Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Mom & Daughter chapter 10

 Mom & Daughter

Chapter 10
From Dave

I stood at the entrance of my restaurant, dressed in a sleek Batman suit for the ball. The cape hung perfectly, and the mask added an air of mystery. My broken leg was now in a long black cast, bent at the knee, totally non weight bearing. I leaned on my crutches, trying to welcome my clients while maintaining my balance.

The masquerade ball was in full swing, the restaurant transformed into a scene of elegant mystery. Lights dimmed low, flickering lanterns cast a warm glow over the guests, and the soft hum of conversation filled the air. Everyone was dressed to the nines, hidden behind intricate masks, their identities concealed but their excitement palpable.

As I stood at the entrance of my restaurant, my broken leg inches from the floor, I couldn't contain my excitement. I was eagerly waiting for Sarah and Hannah to arrive. The anticipation of seeing them both in their outfits, filled me with a mix of nervousness and joy. The thought of their elegance and beauty, despite their situations, made my heart race. This night was going to be special, and I was thrilled to share it with them.

I glanced outside, catching sight of the approaching van. My heart pounded with anticipation as I positioned myself at the door, ready to welcome my special guests. As it pulled up, I watched eagerly, A first door opened, and I saw Sarah slowly slide out her long partly crippled legs, her movements careful and deliberate. She stood with the help of the driver, positioned forearm crutches and leaned back against the van, balancing herself on her two long leg braces and high-heeled shoes. Her braced legs were covered in sleek black leather and that added an elegant touch to her appearance.

After noticing me, she gracefully with determined effort, steadied herself and began to to slide her sexy long legs towards the back of the van on her crutches. Her movements were pure resilience, each step showcasing her upper body strengths and determination. As she reached the back she talked to the driver and he carefully retrieved Hannah's crutches. Looking at this beautiful tall woman, it was fair to say that...

These sexy legs were no longer made for walking.

Hannah, waiting patiently, extended her hand to receive the crutches from the driver. He handed them over, his fingers brushing lightly against Hannah's as they exchanged a warm, supportive smile. "Here you go, miss, be careful not to fall with your broken leg," He said softly, the young driver's voice filled with attraction.

"Thanks," Hannah replied, her gratitude evident as she positioned the crutches under her arms, adjusting to the familiar position.

Hannah's long leg cast covered in black complimented her sleek black dress. She was so sexy. With a practised motion, she balanced herself on the crutches, her movements fluid and confident. She was careful with each step she took, her broken leg hovering just above the ground. I was mesmerized by the 2 lovely women, some would say I was falling in love with both somehow.

As I continued to watch, the Uber driver went to the back and retrieved Sarah's wheelchair. He unfolded it and brought it around to the side of the van. The sight of Sarah, poised and ready, took my breath away. With practised ease, Sarah slid into her wheelchair, her movements fluid and confident. She leaned forward slightly, unlocking the long braces from her legs with a soft click, allowing them to bend at the knee, her elegance was increased by being a wheelchair user and she knew it.

"Thank you," Sarah said to the driver.

While watching them together, I stepped forward on my crutches, eager to welcome them properly. "Good evening, ladies! Welcome to the masquerade ball. You both look absolutely stunning," I called out, my voice warm with genuine admiration.

Sarah's eyes sparkled behind her mask as she rolled closer, unable to stop staring at my long cast, the leg that she broke. "Thank you, Dave. We're excited to be here. You look quite dashing yourself,I love that new accessory" she replied, her smile lighting up her face.

Hannah nodded in agreement, her crutches moving smoothly as she approached. "Yes, you do, Dave. Thank you for having us," she added, her tone filled with genuine appreciation and maybe more because she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips in front of her mom.

I held the door open for them, my heart swelling with joy. "Please, come in. Let me know if you need any assistance. I'm here to make sure you have a wonderful and very special evening," I said, my eyes following their graceful entrance.

As Sarah and Hannah made their way into the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice something different about them, there was a sexual pull between them, between us. The air was thick with unspoken words and an electric tension that crackled every time our eyes met. I adjusted my crutches, the pain in my broken leg reminding me of our shared experiences and the unique bond we were beginning to form.

Inside, the restaurant was bathed in soft, ambient lighting, the perfect backdrop for the evening's festivities. Guests mingled in their own festive attire, but my focus remained on Sarah and Hannah.

"Shall we find a table?" I suggested, my voice betraying a hint of nervous excitement. Sarah smiled and nodded, she gracefully moved around the place in her wheelchair. As beautiful as she was struggling on her crutches earlier, to see her work the room in her wheelchair was even sexier to me.

"Lead the way, Dave," she said softly, her eyes never leaving mine. I guided them to a cozy corner, ensuring there was ample space for Sarah's wheelchair and a chair for Hannah to elevate her long cast.

"Is this comfortable for you both?" I asked, looking from Sarah to Hannah.

"Yes, it's perfect," Sarah replied, her voice warm. Hannah settled into her chair, positioning her crutches carefully beside her.

Hannah looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye, a devilish smile playing on her lips.

"Dave, could you help me lift my cast onto the spare chair please?" she asked sweetly and innocently.

I looked at Sarah and she said "It's ok, I know you know each other Dave, don't worry we are Hannah and Sarah tonight friends with benefits and I'm willing to share you with her.

The request was simple enough when on 2 legs, but with my broken leg, it would be a challenge. I couldn't resist her smile, even if it meant pushing my limits. "Of course, Hannah'"

Leaning on my crutches, I hobbled over to her. Every step was a careful balance of weight and coordination, my black cast was slightly bent at the knee. I reached her side, adjusting my stance to stay steady.

The closeness of her long cast against me sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a rush of desire inside me. Lifting it rubbed against my erected penis, I slowly kissed her exposed toes, feeling the softness of her skin against my lips. Her quiet moans were lovely; it filled the air, making my heart race.

I continued to explore her broken leg, my hands tracing the contours of the hard casting material. The feel of it sent tingles through my body, a physical manifestation of my attraction. I ran my fingers gently across the surface of the black cast cover, feeling the smoothness beneath my fingertips

I moved her cast onto the spare chair, making sure it was positioned comfortably. "There you go, Is that okay?"

Hannah's smile widened. "Perfect, thank you, Dave, I know why Sarah loves you so much."

I smiled back, feeling the warmth of her words. "Anything for both of you, Hannah," I said, settling back onto my own chair. Despite the pain in my broken leg, the bond we were building made every moment worthwhile.

Sarah's wheelchair moved closer to where I sat on my chair facing me. She lowered her arms, her hands gently picking up my broken leg onto her lap. The cast rested there, and with a tender touch, she began to caress the length of it, her fingers tracing the contours of the hard cast.

Then her hands went to her own long and sexy crippled legs and she...

Conclusion to come

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