Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mom & Daughter conclusion

 Mon & Daughter

The conclusion
From Dave pov

Then her hands went to her own long and sexy crippled legs and she increased the space between them, allowing my cast to settle into a more comfortable position. Her caresses continued on my cast, moving up to my penis and down to my toes in slow, deliberate motions. Her touch was so arousing, sending tremors through my entire body while Sarah was quietly watching and rubbing herself.

Sarah smiled at both of us, pushed my cast gently down against her legs, firmly pinning it in between her crippled leg against her vagina. The action was surreal when her right hand disappeared between my cast and her vagina and she quietly started to masturbate herself. I could imagine her fingers against her wet vagina, in and out. We all could smell the arousing scent of her juices flowing against my cast and exposed toes.

I turned my head in Hannah's direction, Her left hand cupped her breasts one at a time through the silky fabric of the black gown, and I could see her perfect breast and how her long nipples begging for attention were fully erect now and clearly visible through her dress.

Later on we chatted for a while, the conversation flowing easily despite the undercurrent of sexual tension. Sarah's eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth, while Hannah's playful younger wit kept us all laughing. Yet, beneath the surface, there was a palpable sensual chemistry that I could no longer ignore.

At one point, Sarah leaned forward, her hand resting lightly on my arm. "Dave, thank you for inviting us tonight. This means a lot," she said. The warmth of her touch lingered on my skin, intensifying the connection I felt.

"It's my pleasure, truly," I replied, my voice steady but my heart racing. Hannah watched us with a knowing smile, her eyes flicking between us. "I think you two should kiss now...but...standing for everybody to see" she suggested suddenly, her tone playful but her eyes serious.

"I'd love to, If you're up for it, that is."

I nodded eagerly, the pain in my broken leg momentarily forgotten as I stood up, leaning on my crutches. The effort to balance was taxing, but the excitement of the moment overshadowed it. With a determined effort, I pushed past the pain in my broken leg and dropped my crutches to the ground. For a moment, I stood there, balancing on my toes at the end of my cast without support, incredible pain coursing through the same leg I broke only 24 hours ago.

I offered my hand and Sarah took it, and I helped her out of her wheelchair, steadying her as leg braces locked she leaned against me. The feel of her body against mine sent shivers down my spine. I felt Sarah's breath warm against my neck, the world around us faded, leaving just the three of us, lost in the moment.

I leaned in, closing the gap between us, my lips brushing against hers in a tentative kiss.

Sarah responded, her kiss soft and sweet at first, then deepening with a hunger that matched my own. My broken leg became a distant memory as I focused solely on the feel of Sarah's lips against mine, the taste of her mouth intoxicating. I reached up, cupping her face gently, pulling her closer while my fingers tangled in her hair.

As the kiss deepened, our tongues danced hungrily together, mingling in a dance of desire. The taste of her mouth was addictive, her soft moans sending shivers down my spine. I could feel my body responding to her touch, her cripples legs against my cast, against my leg, the need to be closer growing with every passing moment.

Heat was building between us, fuelled by the forbidden pleasure of our taboo liaison. Her taste was intoxicating, and her gentle moans only served to drive me further into a frenzy. I could feel the weight of my body pressing against her, our bodies melding together in a fierce embrace.

I could feel Hannah's watching gaze upon us, her own immobilized leg adding a layer of pure sexual excitement to the situation. The knowledge that she was happy that her leg was broken, in that long cast, using crutches and witnessing our kiss made the moment more intense.

We pulled away, breathless, our eyes locking in a silent promise.

As the night drew to a close, we shared stories, laughter, and knowing glances that hinted at the sexual bond we were forming. The connection between us was undeniable, edging into something deeper.

Hannah shifted slightly in her seat, her eyes lingering on Sarah's leg braces and then on my cast. She seemed lost in thought, curiosity flickering across her face. Finally, she took a deep breath and looked at me with a determined expression.

"Dave, I have a question. Actually, more of a request."

"Sure, Hannah, what is it?"

"There's something I need to confess, my leg... it's not really broken. I'm wearing a recreational cast, not a medical one." She confessed after a deep breath.

"I know it's unusual, but the idea of having a real medical cast has turned me on so bad. Whenever I saw mom in the past and I saw you with your own cast," she said softly, her eyes trailing down to my broken leg, "it sparks this overwhelming sexual fascination within me."

"What can I do to help?"

"Could you help me break my leg?"

"Hannah, breaking your leg is serious and dangerous."

Sarah's eyes widened as she heard the revelation of Hannah's desires. After a moment, she spoke softly, her voice tinged with care and concern:

"Hannah, I want you to know that your feelings and desires are valid, but you have to be very sure of yourself before intentionally hurting yourself."

Hannah's eyes suddenly turned to Dave, it was time to use the ace in her hand. "You... your broken leg wasn't an accident, was it?" she asked softly. Sarah's eyes widened at this revelation... she knew.

Dave rubbed Hannah's cast, his touch was soft, yet it was clear that he was fully engrossed in the experience. Sarah watched, her own emotions swirling within her. She saw the fascination in Dave's eyes.

"Okay. I'll...I'll do it, but on one condition, let's only break a small bone in my foot for the first time. We can reevaluate after a few weeks."

What I love about fetishists is the way they change the rules and their actions on the fly.

The next day at home, I was relaxing on the couch with my long leg cast on the coffee table, feeling the relief of having removed Hannah's long red cast. To my total surprise, Sarah rolled closer to Hannah and gently grasped her left foot and leg, kissing them with pure love.

Her long fingers gently dance over Hannah's barefoot. The air was suddenly charged with an intimate sexual energy. Sara's breath brushed over Hannah's foot, causing a shiver to run through her. As the intensity between them grew, she slowly, almost cautiously, began to apply a gentle pressure to Hannah's foot. Her fingers applied pressure to different areas of the foot, searching for the perfect and weakest point.

Hannah gasped softly, feeling her mom's touch exploring her foot with increasing firmness. A part of her wanted to stop, fearing the pain that might come with a broken bone since it will be her first, but another part of her needed to be in a cast and the whole motion of breaking a bone. As if sensing her hesitation, Sarah whispered softly, "Just a little bit more...."

Hannah bit her lips, her hands travelling between her legs combining the pain in her foot she felt from the twisting and pressure applied by her mom, to pure sexual pleasure while rubbing her wet vagina.

"We'll go slow and steady. Let the pain take you for a sexual ride baby." As she spoke, her fingers applied a bit more pressure, the pressure enough to create a sharp pain without causing a break yet and then...

Suddenly we all heard it, a sharp pain shot through Hannah's foot, causing her to cry out in surprise and discomfort. Sarah quickly stopped the twisting, her expression filled with love and sympathy. Hannah moaned, still fresh and sharp in her mind the pain from breaking her foot and her orgasm.

"OMG, I'm okay, it hurts, but it's really broken, my first broken foot mom."

Sarah leaned forward and gently kissed the top of Hannah's broken foot, her lips lingering for a moment on the tender skin. Later on that evening I applied the pink cast, I could feel the connection between all 3 of us strengthening.

"How does it feel?"

Hannah flexed her beautiful long toes slightly, testing the cast. "It feels... amazing," she said, her voice filled with love. "Thank you, Dave."

We toasted to our newfound connection, the future ahead of us filled with promise and the thrilling edge of exploring our shared interests. At that moment, Sarah rolled closer to me and said...

"How about we..."

The end

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