Sunday, June 25, 2023

Mysterious part 3

Mysterious part 3 intro

 "Isabelle, let's go for a drink," she suggested.

I welcomed the distraction from the haunting memories that plagued my mind and the wild sex earlier. Was she expecting more than friends with benefits? And was I ready to be more?

"You're a beautiful and intriguing woman Crystal," I observed, a blend of admiration in my words.

"But even if I'm clearly attracted to you, I hope we can continue to be best friends and not take the next step. I have so much that I need to deal with, between my broken leg and the murder investigation, I hope you understand"

"I understand completely. I'm here for you but I need to say that you were amazing," She said, caressing my broken leg with her long fingers.

We were both looking at my cast. The weight of it seems to always bring me back to reality. I was wearing shorts and even if it was to protect my broken bones, the long red cast was a nice match to my shorts. My first impression after I had a chance to really look at it, was how long it was. The cast went from my thigh to my toes contrasting against the little bit of my skin that was still exposed.

The non weight bearing nature of the cast added an extra layer of challenges to my day to day situation. Most of the people that I knew that broke a limb were in plastic boots and often walking on it. The doctor had been so good at explaining to me the situation.

"Because of the severity of your injury that involves multiple bones, a full leg cast is required for complete mobilizations. You won't be able to put any weight on your broken leg at all for a long time"

Each step I took on my crutches seemed to attract some attention. Even Crystal that used to stare at my long legs before, was now mesmerized by my cast and crutches. As we both walked into the bar on our crutches, the eyes of patrons alternated curiously between her missing leg and my broken leg. I was good at reading people and I could see both sympathy and curiosity. Whispers, murmurs of speculation surrounding the story behind my broken leg and Crystal amputation. I paid them no attention still I heard a woman say,

"They must have been in a bad car accident."

Sinking into the booth, I adjusted my broken leg, elevating it with Crystal help to reduce the discomfort. Crystal fingers brushed against the edges of my cast, and her touching my exposed toes was a gentle reassurance.

I smiled at my best friend with defiance in my eyes from all the damn whispering in the bar about our physical limitations. They wanted bullshit, I was going to give them some.

"It's just adversity for me Crystal, I won't be walking without crutches for 3 roughly months with this long and sexy cast on my leg. But you know something, I think the hard cast is turning me on," I said smiling, sliding my fingers from my knees up, almost rubbing myself.

"I know you are so sexy injured and broken" She said, louder than me.

"And you, trapped in the car for hours before losing your leg" I couldn't continue and we both laughed and smiled at our audience.

Who was I kidding, yes my long cast was going to be a steadfast companion, a visible reminder of the fight I won but in the back of my mind and between my legs, I felt a little something. I loved the attention I was getting and the struggling of being on crutches. Not sure why yet but it was kinda turning me on.

A smile curved her lovely lips, a familiar gleam dancing in her eyes.

"And yet Isabelle, you need to be careful who you trust until the investigation is complete," She said after my little play. She was right.

I felt eyes that analysed my every move. Our drinks arrived, and I raised my glass,

"To friendship," I murmured, happiness in my voice.

"And to love," she replied.

Crystal's glass clinked against mine, her eyes gleaming with hope. Maybe after my dark secrets have been laid to rest, love may be possible. A softness enveloped my gaze, a vulnerability. I had to master the art of deception, using my seductive charm and even my broken leg if need be as weapons with the detective.

With Crystal, I couldn't deny a mutual sexual attraction. I touched her stump, yearning for a physical contact and for the first time ever in my life I wondered how she would feel if it was really amputated at the knee or even higher.

As the night wore on, I left the fetish or murderous worlds behind and we shared work related stories. We laughed and smiled and enjoyed ourselves. Briefly, I believed I caught a glimpse of the detective in the corner of the bar, but I quickly dismissed it as a figment of my imagination but it had been enough for the tension to return.

We left the bar, the echoing sound of our crutches filling the night. I was happy I spent the night with Crystal, she had always been my physical and emotional support over the years.

We were only 1 block away from my condo unit, the street was dark, barely illuminated when I saw a shadowy figure emerging from the darkness, between buildings.

My heart skipped a beat and then I saw the sexy and tall detective. Was he hot on my trail, determined to know all my secrets? Instinctively, I positioned myself behind Crystal. The detective's voice pierced the silence, a loud tone of authority.

"Miss Lemaire," he began, his voice sending a chill down my spine.

"I didn't want to bother you too close to breaking your leg but there are still unanswered questions that linger that really need answers"

My eyes narrowed, assessing the situation with a cool, calculating gaze. My persona took over, the same one that spent a lifetime perfecting the art of manipulation, of staying one step ahead. But this unexpected encounter reminded me to stay vigilant because my most guarded secrets could be exposed, if I'm not more careful, during the next few months at least.

While leaning on my crutches, I slowly twisted sideways to face him. I smiled and tilted my head, my eyes looking into his eyes. My long red cast pointing at him, like my gun did before.

"Call me Isabelle, questions, detective?, what questions exactly?"

"I hope I have answers for you."

He was about to say something else but stopped himself. He looked at Crystal and seemed to realized for the first time that she was pretending.

"I'm sure Isabelle that you will have answers so that we can close the case" He said now staring from my broken leg to Crystal one strong leg.

"I don't need to tell you not to play games with the police department or me. Remember that every game has its consequences. See you soon."

He left quickly, leaving me with a sense of unease. Yet, instead of the fear of getting caught, I felt a surge of determination, I felt the thrill of the hunt, except this time I was the one being hunted.

Part 4 to come

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