other close, our love and desire stronger than ever.

Later on Miles picked me up in his arms while I was holding on to my crutches and he helped me back to the house, cradling me in his arms. My parents pretended to be asleep, blissfully aware of the passionate encounter that had just taken place. I smiled to myself, feeling sated and content. With my husband by my side, I knew that everything would be alright.

Love, Nina

AI 195


Clip 569 Princess, broken leg, crutches

Friday, June 21, 2024

AI 194


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AI 192


My very erotic journal part 13

 My very erotic journal

13-July 15

Today was a mix of excitement and anxiety as Miles and I headed to my parents' place in the countryside. They didn't know about my broken leg, and I was unsure how they'd react. The drive was soothing, with the countryside's green fields and blue skies calming my nerves.

As we pulled up to my parents' charming house by Lake Champlain, I took a deep breath. Miles parked the car and hurried around to help me out. After sliding my cast out and standing on my right leg, I steadied myself on my crutches, hoping to maintain a semblance of the old Nina.

My mom was the first to greet us at the door, her eyes widening in shock as she saw my long black cast. "Nina! What happened?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of concern and surprise.

"It's a long story, Mom, how are you?" I said, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'll explain everything inside."

My dad appeared behind her, his brow furrowing with worry. "Come in, come in and rest that broken leg" he urged, holding the door open wider. Miles followed me as I navigated the steps, my crutches clattering on the wooden porch.

Once inside, I settled into a comfy armchair in the living room, my leg propped up on lots of pillows. My parents sat opposite me, their faces etched with concern.

"So, what happened?" my dad asked, his voice gentle but insistent.

I recounted the story of the soccer game, how Liam had accidentally collided with me, causing my leg to break in two places. My mom gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "Oh, sweetheart, that sounds awful and painful! "

"It was, but Miles has been amazing," I said, glancing at my husband, who was watching me with an affectionate smile.

"He's been taking such good care of me."

My mom's worry softened into a warm smile while she looked at her left leg. "We're so glad you have each other." She paused, then added, "You know, I remember when I broke my ankle in twelfth grade. It was during a cheerleading practice. I landed awkwardly after a jump, and the pain was immediate. My leg was in a long plaster cast for eight weeks, and I had to use crutches the entire time."

Dad chimed in, his eyes sparkling with the memory. "We were dating back then. I remember how worried I was when I heard about the accident. I visited her every day, helped her with her books, and even carried her up and down the stairs at school."

Mom laughed softly. "He was my knight in shining armour, even if he did have to carry my books and me sometimes. It wasn't easy, but we got through it together. Having someone who cares makes all the difference."

I looked at my parents, feeling a deep sense of connection and gratitude. "Thanks for sharing that, Mom and Dad, I didn't know about your broken ankle. It helps to know I'm not alone in this."

Mom squeezed my hand. "You'll get through this, Nina. And you'll come out even stronger on the other side. AT least your black cast looks better than my old plaster cast"

Dad nodded in agreement smiling. "Look how much stronger your arms look already."

Lunch was fun, but the familiar comfort of my parents' cooking and the warmth of my old home helped lift my spirits. Afterwards, my dad suggested we sit on the porch, enjoying the fresh air. Miles helped me settle into a cushioned chair, my leg elevated on a footrest my dad had thoughtfully placed there.

The afternoon was on us when I said, "I think I need to change into something more comfortable," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. Miles nodded, his eyes never leaving mine.

Love, Nina

Clip 568 Hit by a car, broken leg, full leg cast, wheelchair, crutches ...

AI 191


Thursday, June 20, 2024

AI 190


AI 189


AI 188


Karine AI 18 video Broken leg, ankle, LLC, SLC, cast, crutches, wheelchair

My very erotic journal part 12

 My very erotic journal

12-July 14

It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I hobbled out of my office, my black cast leading the way between my crutches. As I made my way to our car, I couldn't help but notice the way people looked at me. Some with pity, curiosity but others with real attraction. I was always a confident person, but I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious about my current situation. I should look up that attraction, there must be studies about this.

Miles got out of the car to help me as I approached, his eyes locked on mine and then they moved to my broken leg. "How was your day?" he asked, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"It was...OK," I answered, not sure how much I could or should share.

"Just OK?" Miles echoed, his eyebrows raising slightly. He knew me well enough to sense that something was wrong. Stepping closer, he lifted my chin with his fingers, forcing me to meet his gaze. "You can talk to me about anything," he said softly, his eyes searching my face for any signs.

I felt my guard drop a little as his gentle touch on my chin sent a flutter through my chest. I knew I could always be honest with him, no matter what.

"I just...I don't know. It's Fiona" I shrugged, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on me. "I feel like she is looking at me differently." I lied.

"Differently how?" .

Miles stepped closer and took my crutches away, while he opened the door and carefully helped me into the seat that he had backed up to the max, making sure my broken leg was comfortably positioned.

Once I was settled in place, Miles closed the car door gently before moving around to the driver's side after putting my crutches on the back seat. He got in and started the engine, turning to me with a concerned expression.

"I will change the subject, you talk to me about Fiona when you are ready. How's your broken leg feeling?" he asked, his eyes roaming over my long black cast.

"It's fine," I replied, attempting to sound nonchalant. The truth was, it had been a pretty long day at the office with Fiona sexual advances, and my leg was already starting to ache. Miles seemed to see right through me, his expression shifting to one of mild disbelief.

"Just fine? Nothing else?" he asked, his voice tinged with skepticism

As we drove home, we couldn't help but steal glances at each other, the air between us thick with unspoken sexual desires. The anticipation of what was to come, my admission of having sex with Fiona, left me speechless.

Upon reaching home, he helped me out of the car and with my crutches I made my way to the bedroom, my heart pounding in my chest. Miles followed closely behind, his eyes never leaving me. As I settled onto the bed, he knelt before me, his hands gently tracing the outline of my cast.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered.

I smiled, lifting my hand to caress his cheek. "I need to tell you something, Miles. I need you to listen to me."

His eyes darkened but not mad, instead they were with pure lust as he leaned in, pressing his lips against mine in a fiery kiss. Our tongues danced together, a passionate battle of desire and longing. As our lips parted, he trailed kisses down my neck, nipping and sucking gently.

"I know Nina, you have no idea how much I've been fantasizing about this," he murmured, his voice husky with desire.

"You do , how do you know?," I breathed, my body reacting to his touch.

His hands sliding up my thighs, pushing my skirt up to reveal my black lace panties. His fingers traced the outline, teasing me through the fabric. I squirmed beneath him, desperate for more.

"Please,what do you think you know?" I begged him to answer, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smirked, his eyes meeting mine. With a swift movement, he pulled my panties down, exposing my shaved like a baby pussy to his eager gaze. His fingers dipped between my legs, tracing my wetness and causing me to gasp in pleasure.

"You're already so wet for me," he growled, his fingers sliding in, finding my clitoris and circling it gently.

I moaned, my hips bucking against his touch. "Miles, please, tell me what you think you know" I pleaded, my need for him growing stronger with every passing second.

He chuckled, his lips brushing against my ear, licking, sucking. "Patience, my love. We have all night."

His finger slid inside me again, filling me completely. I cried out, my muscles clenching around him as he began to move his finger in and out. His other hand found my nipple, pinching and twisting it gently.

"Oh, godddd," I groaned, my body trembling with desire.

He continued to finger me, his pace increasing as I grew closer to the edge. As I neared my climax, he removed his finger, leaving me panting and desperate for more.

"Miles, please," I begged, my eyes pleading with him to take me.

He smiled, his eyes filled with lust. "Not yet, my love. We're just getting started."

He stood, his hands moving to the buttons of his shirt. With each button undone, I watched him with anticipation, my mouth watering at the sight of his muscular chest. He removed his shirt, revealing his toned body to my hungry gaze. His hands moved to his belt, undoing it swiftly and pulling it free from the loops. My eyes never left him as he unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down to reveal his hard penis.

I licked my lips, my eyes locked on his throbbing penis. "Come here, Miles. I want you," I purred, my body aching to feel him inside me.

He stepped closer lifted my broken leg on his shoulder, his penis brushing against my entrance. He teased me, sliding his dripping tip up and down, spreading my wetness. I moaned, my hips bucking against him, desperate for more.

"Please, Miles. I need you inside me," I begged, my voice filled with desire.

"As you wish, my love."

With one swift thrust, he filled me completely, causing me to cry out in pleasure. He began to move, his pace slow and steady at first, building in intensity as my moans grew louder.

"Harder, Miles. Fuck your cheating wife harder," I demanded, my body under him.

He obliged, his hips slamming into mine as he fucked me with reckless abandon. I cried out with each thrust, my body alive with pleasure. The sound of our skin slapping together filled the room of lust and desire.

"Oh, God. I'm so close," I gasped, my body trembling with need.

He then stood up, his hands gripping me and lifting me standing on my good leg, my cast barely touching the floor, my broken leg throbbing with pain, he continued to pound into me.

"Come for me, my love. Let me hear you scream like you did when I broke your sexy long leg."

With that, I exploded, my orgasm washing over me like waves crashing against the shore. I cried out, my body trembling as I rode the waves of pleasure. Miles continued to fuck me, drawing out my climax until I was left breathless and spent ready to collapse on our bed.

As I came down from my high, he leaned down, his lips finding mine in a passionate kiss. I sighed, my body exhausted but sexually satisfied.

"I love you, Miles," I whispered, my eyes meeting his.

He smiled, his eyes filled with love and desire. "I love you too, my darling. Always. I know you are attracted sexually to Fiona broken arm, that you fantasized about it, you had dreams about breaking your own limb"

"Oh Miles I..." I was going to admit to him what we did but he stopped me by kissing me again.

As we lay there, entwined in each other's arms, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and passion we shared. My cheating conversation would be for another time.

Love, Nina

AI 187


Clip 567 crutches, Injured leg, real injury to the actress, non weight b...