Friday, June 28, 2024

It all started when... chapter 1

 It All Started When...

Chapter 1

My morning starts the same way every day. The alarm goes off at 6:30 AM sharp, and I drag myself out of bed, lace up my running shoes, and hit the pavement, yes even at my age. The early morning air is crisp and invigorating, a perfect way to clear my mind and prepare for the day ahead. After a quick five-kilometre run, I return home, shower, and put on one of my many tailored suits. Today, it's a navy blue one with a light grey tie. I check my reflection, ensuring I look as put-together as I feel.

Despite the routine nature of my mornings, there's always a moment of excitement that I eagerly anticipate. It's the moment I step into my favourite coffee shop down the street from my office by Lake Ontario. The rich, inviting scent of freshly brewed coffee greets me as I walk in, but it's not just the coffee that draws me here every day, there is also my favourite barrister, the lovely Zoe.

How could I describe her to you? She's a tall, blonde, young woman with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts. She's always behind the counter, ready to take my order with a cheerful greeting. Her hair, a cascade of blond waves, frames her face perfectly, and her blue eyes sparkle with a warmth that makes me feel welcome every time I see her. There's something about her, yes there is her effortless charm and intelligence that goes beyond her stunning looks but there is also something else, maybe she is the one for us...

Each morning, I find myself looking forward to our brief interactions. The way she remembers my usual order, the small talk we share about the weather or her studies, and the genuine kindness she exudes all make my visits to the coffee shop the highlight of my morning. The thrill I feel when I see her walking on her long and shapely legs can't be overstated. It's like a shot of adrenaline, a little boost that makes the mundane seem magical.

Yes I'm a legman but with a twist or two. You will understand more later and also when you meet my lovely wife.

Today, as I approach the coffee shop, I feel that familiar sense of anticipation building. I push open the door, the bell above it jingling like an old style store to announce my arrival. I scan the room, my eyes immediately seeking out Zoe. What I see next, however, catches me completely off guard and sets the tone for a period of my life I won't soon forget. A day that will affect me, Zoe and Brooke, my wife, for a very long time.

As I walked closer, the familiar rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee greets me. I take a deep breath, savouring the comforting scent, but today something is different. My eyes are immediately drawn to a pair of beautiful aluminium crutches leaning against the wall near the counter.

My heart quickens, a mix of curiosity and excitement surging through me like it does every time I see crutches and that since I was a young boy in Montreal. I can't help but wonder who they belong to. Is it a sprain? A break? Are there ace bandages, a cast or a boot involved? The questions swirl in my mind, fuelling an incredible sexual thrill.

To be honest and open right away in chapter 1, I've always had a fascination with women's legs, feet and high heels, but especially when one of them is injured and she needs crutches for mobility. It's an odd weakness, one I've told just a few people, but now, seeing those crutches, I feel an undeniable pull.

I scan the room, trying to see if I can spot the owner of the crutches. The regular patrons are scattered about, some engrossed in their laptops, others chatting quietly over their morning coffee totally ignoring the crutches against the wall. Then, my eyes land on Zoe behind the counter, and my heart skips a beat.

Could it really be hers? I can't breathe with pure excitement.

She's there, as usual, her blonde hair, wearing a t-shirt with her lovely smile but something's different. She's moving a bit slower, badly limping, almost hopping. As she shifts her weight, I notice her left ankle is wrapped in multiple ace bandages. My pulse quickens. The crutches belong to her. OMG, Zoe what did you do? I wondered.

I watch as Zoe balances gracefully on one foot, her movements more deliberate than usual. She doesn't let the injury slow her down, though. She's still as efficient and cheerful as ever, serving customers with that same warm smile. There's a strength in her that I've always admired, and now, seeing her handle this new challenge, my admiration deepens and yes I will admit I'm very sexually attracted to her.

The crutches, the sprained ankle, the bandage and the limp, all of it stirs something inside me. I feel a strange mix of concern for the poor young woman and pure excitement. I want to know more, I want to know everything, to find out how she got injured and offer my help in any way I can. As I approach the counter, I'm determined to strike up a conversation and learn more about what happened to her.

As I approach the counter, my eyes remain fixed on Zoe trying hard to ignore her crutches leaning against the wall and how her knee is bent keeping her injured ankle off the floor when she can. Those crutches belong to her for a medical reason. The realisation sends a rush of emotions through me. Concern for her well-being mingles with an inexplicable thrill of a medical reason vs a recreational reason.

I slow my steps, I want to spend my day here, taking an extra moment to observe her more closely when she places her crutches under her arms. Zoe moves with a grace that defies the awkwardness of her situation, it's new to be on crutches today but clearly not her first time on them. Each step is deliberate, her weight carefully balanced on her hand rest to avoid putting pressure on her injured ankle and shoulders. The ace bandage wrapped around her ankle is snug, providing support and protection.

I watch as she interacts with the customers, her smile never faltering despite the obvious pain she must be feeling. She hands a coffee to a young woman, her fingers brushing the cup lightly, and then turns to greet the next customer with that same warm expression. There's a resilience in her that's captivating.

Finally, it's my turn. Zoe looks up and her blue eyes meet mine, the familiar twinkle still present despite the faint lines of pain etched around them.

"Good morning, Nathan," she says, her voice as cheerful as ever, though I detect a slight strain.

"Good morning, Zoe," I reply, trying to keep my concern from showing too much. "What happened to your ankle?"

She glances down at her bandaged foot and lower leg, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Oh, this? Just a little mishap at the softball game last night. I sprained it running, well tripping on third base. It's been a bit of a challenge, but I'm managing."

I nod, admiring her composure. "I'm sorry to hear that. It looks painful ?"

Zoe shifts her weight slightly, leaning on the counter for support. " It is, at least I don't think it's broken. Guess I wasn't paying enough attention to the bag wanting to make it to home plate so bad."

"That sounds rough," I say, genuinely concerned. " Did you score at least? If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

"Thanks, Nathan. That means a lot to me and no I didn't," she replies, her smile growing a bit more genuine.

As I take my coffee and find a seat, I can't help but feel an even stronger connection to Zoe. Seeing her handle this setback with such grace and determination only deepens my admiration for her. The crutches, the bandage, and her resilience all add new layers to the woman I've come to look forward to seeing each morning.

I find a seat near the window, still thinking about her injured ankle. I can't shake the image of her moving so gracefully on her crutches despite the obvious pain. As I settle in, I notice Zoe hobbling over on her one good foot with one crtuch, a coffee cup in her other hand.

"Mind if I join you for a few minutes?" she asks, a hint of mischief in her eyes like she knew the answer.

"Not at all," I reply, gesturing to the empty chair across from me. "Let me help you sit."

She lowers herself carefully into the chair, stretching her long injured leg out in front of her. The crutch leans against the table, a stark reminder of her current struggle.

"Thanks," she says, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's nice to take a break and sit down for a bit."

"I can imagine," I reply, my eyes drawn to her bandaged ankle. "So, you said you sprained it and that it's not broken? Looks like lots of swelling"

Zoe nods, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Yeah, It twisted pretty badly. It's amazing how far your foot can rotate but a friend of mine, a male nurse said it'll take a few weeks to heal. It's a very serious sprained ankle"

"That sounds painful, did you go for Xrays?" I say, "Are you managing okay? It must be tough to work on crutches all day?"

It All Started When...
Chapter 2 to come

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