Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mom & Daughter chapter 9

 Mom & Daughter

Chapter 9
From Hannah POV

The next morning, after I finished my morning routine, I grabbed my crutches and joined Mom in the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee smelled amazing. With a smile, I poured myself a cup and settled at the table, my crutches leaning against the chair, eager to hear about Mom's evening at Dave's place.

"So, Mom," I began, leaning in with curiosity, "how was your night? Did you have a wonderful time with Dave?" My eyes twinkled with excitement, reflecting the anticipation bubbling within me.

Mom's face lit up with joy as she recounted part of the enchanting evening. "Oh, Hannah, it was very nice," she exclaimed, her voice carrying the echoes of the night's enchantment.

"The ambience, the music, the company, it was all so delightful. And Dave," she added with a playful glint in her eye, "the perfect gentleman."

I couldn't help but smile at Mom's animated description. Her happiness was infectious, igniting a sense of anticipation and eagerness within me for the upcoming parties while in this lovely red cast. Little did I know, the night would bring mystery, setting the stage for unforgettable moments. After Mom finished sharing her excitement, she turned to me with a gleam in her eyes.

"Hannah, I have something special planned for us tonight. How would you like to attend a masquerade ball at Dave's restaurant with me?"

Surprise and delight lit up my face as I processed Mom's invitation. "Really, Mom? That sounds amazing! I'd love to go with you." Mom beamed at my response while she looked at my red cast and crutches, her eyes telling me so much.

"It'll be a night to remember, you will be my +1. We'll dress up, immerse ourselves in the enchanting atmosphere, and create beautiful memories together. It's a black and white masquerade ball, the theme is dark and secretive." She rolled closer to me and caressed my cast.

I nodded eagerly, already envisioning the magical potential of the evening ahead. The idea of attending a masquerade ball with Mom, both dressed in sexy attire, to show off my long leg cast and surrounded by mystery, would give me a chance to act on fetishes and maybe meet other fetishists in their own world.

As we continued to chat about our plans for the evening, the anticipation and excitement grew, setting the stage for a night of enchantment, lust and unforgettable experiences at Dave's masquerade ball. Spending the night with Mom and lovely Dave was a plus.

The excitement of the masquerade ball lingered in the air as I sat with Mom, she had my cast on her lap and was rubbing it and from time to time teasing my exposed toes. Looking at her I was contemplating whether to reveal that I already knew Dave. Thoughts raced through my mind as I weighed the pros and cons of sharing this information.

As we sipped our morning coffee, Mom's cheerful demeanour was infectious. "I can't wait for tonight," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "It's going to be so much fun!"

I nodded in agreement, a smile playing on my lips. "It definitely will be," I replied, my mind drifting to the secret I held.

Dave's hand had touched my leg when I was at his restaurant, the texture of my cast eliciting a strange arousal. I could feel his eyes on me, taking in the sight of me on my crutches. He was attracted to this vulnerable version of me, and it made me feel both powerful and desired at the same time.

But it was so much more complicated than just an older man attracted to a younger woman in a full leg cast and on crutches trying to look sexy. As I watched Mom's expression the last few days, I realized something else, she, too, was attracted to Dave sexually. For a moment and just one quick moment, I felt a pang of jealousy, wondering what it would be like to be the one he was fawning over instead. Would he prefer the young and vibrant woman in a leg cast and crutches or the mature, sexy woman with the sexy long legs in a wheelchair...or...both?

The dilemma grew on me as I considered Mom's reaction. Would she be surprised? Mad? Excited? Concerned? It was hard to predict, and the uncertainty added to my internal debate.

Finally, after much deliberation, I decided to keep my knowledge of Dave to myself for the time being. I didn't want to spoil the excitement of the masquerade ball or create any unnecessary additional sexual tension other than her rubbing my cast and toes. Plus, there was something thrilling about keeping this secret, like having a special surprise waiting to be revealed at the right moment to my date for the ball.

I was determined to enjoy the evening to the fullest and keep the secret tucked away, I smiled at Mom and said, "I can't wait either, Mom. It's going to be magical. Sarah and Hannah on a date"

At that moment, I felt a rush of excitement for the night ahead, filled with mystery, elegance, and the possibility of unexpected surprises. I leaned over to Sarah and kissed her lips with my hands rubbing her soft legs. As she reacted to my touch, I think she realized that she needed to take back the lead, she was back being Mom, leaned in closer, her expression slightly sombre.

"You know, the evening had a bit of a rough ending," she confided. Surprised, I asked. "What happened?"

Mom sighed softly. "Well, Dave actually broke his leg. It was quite a serious accident."

Concern filled my voice as I asked, "Is he okay? How did it happen?"

"He's going to be, but it was a tricky fall, his leg will be immobilized for months and he will be using crutches"

"I hope he's not in too much pain." I said, I was already fantasizing about seeing him in that cast.

"He's a tough one." Mom responded with a reassuring smile, but as she tried to transfer from her wheelchair to the nearby couch, swinging her crippled legs she was beautiful. As she struggled, I offered my assistance. "Let me help you, Sarah."

"No, I've got this." 

My heart raced as I watched her while thinking about Dave's injury, a mix of excitement was swirling inside me. The thought of seeing him in a beautiful medical cast and crutches was exciting. It was a serious accident that would keep him immobilized for months and relying on crutches to move around. I tried to stay focused on the evening ahead, but the revelation of Dave's condition was a twist I hadn't anticipated.

I should be honest with mom and tell her that I've always had a secret attraction to male in cast and using crutches since high school. Maybe it's the vulnerability or the way their bodies move, but something about a man in a cast or on crutches is incredibly appealing to me sexually. I've never told anybody about this.

I love to take care of them, to aid them in their recovery. Helping them get around, getting them what they need, it's both a nurturing and a sexual experience for me. The helplessness they feel can sometimes leave them at my mercy, and I find it both arousing and appealing. Seeing them dependent on me for their needs is a power dynamic that I find immensely enjoyable.

Later on, I helped Mom get ready. Despite our unique situations, mom in her wheelchair and me on crutches with a full leg recreational cast, I felt we both looked incredibly sexy in our own way. I assisted her into a sexy black leather dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She wore her long leg brace and they were also covered in matching black leather, adding a fierce edge to her look. As I helped her with her mask over her eyes, my fingers brushed up against the smooth leather of her leg braces then moved up to her lovely breasts with their hard nipples, she was clearly feeling stylish, sexy and very desirable.

Then, it was my turn. Mom helped me slip a black cast cover over my long red cast, ensuring it fit snugly. I stood and slid on a black sleeveless dress that showcased my strong long leg from hours at the gym, my full leg cast along with my toned arms. To complete the look, I wore a pump on my right foot, which added a touch of elegance and danger tonight.

As we finished getting ready, I looked at us in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. Because of everything, we both looked ready for the masquerade ball...

...and possibly much more...

Chapter 10 to come

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